Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Changing of the WALL!!!

It's the tail end of January and high time to change out the wall of Santas!

I hung them all up in November! 

Didn't take long to get them all down!
My daughter in law, Sherry, came by this evening and when I showed her the 'empty' wall she was surprised it made the room look smaller! You would think the room would look bigger! It is a fairly large room anyway! Instead it seemed to bring the wall IN instead of OUT!

It takes a lot longer to hang pictures UP than it does to take them down!
I change out my paintings from time to time and that cedar wall holds a LOT of nails! I use small wire nails and mostly sawtooth hangers. Nothing fancy. Louis Dean says some of them are hanging on my imagination!
The den isn't entirely clean but I did accomplish a big task.

Today was Tuesday so that usually means a movie and a Goodwill run!
My sister, Luann, joined me to see Captain Phillips. It is an excellent movie and keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way through. This was Luann's first time to see it and my second. I didn't want to spoil it for her so I didn't tell her it had a happy ending! Tom Hanks is an amazing actor. It is so nice to have my sister living back in Texas and close enough to go on adventures together!
We hit up the Goodwill next and I found this BIG teddy bear! What a buy for $2.25! He's sitting on a sturdy red and gray child's chair I got for $1.75! The wreathe, wooden wastepaper basket and 2 new bottles rounded out my treasures! The bear has been laundered and is all clean and fluffy just waiting to meet the quads in the morning!! 


Kathy said...

I think this is the first time I ever saw a wall in your house empty. You are right, it does seem to extend in towards your furniture. Strange the tricks our eyes play on us.

I love teddy bears. The one you got is beautiful and I would have a hard time giving him up.

Vee said...

Your wall is an amazing focal point. I love what you do with it. The quads are going to love that bear so much that they may become the quints!

Wanda said...

I love how you change out your pictures...That is a treasure wall for sure.
I do change my paintings, but don't have a wall to do that. I change the ones in the bedroom when I change bedding for the seasons. And the one over my desk and in the kitchen get changed fairly often. You give me so many good ideas Linda..

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i still have my Christmas tree in the nook....

Lynne said...

A new exhibit for all !
Your gallery wall and your paintings are such a labor of love!
The quads are going to love that snuggly bear!

Kelly said...

The quads are going to LOVE that big teddy bear! You always find the best stuff for them. I loved that Capt. Phillips movie too. I'm disappointed that Tom Hanks wasn't nominated for best actor for it. Your gallery wall looks great. I bet that was a job changing it out.

Susie said...

Sounds like a fun time Linda. I went back through your posts..I have missed seeing the babaies. That was a bunch of babies in the double post.xoxo,Susie

darlin said...

Linda do you ever slow down for a while? Still as busy as ever I see, but in such a fun way. The quads are so big now, precious and adorable. And what are the chances of Amber knowing another Amber with quads? Surreal, so glad to hear they come together to play, fun x 8! :-)

And preytell where does Amber get her energy from? Now learning to judge synchronized swimming, good for her to still be able to get out and do such things!

LD looks comfy cozy in his room, don't tell him but I'm with you on keeping the door closed! lol


darlin said...

Forgot to mention, I LOVE your new header photo!


Your Wall is awesome and never would imagine to change the artwork according to the season! Great big bear for the cutíes too. I too love your new header, what a gorgeous pic! Thanks for your sweet visit to Cayetana, she's having a ball me Reading all her comments to her, lol!