Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Our Last Day in the Country!

 It's been a short but sweet visit here at the ranch and I'm grateful for these four days!
It rained a good part of the day Tuesday much like it did on Monday - just not as dramatic with the lightning and thunder.

Louis Dean worked in his shop room - changing things around and then putting them back in the places they were in two changes ago.

Our dinner Tuesday night!

With wine afterwards by the campfire!
It just doesn't get any better than this!

Louis Dean lost his wedding ring a couple of months ago and he took the peat trap out to see if it was in there. It wasn't.

He had done some southern engineering when he put this sink in - and he has since forgot exactly how he did it!
***Note to self***
Take photos BEFORE we take things apart!

This wasn't the plan to work on the sink on this our last day at the ranch - but it happened.
I do have water in the sink as I write tonight's journal entry.
Thanks to Louis Dean's creativity and duct tape!
It's a temporary fix but I'll take it if that means I can wash dishes in the bathroom sink!
Talk about GLAMPING - I am the Queen of it!

Sherry came down to get me in her buggy and we did a run around some of their property.

I love it here. SO peaceful and quiet. No sirens and traffic noises.
Just critter sounds and soft smells of all things 'country.'

This is their catfish tank!
Looking forward to a fish fry next year!
They really know how to do one!
Dean and Sherry's property extends well beyond that tree line!

Sherry has turned into an avid gardener and has some beautiful plants.
Now that her yard is fenced in from the goats and horses - she is putting down some serious 'roots!'

These pics are from Son Dean and show some of the work being done in the 'new' old house!

Tearing down some walls and building others!
This is so exciting!

Here's Mama cat - mama to some of the cats we adopted some years ago.
She's so much smaller than her offspring!
We have yet to see Tarzan this trip, but Mama cat came down this evening and I fed her a good serving of kibble.

I have been writing my memoir for many years.... I think it's going on 9 years since I started this book. It was on the first trip Deanie Wilson and I made as a sibling trip together. She strongly encouraged me to write our story and took me to visit all our old residences and memory places. She and Lonnie Ewing and Lanita Talley were all sources of encouragement to me. I am writing from 1948 to 2019 and I really and truly want to finish this 'journey' by the end of 2025. We've already lost our sister Lanita Talley , and I realize that - at nearly 76 years of age - if I want to DO something - I must do it now. My plan is to publish one chapter a week beginning in January 2025 - starting with my prolouge - on every Monday. 52 weeks in the year and I'm thinking 50 chapters plus the prologue and epilogue. I'm hoping my editor (Amber Bell) can edit as I go. I do intend to publish it as a book commercially but I need an incentive to 'DO this thing' as my Bell grands would say!
I just finished writing chapter 33 so I am well on my way!

"Each of us is a book waiting to be written, and that book, if written, results in a person explained."

Thomas M. Ciriguans

Monday, July 22, 2024

It's Good to be in the Country!

My plan was to leave around noon on Sunday for the ranch.
I found Samantha and put her right in the carrier but Tabitha had decided to hide and it took me nearly an hour to find her - in the kitchen tucked up between the French door and table and covered up with the puddle of an oversized tablecloth!

We were on our way!
Cooler weather and heavy rain as we drove through Dallas but then the skies cleared up and we drove straight to Mart - by way of the country roads!
We go down Interstate 35 but left it at Milford - a small town that Louis Dean and Ellen taught in long years ago. The country roads are so much prettier than the highways and we actually saved time getting here. We stopped for milk and a few things at Read's Grocery including two racks of pork ribs on sale for $1.59 a pound. Son Dean is going to smoke them for us!

All the rain has made the sunflowers bloom like crazy!
We unloaded and LD mowed the yard while I put things to rights.
I was in a hurry to get down and see the progress at Dean and Sherry's place!

Nice to see the tanks all full and so much luscious greenery.
Some years at this time, the earth is cracked and the ponds are dry.
Last year Sherry drove me through this one on the four-wheeler!

The houses are joined!!

I'm standing in the addition joining the two together!
They have accomplished so much!!!

There's still much to do but it is happening and I hope to help Sherry after work tomorrow.

Notice LD's overalls??
They are one of a kind!
He took a notion to wash them in the bathtub and added a hefty pour of bleach!
Now his relatively new black overalls have a camo look to them!

It's good to be here!

We both slept like babies last night and I couldn't wait to get outside!
Storm clouds were coming up and the temps were only in the 70's.

I picked a large bouquet of flowers and lit a new candle before settling down with my first cup of coffee!

And sure enough - the storm arrived complete with lightning strikes and thunder!

The goats decided to seek protection from the rain under our huge carport!
They huddled between Sherry's truck and ours.
Later LD moved his truck over to the right to give them more room.

They literally jumped when the thunder cracked!!

Love the babies!

They had no trouble making themselves right at home!

Our cats stood at the screen door watching them all morning!

The horses have been known to come stand under the carport - but this time the goats got there first!

Closing tonight's journal entry from the front porch.
We love our campfires here!

Saturday, July 20, 2024

My Newest Art Student!!

Louis Dean and I start nearly every single day with coffee and Quiet Time on the kitchen deck.
We are reading Chuck Swindoll's book - Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life.
I select cards from my memory verse boxes of which I have three. One in the bedroom, one in the kitchen and one in my car. We are in the third year of reading through the Chronological Bible - it takes us longer as we aren't really keeping up with the dates. Another devotional book or two and then our 'Out Loud' reading......The Little House Series - again. Right now we are finishing up Farmer Boy.

While sitting out there we play games seeing things in the, animals, whatever.
My siblings and I used to play this game when we were little.
Linda, Lloydine, Lanita and Lonnie.
Watching the clouds never gets old.

Friday I was cooking for our Saturday when Jesse and Rachel were coming over for art class and lunch. Alas, I needed some fresh broccoli for my soup and our beloved neighbor, Stephanie, ran up to Braums and picked some up for me.

The bonus to this was we got to visit with her for a few minutes!!
She is one of our MOST favorite people in the world!!

 I spent several hours in the kitchen making broccoli cheese soup - using a Bear Creek mix with all sorts of goodies added to it! Plus a Dill Pasta salad box with a bunch of veggies and herbs. Then two family size boxes of strawberry Jello with bananas AND an apple pie!

Preparing ahead of time was a good idea.

Rachel and Jesse arrived and she brought wine!
A sweet pineapple moscato!
The only painting Rachel has done was the 'Painting With a Twist.'
Today she started her first oil painting and she totally rocked it!

We are doing our version of a painted horse....

and we are loving it!

Rachel is the first art student I have had in YEARS!!!
We  both had a ball!!

I am blown away at how well she did!
Such a quick learner and a good eye for color.
I'm so excited to have someone to paint with again!
We've already scheduled or next session.
This project will take a total of 8 painting hours with four sessions of two hours each.
It was a good time!

I neglected to get a pic of my handsome son, Jesse!
He installed an antenna so we have regular TV now.
I canceled Spectrum TV since we didn't use it much and it frustrated Louis Dean.

Jesse also installed a long grab bar in the bathroom for Louis Dean.
He dearly loves his nightly baths and - I'll tell you a secret - he LOVES bubbles, oils and all sorts of bath products.

Lunch was good and I forgot to take pics - how does that happen??

They left shortly after 2:00 and LD and I both took nice long naps.....

I went back to the art table and worked on a canvas I am going to give Bill - a neighbor at the New Mexico cabin in Loma Linda. This was his favorite dog and I'm hoping to finish it in time to take it when we go there next month.

I close tonight's journal entry with this pic of Louis Dean repairing the umbrella that Nita's beloved neighbor, Sheryl, gave us. He absolutely LOVES repairing things. Makes his eyes light up and he gets right to work!

We are going to the ranch tomorow and spend a few days.....
the weather will be mild and there's even rain in the forecast.
I'm excited to get to see the progresss of Dean and Sherry's 1925 house connected to their existing house!

I confess that I am absolutely LOVING decorating for Fall!
Every time I walk into a finished room - I smile so big!
I'll share photos in the coming weeks but I want to have it all DONE before we go to the cabin. 
Some things will wait until September First - as in the fruitcake cookies, Neil Diamond, and a fresh batch of pumpkin muffins.

I am nearly 76 years old and realize that I can do what pleases me and makes me happy!
This in no way takes away one bit of pleasure for my summer loving friends!
Enjoy and celebrate your favorite season - whatever it is!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Monday Things, Tuesday's Treasures and Wednesday's Moments.....

 A new week and the string of good days continue!

I was passing by Tabitha when she reached out and caught my nightgown in her long grown out nails!
Not her fault but mine since I have neglected to keep them in check.
Louis Dean holds her while I cut them and she always hides her head under his arm.
He says it's her "I'm so ashamed I got caught!"
No shame for her but shame on me!

We begin our days out on the kitchen deck with coffee, prayers, Bible reading, devotions and conversation. We usually water while we're out there.
While this summer has been on the 'mild' side - without a daily drink of water - everything dies!

Monday afternoon we had an appointment with Louis Dean's neurologist.
Amber and Mike picked us up and Amber joined us in the visit with the doctor.
We had a good report - LD is still in the moderate stages of vascular dementia and has remained stable.
I understand this is a progressive disease and he will continue to decline - but it seems it will be a slow and steady journey. I consider this a good report.
The doctor went over all the things I should be doing to keep him comfortable and happy and I am doing above and beyond all she suggested. That's because I know and love Louis Dean and therefore can forsee what works for him. I do appreciate the appointments and her advice and always learn something at each visit.

It made Louis Dean feel good to get to spend some time with Amber and Mike and he was happy to show off his garden work and projects he's been doing.
As a caregiver, family support is so very important and I am blessed that all my children love Louis Dean and have been here for us - as has our dear friends, Billy and Brenda.

Monday night's supper!
Right after I took the pic of those gorgeous steaks - they caught fire and I had to use the water hose to put it out! The steaks were great even with the flames.
I am not a good griller and can't figure out why things flame up like they do.
Also amazed that I had enough propane to grill those steaks since I'd left the valve on after grilling last week.

Tuesday is my favorite day of the week and when I went in to have coffee with LD - he showed me his latest project.

Using things I would have thrown away - he made a stand for his music books.

The stand is on a peg that fits into a hole in a box that he keeps his wallet and such in.
He is a clever man!

Although I recently spent hundreds of dollars on my car's brakes - Sunday it flashed LOW BRAKE FLUID.....
When Mike was here on Monday, he specifically asked me if there was anything he could do.....and I forgot about the brake fluid. Now LD used to be able to do that without a second thought.
But now he can't find the brake fluid and he doesn't remember where it goes.
Billy to the rescue!
He arrived with fluid in hand and filled it up for me in time for me to be able to meet up with Brenda for Tuesday Treasure Hunting!

I found a few treasures.....

Inexpensive aprons and a winter shawl that matches one Brenda has!
I am an apron wearer!
Gardening, housework, art, projects......aprons fit all thes ocassions!
I even wear my really nice ones when I hostess.

I scored with three red Christmas chair covers - along with two chairs from Pier 1 Imports.
The dry erase weekly calendar will be good for Louis Dean. He loves calendars and writing things down.

I love spending time with Brenda and after thrifting we eat lunch at Chick Fil-A and often linger long over our iced tea. I always feel better after our visit!

Happy Hour with Louis Dean late on Tuesday afternoon.

Tabitha is turning into a lapcat - which is really strange since she's never been that before!

Today (Wednesday) was glorious!
I slept in and didn't pour my first cup of coffee and go out to visit with LD on the kitchen deck until 11:30! It was cooler than normal - though still hot enough to sweat through your clothes!
The sun was shielded by clouds and it even rained a few light showers!

Louis Dean is so proud of his new garden patch!

We moved all of our 'struggling' things in here - from rose bushes to pepper and tomato plants.

Louis Dean has been so good about staying hydrated and takes his meds as I give them to him, he is happy and loving life and so am I.
For some time, I have been praying for wisdom, knowledge, and discernment and today I realized that God has given me the tools I need to be a blessing to Louis Dean and I have adjusted my attitude and expectations as I learn more about what he is experiencing.
A slower pace of life with regular routines.
Being sociable but without a large group of people around....other than church in which he felt very comfortable - probably because of the Bells being there.
Clear projects with simple steps.
Physical work without getting overheated and overtired.
Calm evenings with wine on the driveway and a good night's sleep.

Tonight's dinner involved a good bitof leftovers but it was so GOOD!

It's nearly 8:00 as I write today's journal post and Louis Dean is already outside with his glass of chillable red wine (from a box) waiting for me to join him.

In happy memories from one year ago ...

we were at the ranch and drove to the 1925 house Dean and Sherry bought.

I helped her strip original wallpaper off......

A photo from Dean today.....
the house is in its forever place and has been leveled and the connecting building is well underway!
I miss being down there and seeing all the things happening.....
Hopefully we can visit soon even if it's just a long weekend.

I've been praising God for the milder summer we are having!

Three years ago….. I’m so profoundly grateful for every single one of my memories with my sister, Lanita Talley. I can’t remember us ever having a cross word so ALL my memories are such sweet ones…..
After she died on July 6, 2022 -I was devastated as was all of our family. I sought something to do that would give me comfort and that was decorating for fall. In 2023 I started my fall decorating once again as that ‘anniversary’ was so emotionally painful. Once again, in 2024 - I am finding a degree of peace and comfort as I surround myself and fill my home with fall leaves, garlands and pumpkins. I love you, my dear sister! Loved you on earth and I love you in heaven and I know we will love each other when I join you. I still think of and miss you every single day….