Saturday, January 18, 2014

Quiet Time in Nature

I do SO love a good Saturday! This morning I woke up to the smell of coffee! Louis Dean got up before I did and hit the start buttons on our two coffee pots! HE has a large pot of 'truck driver' coffee while I have a much smaller pot of flavored gourmet coffee! We spent a leisurely morning before we headed over to Quadville for the afternoon!

Today was Mike's birthday and our 'gift' to him was to stay with the quads while he and Amber had an afternoon for themselves! The babies were asleep when we arrived so before A&M left, so I went out BEHIND their house to do a little nature walk.

This bench was stacked with vines and dead wood. I cleaned it all off and pulled it over to smoother ground.......

then I propped my feet up and enjoyed a little 'Quiet Time.'
You would never know you were in Dallas CITY limits by looking at the view back there.

How cool to be able to get to a lovely piece of nature by walking past the back yard?

This was the view in front of me. I loved sitting out there and listening to the birds and you could hear the water in the stream that flows crystal clear down in the ravine.

Kailey and Harrison woke up first from their naps so we brought them downstairs to hang out while Trystan and Logan continued to sleep.

 They enjoyed being in the living room and exploring!

It's ridiculous how excited we get when the babies wake up!!
Trystan was STILL asleep at 3:30 so I went in and gently woke her.
She was super excited to see Granddad downstairs!

They were doing the 'Quad Twist!'

I snapped this pic JUST as Logan was sliding down in the same moment Harrison decided to SIT down - right on Logan's head!!

We like to keep them entertained so when there was a lull in the action Granddad gave them a basket slide!

They LOVED it!!

Trystan is so sweet!! I think she was thanking Granddad for playing!

They were all excited when Mama and Daddy got home!
The girls tried walking in Mama's boots!
I hope and pray they truly DO!

"As is the mother - so is her daughter."


Wanda said...

What a beautiful Sunday you had Linda. Funny how you had your quiet time in Nature...My Thoughts for Sunday talked about where we find a personal place to reflect, worship and pray. Looks like you found yours.
As always I love watching Grandpa and the quads. They are so darling.
Blessing and Hugs for a great week.

Wanda said...

Sorry...senior moment...What a beautiful Saturday. We went to a funeral today, and I keep thinking it's Sunday.

Deb said...

what a fun day...those babies are just precious!!! Granddad sure keeps them going too...aren't our sweeties lucky to have their Grandpa's so much a part of their lives...

Jutta said...

What a back yard! Holy cow! Just think how much fun all that area will be when the babies grow up a bit more and start to enjoy it. Awesome! I am able to imagine what fun activities it will be covered with. Like playing cowboys and indians for instance since you are living in Texas. Teepees and barns. Perhaps ponies as well at times of parties! Why not?!

Laura said...

What a beautiful time you had with those precious grandbabies!
I miss my grandsons.
What a treat to find another Texas blogger!

I live in South Texas but one of our adult daughters lives in Dallas.

Enjoyed visiting, and I am a new follower.

White Spray Paint blog

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a fantastic gift for them and the view is awesome... i love all the photos you take of LD and the babies, they look so happy and are priceless memories for when the babies grow up...
love that new version of the dance called The Stomp....

Vee said...

Pure sweetness! Hope that your son-in-law had a very happy birthday!

Lynne said...

Such a lovely environment to bring up those precious babes!
We had dinner with Chrislyn, Jason and the grands last night. Every visit is better than the previous time. I can tell it's the same for you and LD!
I am glad to here that you are feeling better!

Nonnie said...

What a beautiful day and a wonderful place to have a quiet time and for those kiddos to have such a grand place to play. Love it.

Deanie W said...

I love those videos. Most precious children. I have got to get back over there soon:)

Carla said...

You and LD are wonderful grandparents. It's very obvious those little babe's love y'all