Tuesday, January 21, 2014

An Almost 'Normal' Tuesday!

I woke up this morning a couple of HOURS before Louis Dean! It's usually the other way around but last night he didn't sleep well for some reason. I puttered around, had coffee and even did my Pilate's exercises!
He STILL wasn't awake! I went in a couple of times to make sure he was breathing!
When he finally woke up I could hear him in the kitchen and I called out, "Do I hear a MOUSE in there?"
This is what he ALWAYS says to me every single morning. And I always answer, "NO! Just a great big rat!" I guess both of us just hang around waiting for the other one to wake up!!

Since it was Tuesday I took in a movie at the Starplex.
A dear friend, Debbie, went with me and we saw 'Last Vegas.'
It was pretty good and a good bit of it hit pretty close to home.
Four old friends get together with emphasis on the old for a celebration/party weekend.
Debbie and I are 'old' friends and have known each other for close to 35 years I believe.
We have shared many experiences over the years and now here we are Senior Citizens and STILL sharing experiences!

From the movie we went straight to the thrift stores where I donated a load from the trunk and then proceeded to buy ANOTHER load thus replacing the one I'd just unloaded thereby making no progress at ALL when it comes to weeding out all my 'DEBRIS!'

But what lovely things I found!!
Like this lamp for my desk in the sewing room!

How about this perky little red coffee pot?
I'm going to take it down to the ranch and use it in our camper.
Since it was Senior Citizen day I got everything 25% off!
Win! WIN!!!
I also picked up six large thick towels for my stepson's dogs.
They need warm dog blankets and these towels will work perfect!
A couple of pillows - one for the porch and one for the den - rounded out my haul!

Then there was this lovely faux flower arrangement.

It was just too pretty to pass up and now it is living on my den coffee table right next to some greenery I bought at Goodwill last year! See the coasters? They were gifts from a dear blogging friend and I think about her every single day because I use these every single day! 

My last treasure find were three tiny bracelets!
One for each of my three grand quad girls!
$0.79 each minus 25%!

I am already looking forward to giving them to them tomorrow morning when we go to Quadville!

Once home all that shopping and having fun had tired me out so I tucked myself into the guest room and took a late afternoon nap!
I think by next week I may be ready to add ART back and then it really will be a NORMAL Tuesday!!


Jan said...

My mom had a lamp like that in her bedroom-so pretty! Love seeing all your treasures that you find at the thrift shop-I like poking around those shops when I get the chance. The bracelets are precious!

Deb said...

love that lamp....you need to try the Curiosty Shop on Rock Island close to MacAurthur...she has the coolest things there....love the bracelets...I know the girls will too...

Wanda said...

Great finds. Don and I saw Last Vegas, and yes..we too could relate to some of the OLD humor.

The quad girls are gonna love those little bracelets.

Pondside said...

Whew - once again I have to say that you pack more into a day than anyone I know!

Changes in the wind said...

I love shopping at the thrift store too:)

Jackie See said...

I love how you call your "finds" debris! I have been purging these past couple of weeks and it is quite depressing, and not a lot of fun, but necessary. We have a great Goodwill in our small town, not sure where all their goodies get brought in from, but they have some great bargains. Just down the road on Old Route 66, they have a drive-in theatre,it is a lot of fun in the summer. Glad you shared Linda, I always enjoy your posts.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so what will you give the boy quad? senior discounts are one of the perks of being senior. and good for you turning in one load before bringing home more... i saw a show on hoarders and it said every time you bring something home, get rid of one thing for each you bring home

Vee said...

Does your hubby know that you're checking on him. Once John was sleeping so quietly I did the same thing. Startled him pretty good. LOL!

You always find the nicest things. It's why I stay out of the shops. I am too easily tempted; however, it seems as if I need a few things.

Sweet Tea said...

I've been wanting to see that movie. Was the language very raunchy? I think Mom would enjoy it too, possibly...I've left several sacks of "stuff" at Goodwill lately AND have managed to "just drive away". Yay me!

Linda said...

Great post, Linda! I haven't been to a movie theater in quite sometime!

Debbie said...

I don't know about normal but I do know this sounds like a wonderful day!!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

what a wonderful things you were able to find! My dad loves when he gets his senior discount