Saturday, January 11, 2014

A Glorious Saturday!

Only in Texas!!! Last Saturday was COLD and today was like SPRING!

At 5:30 it was a wonderful 69 degrees!

Louis Dean and I had our first glass of wine sitting on the driveway in this new year of 2014!

I worked HARD today using yard tools I haven't seen lately!
I forgot to take an 'after' pic - but still have more to do tomorrow afternoon after church.
It is supposed to be even warmer - up in the 70's!
Typical Texas weather!

The colored lights from Christmas are gone and I added some strings of fresh white ones.

Our poor door has had a time of it this year. The house has shifted and made it hard to open.
Louis Dean fixed it - and then it rained and rained and this made it even worse than it WAS!

You can see the wood putty he used along the top. He had to remove most of it!
Tomorrow we are going to put new trim up and stain the putty and hopefully sand it down where it opens easily! I'm thinking of buying some herbs to put in my small brass planters. I love the fragrance and I think there would be enough sun. Then I could plant them outside come spring!

The den is clean and now the foyer is spruced up. 
I will get up in the shed attic and bring down my wreathes and a few things for spring.

It felt so GOOD to FEEL good today!!!
Louis Dean is deep into football as I journal tonight.
I think I will take a hot shower, put on my flannel PJ's and join him in watching the last half.
Tomorrow we get to go to church!!


LV said...

No where but Texas can your freeze one day and be warm the next. This Saturday was perfect and Sunday is to be as well. Going to enjoy it as I am sure it will not last.

Bev said...

Linda back home...we have a cold spell... like last week one day it was -31C...then the next day it was +1C..... so glad I am in AZ:)!!! It has been consistent this Jan!!! Sunny and warm!!

Judy said...

Glad it was a nice day...and you were feeling good! Chatted with my sis in south Texas this morning...and she was enjoying a lovely day. It was actually summer-like over there.

Wanda said...

That was a glorious day indeed. You home always looks so cheery with all your lights... I love lamps, and have many different sizes and watts all over my house along with nightlights..I like LIGHT!
So glad you had a CA day today. We had sunshine and football too. I made a crock pot of BBQ meat balls, a potato salad, and chips and dips. I told my was an indoor tail gate party. Think I'll hit the bed pretty soon too. Church tomorrow. Sweet Dreams.

Pondside said...

You have such crazy weather! I'd love to be sipping a glass of wine outside, but that will have to wait for a little while.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the photo of the wine glasses and we are having the same thing here, cold and hot cold and hot... nothing in between

Aloha Acres said...

So happy that you are feeling better and back to your projects. I know you enjoy being busy.

Stacey said...

Hi Linda. Just ran across your blog today. I see that you live in Irving...I'm not far away, I live in Rockwall. So glad to find you. ;)

Vee said...

It made me smile to think of both of you out enjoying some driveway time. We'd have to skate out to sit in our driveway. My daughter sent over a sand truck to sand the drive on her dime...sweet gal...but it melted over the top of it so it's back to the rink.

Nuts to the door fix not holding up. Always something with a house. I like the fairy lights by the door. It looks pretty and magical.

bj said...

I am LOVIN, LOVIN, LOVIN' your header. It is sooo perfect for a Linda that loves and enjoys life as much as YOU do. :)
Oh, yes, I love living in Texas and our weather has been so amazing for January. Supposed to get in the 70's sometime this coming week.
hugs, bj

Kelly said...

Yesterday was pretty here too (after a heavy rain in the morning). I was happy to go outside in short sleeves! Although, I think you had better weather than us. Today was a bit cooler though. So glad that you're feeling better now. Hope you end up getting your door fixed too.

Carla said...

Can you believe this weather? No where but Texas can you you experience 3-4 of the seasons in one day.. Walked out this morning to head to work in a balmy 36 degrees and by the afternoon it will be 70. I like the 70 much better.
Stay well. Hugs