Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Our Last Day in the Country!

 It's been a short but sweet visit here at the ranch and I'm grateful for these four days!
It rained a good part of the day Tuesday much like it did on Monday - just not as dramatic with the lightning and thunder.

Louis Dean worked in his shop room - changing things around and then putting them back in the places they were in two changes ago.

Our dinner Tuesday night!

With wine afterwards by the campfire!
It just doesn't get any better than this!

Louis Dean lost his wedding ring a couple of months ago and he took the peat trap out to see if it was in there. It wasn't.

He had done some southern engineering when he put this sink in - and he has since forgot exactly how he did it!
***Note to self***
Take photos BEFORE we take things apart!

This wasn't the plan to work on the sink on this our last day at the ranch - but it happened.
I do have water in the sink as I write tonight's journal entry.
Thanks to Louis Dean's creativity and duct tape!
It's a temporary fix but I'll take it if that means I can wash dishes in the bathroom sink!
Talk about GLAMPING - I am the Queen of it!

Sherry came down to get me in her buggy and we did a run around some of their property.

I love it here. SO peaceful and quiet. No sirens and traffic noises.
Just critter sounds and soft smells of all things 'country.'

This is their catfish tank!
Looking forward to a fish fry next year!
They really know how to do one!
Dean and Sherry's property extends well beyond that tree line!

Sherry has turned into an avid gardener and has some beautiful plants.
Now that her yard is fenced in from the goats and horses - she is putting down some serious 'roots!'

These pics are from Son Dean and show some of the work being done in the 'new' old house!

Tearing down some walls and building others!
This is so exciting!

Here's Mama cat - mama to some of the cats we adopted some years ago.
She's so much smaller than her offspring!
We have yet to see Tarzan this trip, but Mama cat came down this evening and I fed her a good serving of kibble.

I have been writing my memoir for many years.... I think it's going on 9 years since I started this book. It was on the first trip Deanie Wilson and I made as a sibling trip together. She strongly encouraged me to write our story and took me to visit all our old residences and memory places. She and Lonnie Ewing and Lanita Talley were all sources of encouragement to me. I am writing from 1948 to 2019 and I really and truly want to finish this 'journey' by the end of 2025. We've already lost our sister Lanita Talley , and I realize that - at nearly 76 years of age - if I want to DO something - I must do it now. My plan is to publish one chapter a week beginning in January 2025 - starting with my prolouge - on every Monday. 52 weeks in the year and I'm thinking 50 chapters plus the prologue and epilogue. I'm hoping my editor (Amber Bell) can edit as I go. I do intend to publish it as a book commercially but I need an incentive to 'DO this thing' as my Bell grands would say!
I just finished writing chapter 33 so I am well on my way!

"Each of us is a book waiting to be written, and that book, if written, results in a person explained."

Thomas M. Ciriguans