Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuesday Treasures!

Sister Luann called this morning and we made a plan to go Goodwill Hunting and have lunch. Goodwilling is always more fun when you go with someone!
We hit up two thrift stores - and I tend to call just about all of them 'Goodwills' - when we stopped for lunch before visiting the third and last one out on Rock Island Road.

Applebee's was our choice and it was really good.
Isn't she cute?? I love this pic of her!
Our server's name was Lulu.....we like that name!

We ended up ordering the same thing - soup and salad!
We lingered long over lunch and after and Lulu was so kind to us, bringing Luann a 'tea to go' - and then refilling it before we left!
Most of the time when we visit, it is rather light hearted and fun, and today was no exception.
Except we had about an hour's worth of 'deep conversation.' And I was the one who did the talking for that hour. You see, I am about to meet three new siblings and am now in the same situation that Luann was in some years ago. That was what started our conversation but then I shared with my sister a brief synopsis of what my book is about. A memoir and not a biograpghy. The book is based on my personal memories of Mother. And the last chapter will be when she died.....and now with an epilogue celebrating the fact that I discovered who my father was by way of finding three other precious siblings.
So 'Mother' is the thread that runs through the book. Luann is well aware that Mother was not there for her or her sister, Shari, nor was she there for the four of us who grew up together after the year of 1957, but, what I shared today was the times Mother was there for me in some crucial periods of my life after I was an adult.
I think it helps if we can understand that no one is all good or all bad. We are, every one of us, a combination of both, and we can grow in grace because of Christ, as he takes the 'bad' things that happen to us and work them out for our good. Everything we go through makes us who we will untimately become. And I am not the person today that I was back in the years when life was so difficult for me. I'm pretty sure it's the same with nearly everyone.
I shared with my sister what my life was like as an adult all the up to the year I turned 50. 
That's when God truly began to change my life and helped me to see - and to believe - I have choices. Mother helped me in so many ways and she was there for me then as she had never been before.

I can tell - and I am telling - my story by way of my memoir, without crying.
Indeed, when I recounted to her the very worse day of my entire life, I didn't cry.
I can't even bring that pain back to my mind now. I remember it.....but I no longer feel it.
And I am praying my sister can do the same thing someday.
I am confident that day will come.

And these are my Tuesday Treasures!
I bought loads of good books for my younger grands. Used books are a fraction of the cost of new ones and they read exactly the same! One book I bought today - Julie's Wolf Pack by Jean Craighead George - I will start reading tonight. We read Julie of the Wolves back in our homeschooling days and I can't wait to read this one. Some of these books I have read before and the others I will read before giving them to the kids just to make sure they are appropriate. 

I also found some books for me and one to give Sister Nita.

The clothes do not look like much from the photos but I can't wait to wear some of them.
Brenda gave me several nice things yesterday! Like a pair of super nice white pants with a classy top and today I bought a black cap with bling to go with it. Plus an elegant black top to pair with the white pants and a brand new black/white long scarf/shawl.
I'm beginning to put together outfits for my trip to Kansas City!
In line at one of the thrift store, the young people behind me were talking about Kansas City. 
Apparently they are down here for a conference of some sort and I enjoyed hearing them chat about things back home. I kind of wanted to tell them that I would be travelling there soon.

I had just enough time to tell my sister goodbye, unload all my treasures and take my traditional photos of everything and then it was time to head to Dallas to watch Harrison's soccer game.

Yesterday was 93 degrees!
Today was chilly!!!

Kailey feels it is her solemn duty to take my phone and get photos for me....
and she took lots of them and I really appreciate that!
This was a good one - but there was one even better.

Can you see Harrison behind that blue ball?
Talk about an action photo!!!

On our way home tonight, Louis Dean said he had not eaten anything since the two mini bagels with cream cheese that I had fixed for him this morning. Except for one cherry turnover.
He decided he was hungry for Long John Silver's Fish.....so I drove to where we thought there was one ....but it's gone. So then we decided to make do with Arby's. But that was take out only. SO....we drove back down Beltline to The Catch and they were still open. Most places close at 9:00 since Covid.
We're not sure why since that makes no sense. 

Anyway, he was one happy man!!!

We are home and I am not going to stay up late!
Louis Dean is all caught up on his sleep and I'm thinking it's time to get caught up on mine......
so with that I bid you all.......


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I hope you are going to publish your memoir. I would love to read it. I wasn't raised with my birth mother or siblings and don't know much about my birth father. I reconnected with my birth family when I was in my 20s. I don't know your whole story, but we may have some things in common.... I LOVE going to thrift stores. So does my hubby. Thrift stores are the best places to find good books. Looks like you found some treasures and had a very nice lunch with your sister. I would love having my sisters live nearby, but one lives in Colorado and the other in New York. It is so good when we can see the hand of God working for good in our lives. It is then that we can heal and forgive others. Hope you have a good Wednesday.

Deanna Rabe said...


Your words today really touched my heart. I have some deep hurts and Tim and I have just been talking about how I can't talk of them without crying. I am in the process of letting them go, and having peace about those situations.

I think you and Luanne have some similar features. I am so glad you all have each other, and I am super excited for you to meet your siblings on your dad's side! What a gift!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love how you've connected with your familyand how now you are all so close. Hopefully that will be how it goes with the new ones you are going to meet. I spent time with my sister yesterday too, but we did no shopping. You always find some wonderful things. You had a busy but full day of love with family.

Changes in the wind said...

What a special time you shared with your sister and am happy you found this other siblings and will be able to meet them and find out more about you father. You are so right that the Lord can take the bad and turn it to good. LD surely did look happy with that fish:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you hat this this time with your sister and hope your story will help her with hers. I had not heard about telling the story and not crying means you are healed, but now that you said it, i believe that is true. that applies to the loss of our dogs. I still can't talk about Big Boy without tears in my eyes, but can talk about the other dogs. All the things that happened to me did not compare to yours, but the hurtful things I can talk about. there are still a couple tht i still get angry though...

photowannabe said...

Whew...what a busy day..so glad it was a real winner too.
Having deep conversations with those you love is so special and healing too.
Jour memory book will be profound for everyone. Healing does take time but I thank the Lord that it can happen. I agree about the crying that is from hurt. Emotions are strange and sometimes unpredictable. Praying for your Sis and her healing process too.
Love your Thrift purchases.
Enjoy your day.

Wanda said...

I'm a little overwhelmed reading you stories, how you face life, and how Christ has made the difference. That so true of many of our "broken lives". You have been so honest and open, where most of us aren't.
I have loved you from the beginning, and now my love and respect for you goes even deeper.
Been reading in Ephesians. And that overwhelms me too, that God choose me, called me, saved me, adopted me, and is preparing me a place to be with Him forever.

Thanks again, Linda....You are a treasure!!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are so very wise! And you have also been through so much. What a wonderful lunch this must have been. This Harrison photo is truly amazing; Kailey has the talent to be a professional photographer.

Carole said...

If you need an early reader for your memoir... Just offering. Cheers

Debbie said...

Your words are like salve to my heart, Linda. Being able to talk about past experiences without crying is such a release from that bondage to hurt and disappointment. Praise God you are healed from the pasts painful memories, and are able to now minister healing to others in your life.
The rest of your post was filled with the usual happiness you fill your time with....family, shopping, hubby, food...lol. You are such an inspiration to me dear friend. Have a Happy Mother's Day, Linda. xxoo

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Despite the sad times in your life that are thankfully in the past, Linda, you manage to uplift the spirits of so many through your blog posts. I am sure that the lunch and then thrift store shopping with your sister Luann was uplifting to her as well. And, it's always fun to see your "find." Sure glad that you found a place open so LD could get supper.

LC said...

One of my favorite long-sleeved tops was a thrift store find. Your post triggered another thrift store memory of my own. Maybe it will turn into a thrift store post of my own. I enjoyed your day!