Thursday, May 13, 2021

Thursday Things.....

 Louis Dean and I seem to take turns waking up earlier than the other these days.
Here lately I have been getting up a good two hours or more before he does.....

....and I truly treasure this time.
I empty the dishwasher while the coffee makes, then I do the kitty chores, cracking them an egg, filling their bowl with cat food and doing the old poopy scoop routine...then I take my coffee out to the deck and have my quiet time. This morning I had Blueberry Crumble coffee from Aldi - and I was there today to pick up a few things and checked to see if they still have the coffee - they don't!

The backyard neighbors have a HUGE cottonwood tree and it is snowing seed big time!
It's formed fluffy mounds in the flower beds and all over the yard, gathering in every nook and cranny, and then the wind picks up and blows them around rearranging the drifts

I try not to check social media - aka Facebook, email and the blog - untl after my morning devotionals..

One of the first things I check is Memories on Facebook.
This photo popped up today - Amber and I back on this day in 2007.
Amber worked for Houston Modern Luxury and we were attending a gala.....
I love my memories.

This afternoon I picked up my new glasses!!
These are my 'dress up' glasses because they have some bling on them.
Summer was with me and we went right around the corner and down the street to visit Kimmy and June. I had chocolate chip cookies for them!

It was so good to SEE them!!
This pair of glasses are my new 'everyday' ones and I have had them on since 3:15 this afternoon!
Only ONE pair!!! Beats the layering I was doing!

I did a few errands on our way home and then started supper while Summer went out to the front to pull weeds. Yardwork is good therapy and I was grateful for the help!

I fixed a brown and yellow meal tonight!
Corn, cheese covered company potatoes and garlic toast for the yellows.....
baked beans and meat loaf for the browns!
Not a well balanced meal nor appealing to the eye, but it was comfort food.

Summer took this photo of us while we were sitting out back admiring the work Louis Dean had done today. Slow and steady - he is making progress on the patio by the back pond.
We will be married 16 years on June 26th.....and these have been the happiest years of my life!

I am getting so excited about my upcoming trip! 
This time next week, I will be in Kansas City, Missouri!!
My Brother Buster and I have talked several times on the phone and I can't wait to meet him in person!
He's taking next Friday off of work so we can spend some time together, go visit our father's grave, and show me some of his history. Sister Rita messaged me and we will be having lunch on Friday with her. I'll be meeting and spending some time wit my youngest sister, Lori, on Saturday.

I have an appointment with Dr. Abraham on Monday morning for my yearly check up. Nowadays, you can check in online, so that's what I did tonight. I was reviewing my information before submitting it when I noticed under 'family history' and where it said Father, next to it was the word 'other.' Meaning I did not know who he was and therefore have no medical history on him. It made me smile to think about telling Dr. Abraham I need to update my family history! My father's name was Leo Everett Gage and he was born in 1922 and died of cancer in 1969. Never in a million years did I ever dream I would know anything about my father! I am counting down the days until I get to Kansas City!
Another super special blessing is that Sister Nita and Mike are taking me.

I'm grateful for all the times I have taken a chance.....
those chances have brought me so much joy......and changed my life in ways I never imagined!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What an adventure you have coming up; surely one of the biggest of your life. It is soexciting. I really like both of your new glasses. I like the dressy ones the best. The shedding cottonwood tree looks like snow.

markntina said...

Glad your coming to KC. The weather is supposed to be rainy ,rainy. May be by next Friday it will be out of here. Hope you have a Wonderful visit with your family.

MimiG said...

Linda, it gives me goosebumps to think of you with MORE of your family next week. I am so happy for you to get to meet, HUG and talk with your brother and sisters from the midwest. I'll be saying some prayers specifically for you and them - and wishing you much joy on seeing their faces and them seeing yours!
Prayers continue for Summer, she is such a beauty, and I pray for less pain - no pain - whichever God chooses.
Devin had his casings and frames made for the head cast he will wear during Radiation treatments. They plan to begin early June. Still no decision on chemo. He asked if he could spend the night with me last night and would I cook for him. Of course, I said yes! I knew he wanted shrimp and tilapia (both his and Alex's favorite meal). So good to see him eat after losing down into the 120s. They told him he could gain up to 5 pounds before they would have to remake the head cast - he probably gained 3 pounds last night - had a stomach ache by the time he finished!!
Much love sent your way - Louis Dean is really doing a great job on the yard. He loves the outside work, doesn't he? Can't wait to see it when it's finished!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. So glad you are going to meet your father's side of your birth family. That will be such a wonderful blessing for you. Have a great trip!

Deanna Rabe said...

You have such a beautiful story, friend! God has redeemed the hard things and brought joy in their place! Beauty for Ashes!

Your siblings are going to love you. You have such a loving and thoughtful heart!

I'm excited with you about next week!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I know you are excited about your trip. I hope things go well. I know they will all be blessed by getting to know YOU! Sweet hugs, Diane

Elizabeth said...

Both sets of glasses look really nice on you.

God has been so good to bring these new family members into your life.
What a true blessing for you. Some people never get to know their family history.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love the picture of you and Louis Dean. You look so happy together! I do like your new glasses. They are both very attractive ! You do have some exciting days ahead of you ! Take care and keep well.

photowannabe said...

Your wonderful adventure is coming so quickly. I am so happy for you. Finding family and getting to actually meet and
Love your new glasses. Makes you more beautiful than you already are!
The photo that Summer took of you and LD is so precious. You need to have that printed for your anniversary.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can feel your excitement coming through the screen, and that is so cool to have the info to update your history with the doctor office. 16 years of bliss is super wonderful and you both look so sweet together in the new photo. i miss having alone time without Bob. i have had 2 one hour slots in the past week, i sent him to the Y pool to swim and I stayed home and it was heaven. we are together 24/7 365 days a year and it is to much. he used to be gone several hours at least 3 days a week to the park flying planes. now he is not. he is bored to tears and makes me unhappy

Robyn said...

Ohh Linda I am so excited for you for this trip!...and also so happy for you that you have found the connection. It's important...I love the photos you shared especially the one of you and Louis Dean. What a great photo of the both of you....Your anniversary also falls one what was my mothers birthday. It will be a good day!

Carole said...

Good luck with your sibling meetings - it's so exciting - would love to see your family tree. Cheers

Changes in the wind said...

Rather than repeating things I will simply say Deanna said it best. Excited for you and happy that your won't be going alone. Great picture of you and LD.

LC said...

Your "unbalanced" dinner looked delicious to this fan of all items pictured! May your sibling reunion be joyful!

Eva said...

I've been meaning to ask--in what post did you tell about finding your paternal siblings? I must've missed that segment and I'm very interested to know more!