Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day!

 It has been a beautiful Mother's Day!
Louis Dean didn't sleep well so he opted to take the day to rest while I got dressed and went on to church where I met up with Amber, Mike, and the family.

They had cool photo ops set up inside but we decided to skip the lines and do our own outside.
Seems I am loving my black and white outfits lately!

Kailey got the memo and wore hers, too!
The kids are growing up so fast it makes my head swim!

We all went out to lunch at On the Border and was surprised at no lines!
Several years ago I went to church with my oldest son, Jesse, and his family and we ate out afterwards as did just about everyone else!
I suppose the restaurants are not seeing as many patrons just yet.

After our meal, Mike took the kids off to see his mom and Amber and I went shopping!
TJ Max and HomeGoods! Two favorites!

I bought these four pieces including the sandals and will wear this as one of my traveling outfits either to or from Kansas City. That trip is coming right up in just 10 days!!

I had such a good time shopping.....I truly don't go to many stores except Aldi, thrift stores and Dollar Generals. Love this cute little black and white broom!

And I got so many little things I needed and one thing I just saw, wanted and so I bought it!
That would BEE the Bee coffee cup and I shall be drinking out of it in the morning!
Tea, candle, dust pan and broom, mascara, grooming tools, dry shampoo and more.
I have been using the L'Oreal rosy tinted moisturizer since Christmas when Amber gave me a jar.
I also bought another jar of the night cream and some makeup remover sheets.
I have ruined so many white washcloths!
Summer recently bought a nice stack of brand new ones for me and I am pitching all my old ones and will use them as rags. Do you have a 'rag bag?' I do!

Mike and the kids arrived and Kailey was racing through the house noticing the new fridge and the changes in Louis Dean's bathroom and exclaimed, "Everything is CHANGING around here!!"

I'm not sure about where I'm going on his bathroom but I do know I want to stucco the walls, seal them and paint them using a faux glaze - much as I did in the laundry room.
No clue what I am going to do with the cabinet. I have sanded it and will use stripper to get the rest off.
I have a can of chalk paint I bought awhile back and will dabble with that.
I figure it will come to me as I go.....or I sure do HOPE so!!

I've spent the better part of this evening making Texas Trash...about half the amount I normally make at Christmas. This batch is crispier than what I made in December because I'm using more 'goop'....aka butter and Worcestershire sauce.

All four of my children went in and bought the perfect Mother's Day gift for me and I am loving it!
But I don't have a single picture of it yet but I'll fix that by tomorrow night's journal entry!

Now it's back to the kitchen making trash until time to go to bed.....which will be when the last batch comes out of the oven and cools enough to put in the trash bag! Because I really do use a trash can for this!


Arlene G said...

What a lovely Mothers Day!! And I like black and white too, so much so that most of my closet is black and white. It is classic fashion.:) Now I cant wait to find out what your children got you for Mother's day. Landon and Amelia came by and Landon has had a growth spurt and is almost as tall as me.( 5'7") I heard from all of my kiddos and got some sweet gifts as well. It was a good day. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the bathroom. I have used chalk paint and it is so easy....much quicker to dry than the regular paint. Have a blessed Monday.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I will not sleep well tonight wondering and waiting to see what you got for Mothers day... 😁 I love the photos of you and Amber in your black and white and Amber and the kids, oh Wow, they are almost as tall as she is. how could they grow so fast? glad you got a a shopping trip out on mothers day. perfect gift for you... like the new outfit to meet the new family. i wish i had your energy

Sharon Larson said...

What a lovely Mother's Day Linda! I thoroughly enjoy your blog. The reading is always FUN and I learn something. Joyful living. I wanted to share a tip that perhaps would be useful. Several years ago, I changed to black washcloths that I keep in a drawer for night time makeup removal. No more grungy always dirty looking washcloths. I have a stack I keep in a drawer. Just sharing. Blessings to you and Louis Dean.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my it looks like a wonderful Mothers's Day! I love the back and white outfits too. It's nice to shop with a daughter, I have one who loves to shop too. I also want out to dinner, with my daughter and her family. It was such a treat . Haven't been out to eat in a long long time. Hope you have a wonderful new week ahead.

photowannabe said...

What a blessed Mother's Day you had.
I love your traveling outfit...Great color for your coloring.
As Sandra said...I wish I had your energy...
The Texas Trash looks yummy...I think I would eat far too much of it.
Love you and can't wait to see what your gift from the family is.

Estelle's said...

You look cute as a button as does Amber....what a lovely Mother's Day you had...blessings to all....wishing you the best week!

LC said...

"Trash" was a must at Christmas and other family celebrations when I was a child and later as a young adult. When my mother checked herself into an assisted living studio apartment, my oldest son took on the role as trash master.

By that time health issues had me giving up my normal trash consumption. Now son has had to give it up too. I can truly say we are no longer trashy people! Lovely photos to record a lovely day with special folks!

Debbie said...

your trash always looks so good, one day i am going to make it!!

that outfit looks like a good travel outfit!! that is a gorgeous picture of you and amber and amber and those darling kids!!

Debbie said...

ooooh i forgot to say happy mothers day...better late than never!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You and Amber looked so beautiful in your B&W outfits, Linda! I can't believe how tall and handsome/beautiful the quads are now! Grandchildren seem to grow up even faster than our children did, don't they?
Love all your shopping goodies. My favorite places to browse are Home Goods--I always find something delightful there-- and World Market which always has some unusual food treats to try.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I can't wait to see the Mother's Day gift! There are a lot of bee things in T.J. Maxx and Home Goods. And every time I see any, I think of you.