Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hamburger Cakes, Thriller and other Weekend Things!

We have had so much fun this weekend! AND it's not over YET!!!
Friday morning Deanie did the Beauty Shop Run for Mother and I stayed home and baked Hamburger Cakes.

I wanted to take special treats for Andie's talent show celebration.
(Remember? Andie is Deanie's one and only granddaughter!)

It was not hard - just tedious as I only had ONE muffin top tin.
The recipe actually called for used tuna cans but that didn't happen.

The Brownie mix did make great hamburger patties!

All wrapped up and ready to go.......just 2 hours later!

We drove over to Fort Worth in 5:00 traffic!
Nita had dinner on the table when we arrived - her famous Taco Soup and an AWESOME Avocado Salad!!!! I NEED that recipe!!!

We had dinner and drove to the school and were in our seats at 7:00 - just as we were supposed to be!

Louis Dean wanted to sit by Deanie!!!
He really does love her as much as he would if she were his blood sister!

Andie dancing to The Thriller!

No one does MJ like Andie!!!

Andie's Talent show is something we ALL look forward to every year.
Sadly - this was her last one as she heads off to middle school next year.

My sister, Nita, and Andie - the STAR of the show!

Mother and three of her great grands!!

Can you say CUTIE pie???

This guy LOVED my 'Hamburgers!'
He wolfed them down!!!

We had a great time visiting and having fun before we went back home to spend the night in Nita and Mike's guest room. Nita and I enjoyed a drink before bedtime and Louis Dean and I slept like LOGS in the Sleep Number Bed!!!

Little did we know that after we all left Braums, Andie suffered a mishap and spent several hours in the ER getting four stitches in her head!!

Deanie is a wonderful grandmother!! She just came back from spending a week with three of her grandsons and then hosted a weekend with two other grandsons and Andie.
Notice she is always smiling!!!
Deanie has been MY role model for 'Grandmotherhood!' 

Louis Dean sang for his breakfast this morning!!!

Get up EARLY in the MORNING!!!
Not that WE do that!!

Louis Dean does love an audience!!!

We came home and started back in on getting our camper ready to take down to Louis Dean's son's ranch. I cannot WAIT to get there!!!

My sweet husband put the rest of the carpet in the camper!

I think the clean new carpet makes all the difference!!!

Louis Dean MORE than deserved a driveway sit with a glass of wine!!!

We are going to have so much fun just BEING down on the ranch!
First of all - he gets to visit with his SON!
They will talk and fish and eat and drink together.
And I will love watching them enjoy each other!
I will read and paint and write and enjoy the beauty of the country.
I really do love his son as if he were my own. He is an amazing guy and we are grateful for his hospitality in sharing his ranch with us.

A final song from the driveway!!!

Our camping spot is waiting on us!!
It's DRY! It is MOWED and it is calling my NAME!!!
I cannot TELL you how much I love this place!!
Soon! Very SOON!!!


Deb said...

Those burgers are so cool! I'm so happy you get to have such great family times! I always loving hearing about your days! Enjoy the quads tomorrow!

Pondside said...

What a nice time you have to look forward to! Yes, I agree that the new carpet is very nice. Nothing like new flooring!
Those hamburger cakes are very cute!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow on the burgers.. you are so patient to make all those. sorry the MJ dancer hurt her head.. fun fun fun, all day every day for you.

NanaDiana said...

You have fun and even more fun to look forward to with the ranch. That is too bad about the stitches...part of a child's life, I guess.
Cute hamburger cakes, too!!!! xo Diana

Luann said...

So happy for you that you and your extended family are so tightly connected. That is a gift. The camper looks great and I hope you get several seasons of use before it needs any more repair. Blessings sent your way.

Susie said...

Linda, I hate that Andie got hurt. She has the sweetest dimple...makes me think of your Summer girl. LD looks so handsome, always got a song in his heart. Tell LD my guardian angel used to sing this at church camp for us young girls..."up-up-up, while the morn is still a pup, while the dew is on the land...up and give your ma a hand. " I love the picture that you tweaked...that looks like a painting. :) I know you are going to enjoy your ranch vacation. I love seeing all the pictures to post . Blessings to you and LD, xoxo,Susie

bj said...

What a fun time this was...sorry she got hurt and was glad to see her smiling in the next photo. :)
Have fun at the ranch....xoxo

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the last beautiful picture ! this is where you will be camping? Awesome! Poor Andie! But she even managed to give a big smile even with her head bandaged. she really did the dance up good! Even the white socks and the one sparkly glove. Your dress for that night is beautiful! I am not allowed to eat beef, but I could eat your hamburger cakes! How cool! I love the edited picture you made of Louis Dean!

Vee said...

Yay! Time at the ranch coming right up!

So sorry that Andie had a mishap. Stitches?! Good heavens.

Looks as if another successful weekend is in the can.