Saturday, May 30, 2015

An Uneventful Saturday!!!

Praise God for a simple Saturday with just some morning rain!!!
Last night Louis Dean and I were up late as we continued to vacuum up water from the den.
The forecast called for MORE heavy T-storms this morning! They expected them to arrive at 5:00 am. We went to bed knowing we would be back up soon to battle the water - again!
I opened our back bedroom door so I could hear the rain when it arrived but I woke up at 4:30 anyway. The rain was late. It came in at 6:15. I roused Louis Dean and said, "The rain is here!" and we manned our stations! We had the vacs set up from the night before so we went right to work.
NO rain came in through the kitchen French doors and not nearly as much came up through the den.
The ground is just so saturated that water is seeping up through cracks in the concrete.
By 10:00 we felt sure the danger was past and went back to bed.

When we got up I made us a huge breakfast of sausage and eggs, biscuits and fried potatoes and more fresh coffee. We had emptied the pots earlier while sucking up water.

We met with the contractor to put up new and bigger, better gutters around 1:00! This will be done in about a week and I hope it stays dry until then. As soon as he left we both went back to bed and slept three solid hours of deep sleep!

By the time we got up the rain had all moved out and we were left with blue skies and pretty clouds.
I think these clouds mean no harm.

We had a simple salad to go with our simple Saturday.
No hard work today. No stress. Just a sigh of relief!!

I wrapped birthday gifts this evening for the quads. We celebrate their third birthday tomorrow which is their REAL birthday!!

I remember well that day!
Standing outside those OR doors, I prayed that Amber would survive.
She was in pretty bad shape and I feared she might not make it.
I prayed for four precious tiny babies who I already knew and loved.
I had been at the hospital for the ultrasounds including the 3D ones and felt as if I had already met Trystan, Kailey, Harrison and Logan. I knew the positions they held inside the womb and knew their temperaments as Amber would often describe their movements.
Kailey was hyper sensitive and active. Trystan was steady and solid. Harrison was easy going and Logan was hiding up under her mother's rib cage. Their personalities are much the same today.

I praised God then and I praise him now!!

We have cause to celebrate LIFE every single day!!!
I can still recognize these little faces!!!
Kailey, Logan, Trystan and Harrison.
Happy BIRTHDAY tomorrow!!!
12:55, 12:56 pm


Penny said...

Oh Linda! Those babies! So tiny, and so fragile, yet look at them now! Everyone in the first photo looks so exhausted, I can see the emotion in your face as you look in the incubator. Hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration with the quads and post lots of photo's X

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

So sweet! Thankful for each of their lives!

Also thankful that you had an uneventful Saturday! Keep up the good fight!


Diana Ferguson said...

Happy birthday to the quads! So thankful your Saturday was somewhat more "simple."

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy birthday and what an entrance they made into the world. so happy you had a good day and no more rain. i hope the sunshines for a few weeks to get you all dried out

Deanie W said...

It's a beautiful day for a birthday ☀️!

Susie said...

Happy Birthday to the quads. I can not begin to believe it's been three years , LInda. That was a scary time when they were born. God was good and delivered them and Amber safely. So happy you and LD had a day from flood control duty. May God be good to all of you again today. love you guys, xoxo,Susie

Nita said...

Life is much to be thankful for ! Birthday to the Quad Squad. And yes it's a beautiful day for a party.

LV said...

Felt like I was going blind when I got up today. The sun is so bright after having not seen it for days. Hope things improve at your house now that we are getting a reprieves.

Vee said...

Let the party begin! Can it be three years already?! What sweet faces. God has surely brought you all through!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Linda, Happy Birthday to the 4 darlings. What an incredible story of love and God's faithful goodness.
So hope you enjoy this day of sunshine. We have also had so much rain here. Never have seen it like this in over 20 years. We have a dry and warmer week ahead so hope it helps with the flooding you've had.
Wishing you a blessed Sunday.
Hugs, CM

Jan said...

So glad you didn't have the flooding you were afraid you might. Amazing that the quads are three today! They are a testimony that God answers prayers! He is good all of the time!

Nonnie said...

I'm so sorry you have had to deal with so much. Our back yard is flooded from the lake, but happy to say that it's still a ways from the house.

Happy Birthday to your Quad Squad. What a wonderful mother and grandma you are!

Jutta said...