Friday, December 14, 2012

The Chapman's Cozy Christmas Camper!

Our Christmas Camper is now decorated AND clean! 
I am enjoying it to my heart's content!

The Christmas Reds and plaids are perfect for in here!
I cut out squares from a small piece of Amber's wrapping paper for the insets on the overhead storage areas.
I can see now that I will be changing these out for all the holidays throughout the year!

From one end of the camper -

to the other - it is ALL decorated!!

This is where we sit to do our reading as well as any TV watching.
Louis Dean plans to rebuild this sofa one day - but until then I keep it covered with sturdy denim!

We love our Christmas coffee cups!
I'm sipping a cup of Earl Grey tea as I write......won't you join me?

I have extra cups!

This is my Bell Quad ornament for this year.
I plan to buy one for each new Christmas!

My oldest grandson is now 10!
 Here he is to the left and right of the quadruplets pic.

I had to crop the quads to fit the frame - but where there's a will there's a way!

I have a lighted garland with my N O E L from 1965 hanging in the center.
All four of my children would raise on tip toes to try ring the bells as it hung in the doorway from the den to the kitchen! It was traditionally the very FIRST decoration we would hang each Christmas!

As tiny as the bathroom is I STILL managed to get a tree in there!
At home I always have a tree in every single room!

This one makes a good night light!

I picked up some Christmas plates and bowls last time I was at home - from the Goodwill!
I love looking at this picture! The table is set - no food but it IS pretty!

THIS is the way it usually looks, though!!

Our stockings are hung - right next to the pantry!
Isn't that where you hang YOURS?

Every day I went to Quadville this week I wore Christmas clothes and something special....

like my reindeer headband or a Santa hat.
Every one of the babies noticed!

I also carried my falalalala bag.
This bag is 27 years old!
I used it for Amber's diaper bag when she was a baby!
I never throw anything away - I just keep using it and using it!!

Louis Dean and I read the Bible every morning and a couple of Christmas stories.
And of course I am keeping my Country Diary up to date! 

The kitchen is so tiny I have not done much in the way of Christmas baking!
Perhaps next week I'll do some at Amber's.......

I close this 'happy' post with a sad heart as I learn of the horror that has happened in Connecticut.

This reminder is all over Facebook and I want to share it here as well.


Deb said...

Your camper looks so festive Linda..the tradegy today makes you treasure your family more

Luann said...

I too have the Leo Buscaglia book Seven Stories of Christmas that I always read to the boys since they were quite young. They have teased me as adults asking if I still do them on each advent Sunday. Good memories and great stories. The camper looks cute, but who would expect less from you? That is part of what makes YOU so special. Merry Christmas.

Pondside said...

It's lovely to read that you are so cosy in your Camper. You and Louis Dean certainly know how to create a home wherever you are,

Linda said...

You can't beat tartan for a cosy Christmas look.
I'm not surprised the babies noticed your outfit - they seem tremendously alert.

We are grieving with you over the school shooting - there are no words. In Scotland it recalls tragic memories of the school shooting at Dunblane.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are certainly ready for Santa, but then it looks like he has already been there. or SHE in this case... i just found this quote on another blog.

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.' To this day, especially in times of 'disaster,' I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world."

- Fred Rogers

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank you for a lovely post, my Dear!

It is hard to know how to post, at such a time of horror. But I do feel that we need to know that it is right/and/proper even, to go on. For us to dull our Christmas Time, will not help the survivors. It will only add to the sadness of the world, at large.

I applaud all who keep on posting. Sharing and kind of putting-out-there, more gladness and happiness... Even as we grieve for and with and send wishes and prayers to those, left behind by tragedy.


Judy said...

You really know how to make a 'temporary dwelling' into a home. It looks most Christmassy and cozy!

Such sadness in the midst of this joyous season! We can only pray for those whose lives are shattered...and hold tight to those we love.

Bernice said...

The Chapman camper looks so festive and ready for Christmas:)
3 Grandsons(8,4 and 2) and I are making Santa cookies tonite,need to be close and hold them tight after Friday's tragedy.
Many prayers for the families affected.

Bev said...

Well I see why you won't want to buy a new trailer... yours is so cozy and beautiful!! You make it so special!!

Vee said...

I so enjoyed this "happy" post. And, yes, we remember Newtown with heavy hearts and many prayers.

You have created home proving that it can be done in the smallest of places and with great joy. You are a talented gal!