Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Quiet Weekend

It is quiet here in the RV park tonight.

It's been quiet all weekend.
Louis Dean and I have not done much in the last two days.
We both enjoy staying close to home.

Yesterday we ventured out to Trader Joe's in The Woodlands. I LOVE that place!!
Map quest sends us along a scenic route and it was worth the hour's drive to get there.
We shopped for an hour and spent an hour and a HALF to get home......we tend to get lost.
But, NO! family!!! We do not want or need a Garmon! (Or whatever they're called!)
We enjoy the journey and the satisfaction of finally reaching our destination!

We now have some sweet treats! The Panettone was just $4.99!

We picked up TWO Salted Caramel Chai Tea Latte Mixes! $3.99 each!
Talk about GOOD!! It is yummy!!!!

Last night we sat outside by the fireplace  and watched White Christmas.

It seems we are catching all the classic Christmas movies this year.

A glass of tea, a good movie, a fireplace.......

Lucy at my feet......

Louis Dean beside me......doesn't get much better than this!

This morning we woke up to stormy weather here in Houston! The skies were POURING! 
Louis Dean had a difficult night so instead of going to church as we planned we stayed inside.
His asthma was acting up and he had a bad episode of 'heartburn' as well.
Since he is a heart patient we take 'heartburn' a bit more seriously than we used to.
He's feeling better as I write and for that I am grateful.
Every time there's a hard rain we discover a new leak in the bedroom.
Most probably it is one we THOUGHT we'd fixed but didn't.
But that repair will be for another day!

We stuck with a simple salad for lunch. Louis Dean feared anything heavy after his episode last night.
He is so funny! Since he did good with lunch - he decided to snack on Hot and Spicy CHEEZ-IT!
Go figure!

Later in the day we made a run to Sam's. Louis Dean dumped his big electric roaster after cooking the Thanksgiving turkey so he needed a new one to cook his Christmas ham. And he needed to buy his ham.

Our eye caught these two new books by Wm. Paul Young.
We read The Shack last year and Louis Dean claims it to be his all time favorite book.
He was quick to put them in the basket. We'll start reading them in the morning!

We also bought our ham at HEB - LD likes the kind you COOK yourself. 
We're still learning our way around the area and today stayed on Hwy 6.
Everything was in a straight line.
Sam's, HEB......and a Family Thrift Store.
Naturally we had to go in.

I bought this precious frame for $1.91 and had a perfect picture of Kailey to put in it!

For $3 I added another pillow to the sofa. This one is hand stitched and I knew it needed a good home.
Louis Dean was thrilled!

We have been watching football and now that the Texans AND the Dallas Cowboys both won it is safe to turn the TV off.

I made us a cup of that Salted Caramel Chai tea and we're going to play some dominoes.

It's not REAL dominoes but a great game.
I've had this set since 1991.

Perfect ingredients for a quiet Sunday evening.......a cup of tea and a board game.


Chatty Crone said...

You are having some nice times there.

Krista said...

I hope that I can have a life similar to yours after I am done raising my kiddos. I pray that after raising 7 kids my husband and I will enjoy getting "lost" like you and LD do!! I hope you have a great week in quadville and I can't wait to read all that you do.

Krista (mom to four month old quads)

Bernice said...

Your weekend sounds so relaxing:)
You seem to have a knack for finding such great items at thrift stores.
Enjoy this week before Christmas in Quadville, I am sure it will be busy but sooo much fun.
Oh..have you finished the quads denim playmat/quilt?

Linda said...

I HAVE! I plan to take pics and post about it tomorrow.....just in the nick of time for Christmas!!

Bev said...

We love Trader Joes too!... We don't get there often as we often don't find them on our travels..and we don't have them in Canada...but so enjoy shopping there!

Angie said...

I have a Garmin and can tell you that it takes you on a "Scenic Route" as much as Mapquest does!

I've never been to Trader Joe's but I've heard a lot about it in Blogland. I don't even know if there is one anywhere around here. I might have to google that.

Glad Louis Dean is feeling better and that you two have enjoyed your weekend!

Have a nice week ahead friend.

Kelly said...

I love reading about the sweet times y'all spend together. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I'd love to go to Trader Joe's some time. We have one about an hour away! I've heard so many good things about them. Wish we'd get one closer to us. Sitting outside by the fire watching old Christmas movies sounds nice. Glad to know that LD is feeling better too. It rained here all day as well. It has been very ugly here the last couple of days and it will continue into next week, I'm afraid.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

So happy that you had a relaxing weekend. Guess the other Grandmother is visiting, and helping out. So you two could rest. Good! Going 24/7 isn't meant for we who are a bit toward 'olden.' -grin-

Changes in the wind said...

Love that frame...perfect!

Vee said...

Love reading about and seeing some photos of your ordinary days. Sounds so pleasant except for the heartburn. LD makes me laugh with the going for the "hot" stuff. Thank you for the tip about the two books. I'm glad that you mentioned that LD finds The Shack one of his all-time favorites. It meant the world to me, but I run into so many Christians who just don't seem to "get it" and want to go off about how faulty the theology is. Good grief, people, it. is. a. novel. A Christian allegory if you will. Oh well. I suppose that they are the same ones who don't like C.S. Lewis and the Narnia series. Oops. I may have had myself a little rant here in your comments. Pardon me!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

lucy is so sweet and beautiful and i would love to have that fire pit and watch movies beside it.

Judy said...

Now you have me wondering what ever happened to our tri-ominoes game. Hmmm. I must check into that!

It sounds like you had a good weekend.

Nicki said...

Do you have an email address? I made a quilt inspired by your denim quilts and I would like to send you a picture of it. I don't know how to post things on FB - I only know how to show pictures via email.

Carla said...

So tell me how is'crossroads'? I saw that book on someone's reading list.
Ewe I have a hard enough time playing chicken foot domino's ca' imagine tri-domino. lOL
Any time you and LD are running the roads give a holler and stop by if we're home. We still need to do the tearoom