Thursday, July 14, 2022

Tuesday Treasures and Other Things.....

 Tuesday was Louis Dean's appointment with his primary care doctor and he is so very thorough - and I'm grateful for that! His vitals were all good and he'd gained a pound! Back up to 199!
Dr. Maddox went over him with a fine toothed comb and ordered another round of labs to see if there was any change. You see, the tests that show some things elevated did NOT show them being so on June 30th. By by July 6th, they were. A CT scan was ordered and that should be scheduled some time next week. His kidneys are a bit of a concern as they have been for some years now since his heart attack. So we did the labs and came home. 
I'm so grateful his heart is doing so well and that's not a concern. 

He's been taking 4-5 naps every day so he came in and went to the guest room and slept most of the afternoon.

Normally Brenda and I meet up on Tuesday for some treasure hunting but I had my mind on Louis Dean and she was getting ready to go on vacation.

But I decided I needed a little pick me up so off I went - and guess who found me sitting on a chair at Texas Thrift sending a text message to someone?? Brenda!
We visited between the racks of bedding and it felt good to talk to her.
Isn't it something that simple talking can make you feel better.
Words spoken to a friend are often better than thoughts kept to oneself.
She went on her way and I went on mine but I did so with a lighter heart.

I found this beautiful heavy throw for Jesse's couch.
It will be perfect once winter comes with the fireplace glowing in front of him.

I use bowls so much....big ones I have and the white Corelle are our go to....
but I was specifically looking for something smaller.

And I found them!
Perfect for my size servings of fruit and salad and such.

Two plastic tablecloths will be going with me to the ranch this weekend.
Jesse and the boys are going with me and Louis Dean is well enough to stay home alone...
but I do have friends lined up to come over and check on him.

I bought some other things - a Chico skirt that is gorgeous - and some Christmas presents I'm tucking away. But I got distracted and stopped taking photos and just put all my treasures up where they will live for now.

Aldi was my second stop. 
I want to leave the fridge stocked for when I'm gone.
He's already told me he will be cooking chicken fried steak and gravy!

I have been mindlessly watching back to back episodes of Vera and sewing on Chandy's quilt at the same time.

Talk about mindlessly sewing!!!
This thing is HUGE and will not fit in a normal washing machine!
I have folded it up and put it away for now as I will need to take off a few rows.

Louis Dean loves a good steak and he shows to be slightly anemic so this is what I served him for dinner.

We only go outside under cloak of darkness on these super hot days.
I went out to water and our friend and neighbor, Ileen, was out walking.
She stopped and we visited for a good while.
Once again, God put a friend in front of me just when I was needing one.

I try not to 'wish days away' and stay in the moment - but lots of these moments are hot and emotional.

Wednesday was such a frustrating day!!

My friend Tina G. sent me a hug in a box and I think my entire day would have unraveled without it.

Is this not the most perfect scripture for just such a time?

I started not to write about my terrible awful day.....but as my son, Jesse, said to me this afternoon - you just have to laugh about stuff! Right - once it's OVER!!!

Okay, Louis Dean and I are making some changes in our finances and we need to close out a bank account that is out of town. But first we need to redirect the direct deposits.
I have a list of thigs to do and this was one of them but they won't do themselves!
I called yesterday and the automated voice told me they were experiencing a high volume of calls. 
My wait time was 59 minutes.
This was in the afternoon so I decided to try it again Wednesday morning while we were having coffee and doing our devotionals.
Wait time was down to 39 minutes. 
No problem.
10-12 minutes into the wait - the automated voice said we could leave our callback number and not lose our place in line. Good!
20 minutes later the call came and I answered.
I knew the representative would need to speak to Louis Dean so I told him, "I'm going to put you on speaker....." but my fat arthritic fingers hit the 'end call' button.
I kept looking at the phone mentally willing him to call me back.
He didn't.
So I went through the very same scenario again!
This time I was so very careful NOT to disconnect!
He helped through the things I need to do and as I went to the laptop, he guided me through the website to click and print the documents I needed.

Bottom line.....I could have done that in the first place in a matter of minutes instead of hours!!!

So now I have my documents all filled out and I go up to Brenda's office to fax them.
Except I left the fax number at home.
I called Louis Dean who promised he would keep his phone right beside him, and, of course, he didn't answer. So I drove back home and got the paper, went back to Brenda's office and she tried THREE time to fax it but it came back with the same error # all three times.
I was fit to be tied!!! 
We ended up finding the fax  number on the web site and it was, indeed, the correct one she had used.

My friend, Shirley, was bringing dinner over for us that evening and I was trying to get home before she arrived as I had some pasta salad and chocolate bars for her.

But I missed her!
Louis Dean did answer the door so that was good!
What a delicious meal!

Banana muffins....

fresh broccoli salad - my favorite!

I'm ashamed to say that by this time I felt mean and snarky!!
SO I went outside where it was so HOT since I was HOT, too!
I watered and worked for awhile and then came in and took a shower.

Once again, God sent me someone at just the right time.
It was Ilene's birthday and I had suggested she come over for some cheese and crackers and a glass of wine to celebrate.

We had THE best evening together!
It was too hot to sit outside and look at the moon as we had originally planned so we visited in the living room.

We did some recitations and poetry reading and visited some more.

The time flew by and I relaxed for the first time time that day and went to bed and slept like a baby.
By the way, Louis Dean did not take even ONE nap on Wednesday!
He really is doing better.

Today (Thursday) has been a quiet and uneventful day.
I took the day off from trying to accomplish anything more than routine housework and laundry.

I started sewing on a baby quilt but need more lightweight squares to finish.
I meant to order the batting for the four quilts I'm currently working on - but I forgot.

Another comfort to my heart have been the cards I've received in the mail.
It continues to shock me that Nita is gone.
I am fine one minute and sobbing the next.
Deanie and I talk every few days and that helps.

I love that we took Sibling Trips together for several years.

Oh, how my heart rejoices when I see pictures like this one.

This was our last trip together.......

Nita is never far from my mind and always in my heart.
I want to honor her memory in the way she would want me to.

Thank you for all the prayers as we grieve the loss of such a special sister.
I can't imagine how we would be coping if it were not for all the prayers being prayed for us.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry things have been so frustrating lately! We all have those kind of days, where we just want to pull our hair out! In fact, I have been literally pulling my hair out as a way of coping with things! Great news about Louis Dean!!

Arlene G said...

Linda, those frustrating days are so much harder when you have other things on your mind as well. I hope that the days will get better and cry all you want to cry...that is very healing to the heart. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Terra said...

That was surely a terrible awful day, sometimes technology can be very frustrating, even a supposedly simple thing like sending a fax. I love how you did recitations and reciting poetry, I want to do that, I love poetry. God does put the right person in front of us sometimes as needed, such a blessing. I am praying for comfort for you.

Unknown said...

We all have days like these and they can be very frustrating, but we take a deep breath, get a good night's sleep and things are usually better. I love that quilt you're making for Chandy. It's beautiful. Louis Dean sounds so good and seems so happy in that video. I'm glad for that. Cry all you want for your sister. You need to and it's healing.

Susan~aredheadonthego said...

Dear Linda I am praying for you and your whole family. It did my heart good to hear Louis Dean reading and all of you laughing. Getting things accomplished can be so frustrating, but eventually it all gets done. We are all such busy bees. Meanwhile Nita is with the Lord basking in Gods light. I lost my sister a few years ago in a swimming accident. I miss her so, and when I’m feeling that loss I think of her basking in heavens light, happy.
I pray you get cooler weather soon. I think that will help. Enjoy the ranch and your time with Jesse and the boys. Jesse will be a huge comfort to you
Much love, Susan

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am not sure of the reason why, but it does seem when a day starts out with one thing gone awry, there will e lots more to happen. I hope this bad day was all of it and the next few will be all good days. even thought the day was not a good one, you still had happy things happen to lift you up. I am glad you share the good and the bad, it lets us know we are not alone. have a good and safe trip to the country with Jessie. YUM on that steak and glad for the good report from the primary. also glad to hear LD is better each day. hugs and prayers coming your way

Vee said...

Oh that day sounds like a few I have had...little mistakes or big ones that I made myself caused such troubles. Good thing God is always on the case working things out for our good,

So glad that Louis Dean is doing so much better under your good care. What a testament it is to you and Louis Dean that you are still
reaching out to friends. Isolating, as I tend to do, is never good.

Have loved seeing the photos of you and your siblings. What a bond you all have. It is sweet to see.

A blessed weekend at the ranch with Jesse and your grandsons!

Changes in the wind said...

What a whirlwind day! I hate trying to get business things done on the phone and getting disconnected for any reason is really the pits. So glad LD is feeling better. You found lots of treasures on your spur of the moment jaunt and a visit with your friend as well.

Deanna Rabe said...

I am glad you got out to the stores, and found some lovely things. I'm glad too that God sent you friends, just when you needed them. He love you so!

I'm glad to hear Louis Dean is doing better and will pray about his bloodwork. Glad his heart is good.

What a blessing to have had such a special sister. You only have wonderful memories of her! That's a gift.

Enjoy the ranch with Jesse and the boys.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You sure have a lot to deal with but how nice that you have family and friends that help and encourage you. What a difference that makes. Take care of yourself my friend. It would be good if you could have some rest time and take some naps. Sweet hugs!

photowannabe said...

The Lord has blessed you with a wonderful Hubby, precious family and friends and cherished memories to fill your heart during those empty times.
Love you and know you are loved by so many.

Carole said...

Linda, wishing you some cooler weather... Not as cold as we are at the moment though.. Kia kaha

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Continuing to think of you and send up prayers on your behalf. You are juggling many things right now and dealing with emotions/grief and exhaustion from all of the above. It's good that you took a little time out for yourself to do a little shopping, and then to run into a good friend, and have another over to celebrate her birthday, etc. These are all good therapies...but be sure to take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. One day at a time. The grief for your dear sister will come over you in waves as you think of things you did together, or conversations you had...they will pop up when you least expect them, and if you dissolve in tears that's just fine. God's way of cleansing your heart and soul...accept it as a gift from God. (((hugs))) to you today dear friend.

Rita said...

Days like that really test you, don't they? Glad it ended so well.

Now I know Louis Dean had a heart attack. So glad he is better--whew!

So sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. Looks like you have been close siblings. That is a treasure. :)