Sunday, July 31, 2022

At the Movies and Redeeming Debris! Sunday Things.....

I went to bed at a decent time last night (midnight is decent - right??) and went right to sleep - for about three hours!

I finally got up at four in the morning and fluffed up a few things I had been working on in the dining room.....then I lit a candle, turned on my classical music and poured me a generous glass of my favorite wine....

and read a few chapters in this very first book I have ever read of Dean Koontz.
It's really good......

Miss Samantha is always UP and prowling around anytime anyone is active.
She has radar! I'm beginning to wonder if she ever sleeps!

Ah, yes! I suppose she thought it was a good time to take a cat nap while I was sitting still and reading.

I went back to bed as soon as I felt sleepy and slept soundly for a few more hours.

Then I was awake and getting dressed up for church.
I used to have a motto -

If you feel  down......dress UP!!

So that's what I did. After days of looking pitiful, I put on full makeup and my dressy dress.
The top was made in Italy and the dress are both Thrift Store Treasures as are the shoes and purse.
I am coming to grips with the reality of thin hair and IF I want to look nice and be somewhere ON TIME - I need to wear a wig! And so I did.

I was only slightly late to church!

I love the traditional  Fellowship Church productions of  'At the Movies' series every July!!
Today was The Sandlot and it was awesome!
So many parallels to the church and the 'beast' and being on the winning team working together!

I did a grocery run at Aldi on my way home - Louis Dean was resting this morning so I attended church by myself. He had pizza ready so I pulled up The Sandlot on my Firestick - thank you, Summer! And thank you, Amber! I am learning how to watch things and it's getting easier....or at least not as hard!
Learning new technology is a bit tricky, don't you think? For a nearly 74-year-old and 86-year-old?

I have spent the afternoon cleaning and fluffing the sewing room.
I will be getting back to my quilting soon.

After the sun went down and there was some shade on the kitchen deck, I went out to redeem some debris.

That's what Louis Dean calls my decorations and he's not really wrong.

I finished two wreaths before the light was gone.

But I did have to resort to borrowing some of his Gorilla Glue!

Who KNEW I would ever become a fan of GORILLA GLUE??


Ginny Hartzler said...

You look very pretty in pink! You made this wreath? I am so impressed!

Bluebird49 said...

Love the wreath, and I have heard of Gorilla Glue, but we don't have have any around. Sounds as though you had a nice afternoon and your Sunday clothes looked so pretty. Have a good week!!

Vee said...

You look fabulous! I have decided that if I want to look halfway presentable I must wear a baseball cap.

Yes, you are doing well to figure things out. I am currently waiting for a geek to show up just to access my laptop.

May August be a blessing and may the heat moderate.

Brenda said...

You are lovely…glad you enjoyed your day..l

Susie said...

Linda, I love that movie, Sandlot. My grandson , who is now a daddy himself, used to want me to watch it with him all the time, when he was little. Koontz stories are spooky to me. Glad you are getting some rest. Blessings to all, xoxo,love, Susie

Pamela M. Steiner said...

You look so lovely in your beautiful dress! And my goodness, you certainly are ready for autumn at your house! How beautiful!! Now if we could just get the weather to go with the feeling and decorations! Gorilla Glue is good, just don't get it stuck on your fingers...I did one time. That might have been the super gorilla glue...and it was almost impossible to get my fingers unstuck from each other! Wow! You do beautiful work. Wish you were closer! We could sell your lovely designs in Dixie Cottage! Have a blessed and wonderful week. (((hugs)))

Estelle's said...

What a doll! You looked very, very pretty in pink! And, I have been waiting for this....I spy glimpses of beautiful fall decorations beginning to appear!
I simply love it! Have a ball putting out all your lovely things this season....I know I cannot wait!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your Sunday look. You really did dress us. I don't dress up much these days But maybe I should do more of it! I haven't read a new Dean Koontz book in quite awhile. Right now I'm reading another Fern Michaels book. I've been hooked on her this week. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll be checking that book out! Time for a change. Hope you have a great new week !

Deanna Rabe said...

You always look beautiful! You shine!

I'm glad your got to church, and that you were able to enjoy the movie with LD later!

Your wreaths look really good. Gorilla Glue to the rescue!

photowannabe said...

Oh Linda, you make me smile. I do love your debris and Gorilla Glue...The wreaths look terrific and so do you in your Sunday Finest.
We went back to in person church yesterday for the first time in a month. It felt so good.
Took our son and daughter in law out for his birthday brunch afterward.
Of course, no photographs from all the photographers in the family.
I then went to do my first care-giving with Lynne in a month. At least she still remembers me. Its exhausting but worthwhile too.

Anonymous said...

I like that motto…’If you feel down…dress up!’ You look lovely in pink! Who would ever know you are styling thrift store finds? Smiling at Vee’s comment about wearing a baseball cap! I did not expect you to resort to using Gorilla glue…but I see it has its virtues. You are always making everything beautiful!

Judy said...

Not sure why my comment just published as ‘anonymous’…but it was Judy @ My Front Porch, in case you were wondering.

Carole said...

Using LD"s gorilla glue - whatever next?? Cheers

Arlene G said...

Oh NO...Linda is using Gorilla I agree with you about dressing up when feeling down. Our nursing school instructors always encouraged us to dress up for exams. There was a study that proved you did better on tests if you had your attitude right! Tell LD I am glad he is feeling better.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I agree when we think/know we look our best, we feel better also.. you do look beautiful and also look full of joy. glad you got out and had a good worship and lunch. gorilla glue is like super glue but a lot messier if not careful. they put some black gorilla glue around the pipes on our roof

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You look so cute all dressed up - you must be petite. Yep, as we get older, we do have to "come to those terms" whatever it is - mine is not lack of hair it's my body is not looking the way it used to and that makes me sad. I do agree with you on dressing up and looking nice - it makes me feel better too. It just takes a bit more effort the older I get.