Saturday, July 30, 2022

Bits and Pieces of This Week.....

 We have been home the last few days - as in no makeup - no hair - no pretty clothes.
Just grungy things.....most days not even earrings.

Louis Dean has often wished Life would slow down and that's exactly what has happened.
He's nearly all the way recovered from his pneumonia and heat exhaustion.
The labs came back Wednesday and all was perfect.
Dr. Maddox sent us a note through the patient portal - All good news!!!

The temps are still in the triple digits day after day.

Clouds came up this afternoon and there was a brief  'shower!'
Very brief!
So we water a little every morning and every night.
Not enough for many blooms but just enough that the plants don't die.

Louis Dean has enjoyed getting mail recently - he says 'Thank YOU' - and this card was from Amber.

I'm still loving my new carpet and little Miss Samantha hopped up in the chair and tucked her legs under her while I vacuumed the living room.

I had a good meal planned the other day.....the steak was marinating in the fridge....potatoes were baking....

and I made a big batch of pepper poppers.
But then we decided we weren't hungry so we just ate a baked potato for supper!

Last night we had the full menu for dinner!

I love my Facebook Memories.....
this is the very first photo of me with all four little Bells from 2012.
Can you still recognize them?
I am holding them in birth order!

Another sweet memory of Nita.....I treasure every single one of them.

This was a memory from 5 years ago.....
back before the big red roof and the front deck and the plowed garden....

Before Louis Dean brought in several loads of sandy loam soil and hours of plowing it up.
He'll not be trying keep up with such a big project now.
Maybe a much smaller garden next year.

I saw this poster on Facebook and I do believe this is true!

I do believe that Louis Dean and I have laughed together every single day of our 17 years of marriage and I am very grateful for that!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. Amen about being married to someone who makes you laugh! My sweet husband makes me laugh too. He got me laughing pretty hard just this evening. So glad the LD is feeling better and that the doctor gave you good news. I love that sweet picture of you and the baby Bells. Good memories. I also like the picture of Miss Samantha your kitty. I hope the Texas heat breaks soon. We are looking forward to fall here in Utah. Have a good Sunday. See you again soon!

Terra said...

How lovely that you have laughed together every day for your 17 years, that is a goal for every married couple. My hubby and I laughed together too, for our 45 year marriage.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This quote is so true! After all you have both been through, it is so good to have some restful days at home, just only doind what you want to. We all need to re-charge at times, and this is certainly your time! What a great pic of pretty Samantha. And you and the Quads are awesome! I'm wondering if that is Harrison who is the lowest on the very bottom...

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. A new Fall background!!!

Unknown said...

Good to hear that Louis Dean is almost fully recovered. Just don't let him go out and work in those triple degree temps. I'm glad you both laugh everyday. Laughter is the best kind of medicine I think. My husband and I laugh everyday too. It's good for the soul. How cute the baby Bells. The chubby one at the bottom is adorable.

Vee said...

No, I did not recognize them all...had to check my notebook for birth order and now I am saying, "of course."

Yes, laughter is good like love cement. So glad that Louis Dean is doing great!

And I am pleased for your quiet days. I know they will not last forever. You two are not "quiet folks."

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Peascefilled days at home and lots of laughter are a wonderful thing. I agree laughter is the best medicine. It heals whatever ails you. Take care in the heat and enjoy theses slow days !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

This is happy news about the fully recovered Louis Dean and now you can have more laughs while you wilt in the heat. I can't even stand to walk out long enough to water plans. just came back in and was like I had been in a pool.
I remember the photo of the babies and it seems like only a couple of years ago and so hard to believe they are so big now. I had not been out of the house since last Saturday , a whole week, went to WM yesterday and the first time dressing or make up. I almost forgot how to drive

Changes in the wind said...

So happy for the good dr. report and the picture of the quads bring back so many memories. I have never eaten a pepper popper and have always thought they were hot but someone told me recently they are not and they are delicious. Wish I could just try one sometime. We have been having monsoon here so cooler tempts and rain which is a treat.

photowannabe said...

Laughter truly is the best medicine for all of us.
My Hubby is really my best friend. We are so good for each other.
Glad you are having some "down time"..that's good medicine too.
Going back to church for the first time in a month. Happy to be well again and can be back to our routine. Take care and I love the picture of the quads and sweet.

Brenda said...

Glad you and husband are resting and recuperating. We often over do and don't take care of ourselves...eating the right things, resting, exercise...all so love your and your family are continually in my prayers. I wrote on the blog, Closed Windows...I can see your husband taking you to that shop in is is about an hour or so away from me...maybe a little more. I might drive there and see it one day although I buy nothing. I am a I could find some gifts...take care and keep writing.

Brenda said...

Just checked, and it is 150 miles from me...ironically, Mother parked her camper in the 1980's in that area. We spent time in Interlachen, Ocala, etc...

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I agree with the quote as well. Laughter helps soothes and defuse most situations. Those that are so stiff, and can't laugh - bother me.

That's a lot of babies. Wow.

Susie said...

Linda, I love the good news about LD. I think the baby without a bow is Harrison. LOL The years are flying too quickly.
The Joanne quote is true. The last day I got to have with Ted before he was put on the ventilator, he made me laugh. Looks mean nothing when you love or are loved. Keep on laughing with your sweet LD and hold tight to one another. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Carole said...

Gosh, your grandquads were so teeny! How time flies.. Cheers