Thursday, July 7, 2022

Nita is Home in Heaven......

 Our hearts are broken even as we rejoice knowing Nita is at home in heaven.

Thank you for all the prayers for our sweet sister......
She went home early yesterday afternoon.

I have no words.....just numb with grief.
Praying for Mike, Bill and Leah....
her husband, son and daughter.

Lord, thank you for every minute we had with Nita.
Thank you for her life and her testimony.
For her love and joy .
I pray you will comfort our broken hearts as we grieve...
Thank you, Lord, for Nita.


Brenda said...

I emailed you yesterday as I had a feeling all day
I emailed you several times as I prayed
I am so so so sorry Linda
Prayers prayers

Vee said...

Such a loss! My heart is breaking for you all. Tears are flowing. My prayer is that the God of all comfort will wrap you in His love and peace.

Jan said...

I'm so very sorry, Linda. You are all in my prayers for comfort, strength and peace.

Hootin Anni said...

My heart goes out to you all!!!

Jackie See said...

Linda, I am so sorry that you lost your dear Nita. I know your pain and I am praying to our mighty God to ease your broken heart and bring a smile to your memories. ~jackie~

JoyM said...

Love to you and your beloved family. Nita was loved and cherished. Thank you for sharing.

Susan~aredheadonthego said...

What a beautiful life she lived. What a wonderful soul. My favorite picture is her oohing and aching over the Santa train picture you painted. You truly chronicled your time together. She will now watch over you from heaven. I’m so sorry. Love you Linda.

Judy Walton said...

I am very sorry for the family's loss and grief - you have so generously shared all of your family that this feels like a pesonal loss of someone I know. But it is a blessing to know of her faith and that she has a new wonderful home and will be holding a place for those she loves. Praying comfort and strength to you as you comfort everyone else. Judy

Luann said...

So sorry to hear of your sisters passing. May you and your siblings find strength within your bond together. Please pass on condolences to Mike, Billy and Leah. Thank you,
Love and blessings.

Arlene G said...

So very sorry Linda.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh, Linda! I am so very sorry. I am crying now as well, and grieving with you. I did not even know her, yet you helped us to know her so well, that I am grieving along with you. Blessings, my friend.

Suemn said...

I'm so sorry for you and your extended family Linda. I will keep you all in my prayers.

photowannabe said...


Carol said...

I am so very sorry for your great loss...Keeping you all in my prayers.

Estelle's said...

You have all been in my prayers and thoughts for days....if it had to be, I am thankful she is in heaven and no longer in pain or suffering....may the Lord bless you all...I'm sure she was a gift to each of you....gentle hugs.

Susie said...

Dear friend, I know the pain of loss is so sharp, I pray that your memories of the love you shared with your sweet sister, help comfort you through this difficult time. Love, Susie

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your family, may you find peace and comfort in your memories. Nita is with our Savior, and is watching over you..

Anonymous said...

Praying for all of you!
Whitney, Chris and the kids

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I am so sorry for you and your family. She was a beautiful person and yes, she is now with her Savior.

Deb J. in Utah said...

So sorry for your loss. Yes, she is now home in Heaven. May God bring you all peace and comfort and the knowledge that you will be with Nita again.

Tina said...

So very sorry Linda. Hugs to you all.

Kathy said...

My heart is breaking for you and your family. Will be praying for all of you. I'm so glad that she knew the Lord and that she is now rejoicing in His presence.

Maryellen said...

I am so very sorry. With time, may your memories be a blessing and comfort you.

Vonda said...

So sorry to hear this. Praying for peace and comfort for you and your family.

Deanna Rabe said...

Praying for you all.

We all came to love Nita because of your blog, we feel we know her!

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. Will continue to pray for you and your family. May God comfort you. So sorry

Unknown said...

I was hoping God would let you all keep her for awhile longer. So sorry it was not meant to be. God has her in his care now and he will take good care of her until you all can see her again. My heart goes out to you, Mike, Leah, Bill and everyone who loved her. May God comfort you all.

MimiG said...

As I said about my sister last week - NIta has won the battle - she is with Jesus.
I am so sorry. Much love to you all. You have been such a blessing to me - prayers for peace and light..

Changes in the wind said...

So sorry for your loss. May the Lord comfort you all during this most difficult time.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

My deepest sympathies to all of you and many prayers to comfort you too. That was very fast. Hopefully now she is in a better place where there is no more suffering or pain. The good Lord bless and comfort all of you!

BeachGypsy said...

Linda I am so so sorry! What a sad time for yall. God be with yall as you go through this. So sorry for your loss

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I feel so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful lady and I know you will miss here every day. Take care of yourself sweet friend. I'm praying for your whole family, Diane

Anonymous said...

So very sorry for you and your family. Praying for peace and comfort for all of you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Mary in Colorado said...

I am thinking of you Linda and realize that this an incredibly painful and difficult time for you, your whole family and Nita’s husband and children especially. I send you my thoughts,my prayers and my affection.Mary in Colorado

Donna said...

So very sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful sister and testimony of God's love.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda and family, so sorry to read about the passing of your beloved Nita and our deepest condolences to all. She was much loved and your lives were happier when you were with her. Her spirit will live on in all of you in many ways and you will remember her with much joy. Thank you, Linda, for sharing Nita with your fellow bloggers.

Mrs.T said...

So very sorry to hear this news. What a shining light Nita was to everyone who crossed her path! So thankful she is with the Lord, but she will be so dearly missed here on earth. Praying for your family at this bittersweet time.

Maryellen said...

It will be hard for you to go on, but know that we are all here for you.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I am so, so sorry.
Sending hugs and prayers for peace and comfort for you and your family.