Thursday, April 14, 2022

My Honey Bee Table and Our Gazebo is Clean!

Wednesday morning was so beautiful that I turned the AC off and opened up the house!

I love to hear the birds sing and this mockingbird was going through his repertoire over and over again. I stood under the Yaupon Holly tree outside our bedroom door and listened.
I went in to get my phone and he was still singing when I came back!

For weeks now I have been enjoying my honey bee table setting out in the den.
I love all the pretty things people have given me and I thank all of you who are represented at this table.

I just wish we could all gather around it and have a tea party together.

Wouldn't that be fun?

I smile every time I go in the den and see all these pretty things!

I am using my beloved bee quilt as a tablecloth......
I just flipped it over and you can see the honeycomb backing.

This is the first time I have gathered all my 'Bee' things in one place.

Actually I have even MORE 'Bee' things - some of them are down at the ranch.

I am hoping we get a big honey harvest this year.
Sherry does most of the day to day work of feeding them during the fall and winter and then when I come down we do the treatments and hive inspections.
She knows how much I love to see the bees in action!

My honey supply is down to just a few jars now so I am looking forward to this summer's harvesting.

I love these exquisite plates! 

They match perfectly the lazy susan in the middle of the table - although the lamp covers up the design!

Our gazebo hasn't been ready for entertaining since Christmas and I finally got around to cleaning it all up and putting fresh tablecloths on the tables.

It still needs one more round with the blower but Louis Dean and I sat out there last evening with our wine and enjoyed hearing the night sounds.

I noticed several small and a couple of not-so-small tears in the screening so I cut patches of extra screen and pinned over them. I sewed several but have more to do so every day I'll go out and mend a few more.

It's screened on three sides and that filters the sun and keeps some of the insects at bay.
We have so many birds here that mosquitoes aren't a huge problem.
It also helps that we don't attract them like some people do.
Summer is so sweet that they just eat her up!

The strands of lights are ties with gold ribbons from Christmas and I decided to leave them there. 
We slept so well Wednesday night with the bedroom door open to the outside and the attic fan on.

This morning (Thursday) I took my coffee out to the kitchen deck and noticed the pecan tree is starting to green out. They are one of the last trees to do so.
When I was checking the weather on my phone, I saw that North Dakota was having a spring blizzard! It amazes me the different weather in other parts of the country!

I had an afternoon appointment at the dentist and afterwards I stopped by the Senior Citizen Center to see if they have a music jam session on the calendar.
It just so happens it was going on right then. We aren't members anymore but she said I could back and check it out.
There were three little old men...two playing guitars and one visiting.
The center started this group two weeks ago and the gentleman visiting will be coming back to play with the other two. I talked to them and told about Louis Dean looking for some musicians to play with and that they could expect us to start coming in May.
It's every Thursday from 1:30 - 3:30!
Louis Dean was so excited when I told him about it!!

It was a menu planning and grocery shopping kind of day!
I love going to Aldi but it's a real work out!
First I load up my cart, then I unload it at the checkout and unload it again into the trunk of my car. We keep all our shopping bags in the trunk so it's easier to put the groceries in the bags while they are IN the trunk so I don't have to lift them.
Thankfully, I have Louis Dean who unloads it all and brings it in for me.

We decided to do a big brisket and they didn't have any at Aldi so he went to the store while I put up groceries. He bought an absolutely HUGE whole brisket AND a second one AND a HUGE roast!! He had to go out and clean the freezer and reorganize it to make room for all the extra meat he bought! Come to find out - we have not one but TWO hams in there!
And he duplicated many of the things I had already bought.
We now have LOTS of fresh broccoli and potato chips, vanilla wafers and seasonings!

I love hosting family gatherings and I am looking forward to Easter.
The cooking will start tomorrow and continue on Saturday so that Sunday it will all be done and easy to serve.

Most years I host on Good Friday but this year is really special and everyone is coming on Easter Sunday and I am so happy about that!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your Gazebo is gorgeous, like a wonderful dream. It reminds me of a rich Sultan's tent in the desert. I love all your bee things, especially the plates, they are exquisite! Bee things are really "in" now. Wal-Mart has a large collection of bee decor. And quite cheap. Louis dean has fun things to look forward to!

Hootin Anni said...

Your gazebo looks beautiful (like a desert Oasis hide-away). But, to BEE honest I enjoyed seeing all your honey/bee things more so. Wow, a very impressive collection.

Have a blessed holiday Linda

Vee said...

Oh you are going to be so busy this weekend hosting your family. That's wonderful!

And how fine is it that Louis Dean will have an outlet for his music. You were so good to check
that all out for him. Music! It's a very good thing.

Many Easter blessings...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

great news that you found a group for LD to play with, music I mean, not PLAY. ha ha
all of your bee things are so pretty and my fav is the crystal bee hive. I had no idea all these things existed and have never seen any at walmart, even though ginny says they are there. that might be, because i only shop by list and never go where ever they might be. no idea what would BEE a BEE dept.

Changes in the wind said...

Love all your bee things and so nice to have them all in one place on display. Know how you love your family gatherings and now the gazebo is cleaned and ready too. Hope the music group works out for all.

BeachGypsy said...

Yall have the pretties gazebo! Love it, I'll be cooking all afternoon tomorrow as well. Have a lovely Easter!

Carole said...

Mosquitoes sure love me - it might be diet related??? Have a lovely time over Easter and don't work too hard - it'll be alright on the they say. Cheers

Brenda said...

Love your gazebo...Happy Easter...we will do a light meal here and let the little boys hunt plastic eggs...maybe go to the beach...I am still watching church online until Covid leaves...need to do the next booster...enjoy your family. love your blog

photowannabe said...

happy Easter...Your dinner is going to be so wonderful...enough food for the entire army!!
Love your Bee decor. So many beautiful pieces. All your talking about bees and honey made me get up from the computer and fix a piece of toast with honey...Yummm so good.