Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Rest and Recover Mode.......

 Louis Dean and I both tested positive for Covid last evening but we are doing well.

We are in rest and recover mode and will remain so for the rest of the week.

We are blessed with sweet friends, neighbors and family. Food and supplies appear on the porch bench like magic. Even magazines from our neighbor Tamarra.

I woke up this morning and further processed the fact that we both have Covid and I thought, 
"What is the next right thing to do?"
I opened up my laptop and the patient portal to my primary care doctor and sent a message telling her I had tested positive and the dates when my symptoms started, the date I tested and when I got the results and how I was feeling. The message went through at 9:23. I had a call from her office at 9:25 and a video appointment at 9:30. I was so impressed!
Dr. Abraham gave me a list of things to do and I ordered an oximeter to measure my oxygen level.
Louis Dean was up by the time I finished my doctor visit and I called his primary care doctor and made an appointment for him. 

I think Tabitha knows he isn't totally well because she has been paying him so much attention.

It's like she can't get close enough to him!

We made the visit with Dr. Maddox at 2:00 and he was impressed with how well Louis Dean is doing - since he has several 'underlying conditions' and is still looking, sounding and feeling so well.
We are going to be fine. 
Just rest and recover.
We haven't lost our sense of taste or smell and are not having to stay in bed all day.
We have yet to run a fever.

Both doctors told us to isolate until Sunday and then wear a N95 mask if we go out after that.

I love being at home and today I finished cleaning up the sewing room.
I have mending to do and then some sewing projects to make.
Mainly, those will be bowl cozies.....I have a huge stack of fabrics - everything from a well loved robe to flannel shirts to all sorts of things I have found that I can use to make these - including fabric I bought for this very purpose! However, I love to redeem things and using something old to make something new - well, I just love being able to do that!
Back in 2020, I did just that when I made masks out of everything I could get my hands on because the stores were all closed and you couldn't shop.

Christmas is gone from the entire house EXCEPT for the den.......
tomorrow I will start in there and then take the Santa wall down.

We recently got Spectrum TV and Internet and yesterday we started watching a Spectrum Original series called Joe was so familiar to me that I felt as if I'd sen it before.

Then it dawned on me - I had read the book!!

The series is every bit as good as the book was!!
So we have plenty of things to do while we quarantine at home and then we can always take a nap and read a book!

I found this artwork done by Amber back in 1992 when I was packing away Christmas decorations in what used to be Amber's playhouse - now called the 'Christmas House.'

This one was one of Benjamin's crafts - cut and pasted.
I think it's perfect timing since it's February now!

My heart is happy knowing that Louis Dean and I are going to be all right and we will recover from Covid - something I really never thought that we would get.  I know. That was foolish but here we are.

At the same time, my heart is so heavy with sorrow and concern for others tonight as I write.....

My friend, Sharon, lost her husband today. He passed away in his sleep last night.

A family that has children in the same class as our grandquads - their house burned down yesterday.

Then there's little Emma - a younger child than the quads but at the same school - fighting for her life in the ICU after coming down with Covid.

Dear Lord, I lift Sharon and her children, Bella and her family and little Emma in the ICU up to you tonight.......
Oh, Lord.....comfort.....provide.....and only you can.
In Jesus name, amen.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my! But what a blessing that your Covid is so mild for both of you! I am SO happy for that, it could have been so much worse. And now you should have strong antibodies!

Hootin Anni said...

That's a downright shame!! I do hope you will both fully recover. Just remember to not over do and weaken your fight against this!!!

Sharon Larson said...

What I love and admire about you Linda since the first day I discovered your blog years ago, is that no matter what you and Louis Dean are going through you are thinking of others and how you can bless them. You inspire me to be a blessing everyday! I’ll continue to pray for y’all . Stay safe these next few days during our freeze. Blessings and joy to you sweet friend!

Kathy said...

Praying for the two of you. At least you have results and can work with it. Love that your doctor got back to you so quickly. Take care and do just as you planned -- rest and recover. Will keep your requests in my prayers also.

Brenda said...

Prayers and thankful u vaccinated…be careful as you can get it again…that is why the masks…

Vee said...

Amen. I am sorry that any old covid came nigh you. Your doctors are attentive. Don't overdo anything. Ongoing prayers for good health. Love to you both.

Arlene G said...

So glad you and LD got good reports from your physicians. You are right, there is a lot of sadness but thankful for the ability to take it to the Lord. If you would remember Mother in your prayers. Her foot is healed but she is not happy that she is at the nursing home and is giving everyone a hard time. It is so hard on my sisters and me but we remind ourselves that she needs more care than we can give to her at this time.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I prayed your prayer at the end with you for the precious child in ICU and the others who are so much in need of prayer. as i read at the beginning i was thinking oh good, they will stay home and get some needed R and R, then I got to the part where you have not slowed down, even with covid, but are cleaning and sewing. that means you are doing well. some do well and some do not and I am thankful you are two that do well.

Changes in the wind said...

So glad your symptoms have been so mild and you both are doing well as you noted there are many who are not.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Please take care and don't worry about anything for awhile. I hope you'll quarantine longer than that too. It's really been bad and we keep hearing more and more getting it. I'll keep those you mentioned in my prayers. Hugs to you both, Diane

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

So glad your are both recovering and resting. It takes awhile to recover so don't rush anything and slow down.I'll add my prayers for those affected to yours. In times like this there is little we can do but pray.

Deanna Rabe said...

I’m so thrilled you’ve both come through so well! Now you have robust antibodies! My parents came through it well too!

I’m glad you're being loved on by neighbors and friends.

I’m glad you have your projects, and your books, and movies to keep you occupied.

Jackie See said...

Covid has went through our community like a wildfire this past week. One collapsed lung is the serious symptom reported in my family. Shane's lung collapsed 2 weeks after having covid. He said his coughs were violent, now he is in ICU for the next few days while they try to fix his lung. Everyone has stayed inside and away from others but our county is reporting 200+ new covid cases per day. I am also worried about people not getting paid during this time. Many are going to need the food banks as they recover from this terrible germ. I pray for your prayers to be answered according to God's will. Amen.

Brenda said...

Sorry about your mom
Mine died at 60...I would give anything to see her is great that you and family take such good care of yours.

Brenda said...

Praying for you also Kathy
Love your blog

LC said...

Praying for you and Louis Dean and those you mentioned. Bless those neighbors. But even if we can't reach out physically to help, there is no distance in prayer.

photowannabe said...

The comments and prayers that LC just wrote are my prayers too.
Thankful you are getting better, please rest and regain your strength.
Blessings to you and LD.

Jan said...

Praying for you both and for those in your prayer. We too are recovering from this latest bout with Covid. We are grateful to have had a relatively mild case. Take it easy, and stay warm in this cold, icy weather!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sory to read that both you and Louis Dean have been affected but it seems like you are doing all the "right" things and also that you are not feeling as poorly as so many have felt, which is good news. Sorry to read about the passing of Sharon's husband, the house burning down and the young child in the ICU. Such sad things have been happening all around. Do take as much time as you both need to rest and recover even then you think you are doing well, rest is always good as it reading and watching a good show.

Susie said...

So thankful you and LD are doing alright. Scary catching covid. Good thing you decided to stay home and care for yourselves rather than go spreading it around. You and LD are in my prayers every day ,Linda. Take plenty enough time to build yourselves back up. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie


Glad to hear you are both doing so well--and my prayers also go out to those you mentioned at the end of your post--
and --a tip for those bowl cozies--when I went to make mine I was told to use only all cotton--fabric batting and thread as even cotton/poly thread can cause a fire in the microwave--have no idea if that is true or not as I do not have a microwave in my house--and I only use all cotton items anyway--sooo?????
keep getting well--
hugs, di

Carole said...

What a bummer - please recover quickly. I hear wine is very beneficial - well, you'll not notice being unwell anyway if you have enough of it. Fingers crossed none of your family/friends are getting it. Cheers

Bev said...

You two take care... our prayers are with you.... hugs❤️❤️

Carla said...

I'm so glad that you two did well with Covid. It's funny yet scary how it affects different people different ways. Our friend Ross lost his battle. His only underlying issue was he was over 60 and a no vaccinations.
Sorry to hear about all your friends.