Sunday, February 6, 2022

February Weekend.....

 I've been taking Christmas down slowly and it was finally time to do the den.

The cats have loved the lights, garlands and all the decorations.
The baby grand has been one of their favorite hangouts - they love to snuggle down behind the rows of Santas I had up there, Now slowly but surely all their hidey holes have disappeared and they have to hide in plain sight now.

Do you have 'Mom's ears?' I developed that keen sense of hearing when my children were young and I still have it. Most likely it's been kept in tune by Louis Dean and all his antics!
I was in the bathroom Saturday afternoon putting on some make up - and I could hear a hum. 
No one had flushed a commode so I wasn't sure what it oould be. I stepped outside in the back yard and listened for running water. Nothing. But I could still hear that faint 'hhhhhhmmmmm.' when I went back in the bathroom.
I called Louis Dean in to listen but he couldn't hear a thing.

But he found the water when he went out on the side kitchen deck.
The pipe had busted all the way from uder the deck up to the faucet!
He turned the water off - after I hurried and fill up some containers - and fixed it.
I am so very grateful he knows how to fix things!
Back when I was doing eHarmony, that was one of the 10 'Must Haves!'
I do love my Handy Man!!!

We left the water off overnight - just to be sure - and I was so impressed that as soon as Louis Dean woke up this morning - he went out and turned it nack on. Even before he had coffee!!

I have Christmas all packed away now and added three more tubs after I took these photos!
Campo Verde is leaving all their Christmas decorations up until April!
I never made it during the hoildays but there's still time....

All the house is clean except for the den and I will fine tune that this week.
Santa wall is still up and that will be switched out, too.

The guest room has been cleaned and disinfected and everything sprayed with Microban!

Candle is lit to celebrate CLEAN!

We celebrated our Sunday night with Louis Dean's good spaghetti, my garlic bread and a nice bottle of red wine! Summer coming in from Arkansas just made it perfect!!
She's been doing some volunteer work at The Bar J Guest Ranch in El Dorado.
A perfect ending to this February weekend!!

The cold and ice kept the possums under the deck for a couple of days!
The snow had no tracks on it for a day or two and then they started showing up.
I put out some lettuce and celery one day and they scarfed it right up.
Yesterday I baked a huge butternut squash - baked whole in the oven and then sliced it and scooped out the squash - leaving the seeds and skin and some of the squash for the possums.
I love feeding the birds and back yard critters!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never known anyone who has as much trouble with their pipes and plumbing!! Yes, Louis Dean is a real lifesaver. Plumbers cost a fortune now, not to mention having to wait on them. will you be decorating for spring & Easter now? Your first photo is beautiful!

Hootin Anni said...

When it rains it pours. In your case, runs. (Out of frozen pipes).
Love the photo of kitty by the string of lights.

By what you added to your journal today,I am assuming you two are fully recovered?

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you are feeling better and I know you love Summer being there. Nice to get some things done around the house but don't wear yourself out! Sweet hugs, Diane

Changes in the wind said...

So glad you and LD are feeling better and back to yourselves. Cute picture of the cat and lights and yes I do have mom hearing, like you I can hear things hubby can't.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yes I do have the mothers ears thing, and would have heard that water leak. a few years back, i could hear a leak, in my bathroom, and in bob's but there was nothing there. I complained aout the drip drip drip for about 5 days. I kept telling Bob it was there, he heard nothing. one day I used his bathroom because I had held too long and would not make it to mine. sitting on the throne, i noticed the wall board was wet up to about 10 inches. the leak was inside the wall and had been filling up the wall like a pool. we had to call a plumber, and they cut 10 x 5 feet of sheet rock and fixed it himself. since the wall paper was orginal and could not be matched, we stripped it and painted the walls. if he can't see it it is not there. I often wonder what would happen to our house if I could not hear the things that break

Vee said...

Are you sure that you're not overdoing it? 😁 You are on busy gal. Love that big beautiful smile of Summer's. If you ever are feeling blue, that's the smile to see. Oh plumbing problems drive me bonkers. Hope that yours are all resolved. Hope that Texas soon returns to more temperate weather. Enough of the Arctic 🥶 freeze!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thank goodness for your good hearing and for you handy man there. He keeps busy for sure and so do you. Everything Christmas is put a way but I still have cleaning to do so I can light my candles here. Take good care and enjoy your nice clean home !

Estelle's said...

It sure does get harder to put and store away our favorite holiday decor doesn't it? But, it's now done! A pipe which has burst can be a true nightmare to deal with, I know! Your dinner sounds just about perfect for last weekend? Cozy and comforting! Have a great week Linda!

Phoebes World said...

Glad to see you are recovering well...but dont over do it..
Yes I have mum hearing... I can still hear a pin drop...although these days I hear the kids voices as I read their words... especially when my daughter writes muuuuuuum!
Thank goodness for your handyman..burst pipes are a nighmare
Look after yourself x

Bev said...

Oh are blessed with your handi man!!...

photowannabe said...

What a blessing to have that Man of's hoping that that is the last of the pipe problems.
So happy to hear you are feeling well and have gotten your home in ship shape.
Summer looks fantastic...the ranch and volunteer work seems to be a perfect healer for her.
I'm hoping to get some housework done today but I really don't feel very motivated. I also have to get some more things put up for sale on eBay..its so time consuming but getting a bit of moola in the checking account is a great motivator.
Take care

Carole said...

We here in New Zealand find the idea of feeding possums quite incredible - they are terrible pests - destroy native trees and carry diseases - the Government poisons them and any country person will run them over without a second thought - so your possums should be very glad they aren't here in Kiwiland. Cheers

Wanda said...

Just have a moment...but you are kind to everyone...including "critters". How love you are by all! Will try a longer visit next time.

Lisa said...

I always like to light a candle after a good clean too. Funny the little things we do.

Debbie said...

i'm so happy you are feeling better. it always feels good to get christmas put away and the house back together. the guest room looks nice!!