Sunday, February 20, 2022

A Sleepy Weekend and Muddy Roses.......

 I'll start off  tonight's journal entry with a photo from Friday night.

Louis Dean played his guitar and sang to me for a few minutes before we went to bed.
He loves playing and I am looking for someone for him to play with. Or perhaps a jam session in the Waco area that we could join. He misses having a group to play with so maybe there's one around here.
If you are local and know of any - please let me know!!

We were in bed before midnight on Friday and I slept until 11:15 Saturday morning.
By 3:00 I was back in the girl bunk and slept until 7:00, got up and did a blog post for Friday and went back to bed. I just can't seem to wake up and I stay sleepy all day long.
May be this country air!
I accomplished next to nothing as far as projects and housework go.

I didn't even cook a meal!
Thank goodness Louis Dean is happy with cheese, turkey, crackers and pickles for a late simple supper.

Of course we ate by the Dearborn heater!
Can you see Louis Dean's right eye?
He has some broken blood vessels in it and it's completely red.
Not sure if he got something in it and rubbed it or what.
Then I got to thinking that he went to an eye doctor who prescribed drops to use twice a day to treat the elevated pressue in his eyes due to diabetes. I dropped the ball in monitoring him.
I found the third vial of drops in my medicine bag we brought with us so now I am going to be militant in seeing that he takes his medicine AND drops!!

I slept so well last night whileLouis Dean was restless.
He was up at 2:30 fixing a baked potato.....the smell woke me up but as good as it smelled, I stayed in bed.

Sunday morning coffee and watching Fellowship Church online.

Pastor Ed started a new series on prophecy.
It takes us two years to read through the Bible and we are now in the first few chapters of Revelation!

I made a big country breakfast for Sunday lunch today!
If the wind hadn't been blowing, I would have used the burner on our grill to fry up the potatoes and eggs. It's slow going when you cook on a hotplate!

I bought this jar of jam at the Farm and Home store on Friday and it is seriously good!
The lime green colored jam is jalapeno also!

The horses came up to pay me a visit this afternoon.
I just so happened to have sugar cubes for them....and a few table scraps.

This one was literally licking his lips with those sugar cubes!

Louis Dean says the Samantha is the prettiest cat he's ever seen and throughout the day he says, "Linda, you need to take a picture of this!"

I still do not have water in the camper so I am at the bathroom sink a lot these days doing dishes.
It's a laundry sink so it's plenty big enough and I love the view from the window.
This is where I hung the string of honeybee lights a friend sent me last year.
They are solar and turn off and on automatically.
I love seeing them twinkle on at night!

Louis Dean planted roses today. 
2 yesterday and 7 today.
We already had three rose bushes in my little garden to the left of the bathroom window.
I had planted a trumpet vine up in one corner of the garden and some perennial bsushes that flower along the fence line. Honeysuckle and a couple of others purchased so they would get established and climb on the fence. I pointed them out to Louis Dean and said to leave them alone! They will come back and I broke off a piece to show him there was green and life in that plant.

When I went outside to check on him - he had plowed up the entire small garden that is supposed to be MY flower and herb garden.

I could not believe it! 
I had to talk to myself and to God before I could talk to HIM!
And I did not say much but he knew I was upset.
He proceeded to plant the rose bushes.

I went inside and scrubbed the bathroom floor as therapy.
I say SCRUB because he had dripped some huge gray colored drops all the way across the room from his shop door to the other door and probably across the red and white rug as well. I couldn't bring myself to look at the rug just yet.

Then I went back outside - now calmer and looked at the garden.
I had told him to give me the wrappers the bushes came in as I am keeping the cards that tell about each rose in my gardening notebook.
Alas, I nearly cried.
He had put a wrapper beside each plant and then dumped a shovel of dirt on top of it.
WHY???? Why in heaven's name would he DO that??
I asked him to get the wrappers and I went back inside where I vacuumed the dickens of of the front room.

Then I went back outside......muddy wrappers all still there.
SO I got them myself!!!

He had made a huge mud garden!!!!
I accidently stepped into a deep hole and it took all my strength to get my foot out!
My cute honeybee socks were now filthy and my nice gray sweat pants muddy.

I rinsed the wrappers off and pulled the picture cards out, wiped those off and put them in my notebook.

Then I stomped myself BACK in and took a hot shower!
I used up every single bit of NICE that I had today and am now looking forward to getting a fresh load in the morning. Another work for NICE is GRACE and I am asking God for a larger portion of it!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my goodness! Did you ever find out WHY he buried the wrappers? I would sure be very frustrated as well. I see that when you get upset, you clean!! I guess that's a good way to get your aggravation out. As to why you are so tired and sleepy, I have heard that covid will do this for quite awhile afterward. So that is probably what it is, you just haven't quite got your energy back from your body fighting it. The black & white horse is gorgeous! And Samantha does look like either a tortoise shell or a calico.

Hootin Anni said...

I agree with Ginny, the tiredness is more likely a residual of COVID.
Seems that Louis Dean is a bit confused often...this may be a concern. Keep tabs on his behavior.

And, dear Linda, keep yourself happy as always.

Changes in the wind said...

What a frustrating day, glad you find positive ways to deal with it and hope tomorrow is better.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. You did show a good amount of Grace. Sound like it was a frustrating day. We all have them. I hope that today is better. See you again soon.

Deanna Rabe said...

Each day is full of new grace!

Brenda said...

He is a real worker

Arlene G said...

Bless your heart Linda.... congrats on keeping yourself under control. We are studying James and one of the topics is bridling your passions. Learning to keep yourself under control in all areas. I do struggle myself in this area. I think you are wise to supervise LD's medications. That was something we noticed first with Mother when her mind started to decline. She was not taking her medications properly. I am glad LD has you to help him navigate the waters of getting older.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I hope your garden survives all of the unwanted attention Louis Dean is giving it. Hopefully, he'll leave his gardening days and go on to something else. Seems like all that energy could be put to better use. Take care and hope tomorrow is a better day !

shirjo said...

Linda I know the frustrations you have when Louis Dean has memory lapses. I lost my husband 5 years ago to alzheimers. He had a poor memory for many things most of his life but I noticed he always remembered what was important to him.

photowannabe said...

Wow, it seems that Grace is working overtime at the Ranch.
Praying for you and your dear LD.
This is suppose to be a time of rest, relaxation and enjoying each other's company..praying it WILL be so.
Love you

Linda said...

I try and focus on the blessings of having Louis Dean with me. I ask myself, “In light of eternity, will this - whatever THIS is - really matter?”
I know you must miss your husband very much….

Susie said...

Oh Linda, I almost wanted to cry myself. LD is such a good heart...but seems not able to think some things thru. Hug him for all of us. He is a working fool, just loves it. His eye looked bad. Hope it starts getting better. I loved the horses pictures. Too cute licking his lips. Wow what a truck driver breakfast !! Believe me Linda, If patience pills were for sale I would have a big ole bottle, just so I could drive at times. LOL. Blessings to you and LD, love you both. xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the thing I like the most about you that i do not have the abilities you have, is to let things go, and walk away and clean or sleep or wait until next day. that is not in me and it should be. I get so mad with bob I can't think straight and I can't walk away like you do. I know it is because they are 85 and things are different and changing every day and I tell myself the next time I will do what Linda does, so far it only happens rarely

Brenda said...

Linda, that is the best attitude ever. I often ask myself, my family, my friends...Does that matter in the course of our lives? You are amazing.

Carole said...

Your post made me giggle - just goes to show that if one thing gets mucked up , everything else starts to go wrong as well! Well done for not exploding - the patience of a saint. Hope you feel better tomorrow. Cheers