Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Cozy, Comfy Saturday and a Country Diary Give Away

This has been THE best Saturday I have had in a long time!! 
Louis Dean and I slept in, lingered over coffee and our reading and lazed around the house all day.

I puttered around a bit - straightening up this and fluffing up that. I ran a load of laundry and organized Louis Dean's sox and t-shirts.

As is my custom, I light a candle as each room is freshened up.

I am enjoying the coziness of a home still dressed for Christmas.

No snow here in North Texas today but it IS cold!

Cold enough to turn on the heated blanket when I took my nap this afternoon.

Louis Dean worked on his music while I slept and then sang several songs for me when I woke up.

We continue to eat 'leftovers' instead of cooking 'new' food.
It's kind of like there's a lull in the action around here!
I'm enjoying every minute of it!
I was seriously so tired I was afraid I was getting sick.
I think I was simply exhausted.
Hopefully this day will put me back on the PLUS side of energy!

I have been keeping a handwritten journal since 1986 using Our Country Diary by Michel Design Works. In January of this year I went to the bookcase to get my 2014 Diary and it was NOT THERE!
The diaries are mailed out in October and I distinctly remembered sliding the book into the bookcase.
The problem was - it was a memory from the year before!
I didn't realize that until several weeks ago. I thought I must have accidentally thrown it away.
When THIS year's Country Diary did not arrive by November - I called the company direct.
As it happened, the book club I originally ordered the Diary from no longer offers it.
SO I DID NOT get a Diary for 2014 after all!!!!

I ordered TWO for 2015 and they arrived within days!
I would like to give the extra one to YOU - if you would enjoy an old fashioned diary to journal in!

I know not everyone journals so if YOU do and would like this extra one - just leave a comment saying so. If there is more than one, I will write the names on pieces of paper and put them in a basket and let Louis Dean draw a name.
This is Saturday evening and the New Year starts on Thursday.
I want to be able to get this in the mail to you so I will get Louis Dean to draw the name Monday night!

I have so enjoyed these Country Diaries!!
Hope YOU will, TOO!


Wanda said...

Dear sweet Linda. I too have journaled for years and years, and have a bookcase full. I don't have a new one for 2015 so would love to have my name put in the pot for a drawing. The sweetest thing, my great grandson, Issac, showed me his new journal he got for Christmas, he's seven and loves to write and draw pictures in it. I gave my grandson in College a nice leather one to record his dreams, goals and life moments. When I'm journals will live on with my kids and grandkids. I like that legacy.

Linda said...

I want both of you to get rested up. You've both been pushing yourselves too hard since each of you were sick earlier in the fall. (How's that for a poorly constructed sentence?). Anyway, after Christmas is lull time. Take advantage of it, rest up, get your energy back, & welcome in a busy spring.

Cranberry Morning said...

The diary sounds lovely! Sure, include me in the draw please. :-). Sounds like the same kind of Saturday as mine today. Low key, comfortable, no rush, no company. It's been a nice reprieve from all the busyness.

Debbie said...

oohhhh linda, I have not visited in so long but find you with the same spirit that you always have!! You are a bright, beam of light and I always enjoy reading about your day, busy or otherwise!! I have been using my blog as a journal, I have been printing it every three months to memorize my thoughts and images.

Sounds like you and ld had a perfect day!!

Pondside said...

I like to record my day - sometimes it's just a few lines about the day or the weather and sometimes it a lot more. I don't have a journal for the new year. Ease outy name into the hat!

Ginny Hartzler said...

They are beautiful and yes, I would love one! We have the same problem remembering! I will think we got the mail in, only to remember that the memory was from yesterday. Aren't the electric blankets wonderful? We love ours, but take it off come spring. I am glad you are alright and got lots of rest. Could it possibly be a problem to have too much energy?

From Hickory Hill said...

I would love a fresh diary for 2015!! I too have been writing in a journal for years. I still have my very first diary. It was a 5 year diary. I received it for Christmas from Santa when I was 10. I am now 63. I enjoy reading your blog! Happy New Year!!!

Deb said...

I'm glad you are taking time to rest! You are sweet to share your extra journal!

Kathy said...

I'm glad you took today to rest. I don't know how you do as much as you do. I sure can't. I fall asleep on the sofa every day after work. Your house is so lovely all decorated for Christmas. I have kept a diary since I was a teenager. These days my diary is my blog. But I am going to try to write things down this year. I'd love to be entered for your extra journal. Have a good weekend!

Jackie See said...

Get some rest Linda! And let Louis Dean serenade you! I too journal, that old saying "I don't know what I think until I read what I have written". Journaling helps me find answers to questions I didn't even know to ask! Please put my name on your list and stay warm! We need the sun to shine here in the ozarks, the ground is so saturated everything is muddy. As Debbie said "let your light shine"!

Linda said...

Yes, you took a day of rest, I am very happy! We all need to do this once in a while, it is good. Your photos are lovely, as always. :)

Jutta said...

I too began the hand written journal on 1986 when my first child was born. I continued on that for 16 years BUT then after 2002 quited. Perhaps I would be time to begin again. My all children like to read them and learn how it was when they were small and we all lived under the same roof together. I also have by date organized photobooks to go with them. That too stoped 2002 when my papercamera broke down. Bummer....
Your Christmas was SO full of activity that it is only good that you rest now and enjoy your lovely home, each other, and all the good memories together. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

your home is beautiful with all those candles. i love love love journal for me. when i was 15 someone gave me a diary, i still have it, in the whole year i wrote about 10 times in it...

Lori said...

Now you knew there would be more than one comment with that cute little journal! Put my name in the basket and I hope I am lucky. You wouldn't even need to mail it, we could meet half way since I am in Coppell!

Susie said...

Linda, I am glad you and LD got some much needed rest. It is good to take that time to relax and enjoy your worked hard on them. I already have a new journal...but thanks. I like to write things in my journals. I have one just for repairs of the house, garage and our lawn machines. Blessings for a nice quiet Sunday. xoxo,Susie

jamie said...

would love the diary and some artwork from the quads

Vee said...

Sweet, sweet rest, Linda. So glad that you and Louis Dean had such a day. I, too, am enjoying my Christmas home. I do so love the days following Christmas...still things going one, but the pace has slowed to an easy, comfortable level.

Vee said...

going on that is...

Carole said...

I would love it LInda - but if I do get selected please let me send the postage cost to you - I wouldn't want you to be out of pocket since New Zealand is so far away! Happy New Year from Carole's Chatter

Jan said...

I just recently started journaling (this past March). I never thought of keeping a journal until I read one of your posts about the journals you keep. It inspired me and now I'm hooked!

Bev said...

I'm behind in my blogging...If its not to late I'd love to be in your draw for the diary!!

Arlene G said...

I have been out of town on a quick after Christmas trip to NC and come home to find your sweet giveaway, Linda. I love those Country Diaries and I have not seen them in my neck of the woods in quite a while. Would love to enter your give away.

Gypsy Heart said...

Just trying to catch up on your posts so not entering the drawing. I think I did read that the winner was chosen though ~ congrats to her! I think you should schedule more down time for you and LD during the coming year. After being sick and doing so much, it's time for rest. :)

Love your candles! I'm a candleholic myself and would not even consider a 12 Step Program for it. LOL I so enjoy having them burning and really find them to be peaceful and relaxing. A friend of mine always gives me and another friend a nice candle for Christmas and I love it! I told her I hoped she never stopped. I kinda doubt that she would 'cause she's a candle person too.


Carla said...

I too am just trying to catch up. How sweet of you to have a give away. I still owe you a hand crafted gift from the facebook post. It's on my project list. I used to use a diary then a planner to jot things down but I have never been consistent. Hmm now I blog. One I get caught up on reading and projects I'd like to make something for a give away. I'll have to keep reading to find out who was the lucky winner of your diary. Hugs