Tuesday, December 30, 2014

And the Winner IS.......Plus a Prayer Request......

Louis Dean and I have spent another cozy day at home.
I didn't get out of bed until 10:00 and stayed in my gown and robe until after noon!

I spent most of the day here in the den reading and puttering around.
I had a couple of books to finish and some thank you notes to write.
Tonight we did the name drawing for the 2015 Country Diary.
I had 15 names written on papers and LD mixed and shook them up really good!

We did this very scientifically! 

I will be getting this in the mail tomorrow!!!

We sat out on the driveway with our feet propped up and had a glass of wine before dinner.
I think the leftovers have about had it now!

I was just adding this pic from Sunday night and was about to post this journal entry when I got a call from Mike. Amber had been at Target with all four babies when Trystan had a seizure and started turning blue. The Target people and customers were amazing and helped deal with the other three kids, called 911 for Amber as she was trying to get Trystan to respond. The Target had a clinic in it so a nurse was on the scene to help as well. Mike arrived and took the other three with him and Amber went with Trystan by ambulance to the hospital. As soon as Mike called me we were on our way!

This is from Amber's Facebook page.......

"Prayer request: please pray for Trystan. I was at Target with all four kids by myself and she had a seizure in the middle of check out. We took an ambulance up to hospital and they are running tests and giving some basic meds until they know more. Please cover my sweet girl in your prayers. Will provide updates as I'm able."

It was pretty scary! She looked so tiny and frail in that big bed.
Once they got an IV started and she had some fluids, she began to look a lot better!

Look at her holding her Granddad's finger!

Mike had taken the other three to Chick Fil A for dinner and then they all joined us up in the ER.

When ONE quad goes to the hospital - they ALL go!!!
Logan was so sweet trying to comfort her sister.
Kailey and Harrison were also concerned so it was a good thing they got to see her.
The hospital staff was wonderful and showed me where to get ice, water, coffee, juices and such.
The three little ones sash shayed down the ER hall and I fixed them watered down cranberry/grape juice they called 'tea!'

By the time Louis Dean and I were ready to take them home to Quadville, Trystan was even feeling playing a little bit with Logan.

It was after 11:00 when we got them in bed and they were such troopers!!!
It was hard on Logan who shares a room with Trystan. It troubled her that Trystan wasn't there.
Amber and Mike called about that time and we put our phones on speaker so the girls could tell each other good night. Squeezes my heart!

As I write this, Trystan is still in the hospital and her parents are both with her,
So far the tests have not revealed anything except that she is running a fever.
They have one more test to run before they decide whether she can come home or be admitted.

You may think the prayer request is for Trystan. 
Prayers would be very much appreciated.
However, the main request is prayer for our Amber!
This has been so hard on her! It's a Quad Mom's nightmare!
To have FOUR and then something happen to one of them and you still have the other three to look after! The whole hospital scene is fraught with emotions for Amber.
She held herself together and did what had to be done - even though she was scared to death!!
God was with her as he always is! 
I've said it before and I am saying it again -
Amber is the BEST mother I have ever met in my life!!
Praying for calm and strength and comfort for her tonight ....and every night.....


Kathy said...

When I saw your post on fb it was right before Joe and I were doing our evening devotions and we have already prayed for Trystan. Thanks for the update. We will be praying for the whole family now. It is a scary thing to have your baby sick.

Congratulations to Carole on winning the journal!

Shannon Hopps said...

Goodness, Linda- keeping them in prayer- and you, too. I know this has to be hard on the family.

Jean Tatum said...

Praying for your sweet little girl.
I remember when our great grandson had a fever seizure. It is so frightful to see. She may never have another. I hope you can relax. God is in control.

Penny said...

Oh Linda! With you all in spirit and anxiously await updates X

Deb said...

Prayers for all of you! Hugs too! If I can do anything let me know

missyp said...

Oh Linda! I have so enjoyed Amber's journey, and thru that getting to "know" you. I remember praying hard for Harrison, I will now do the same for Amber and Trystan. I felt compelled to share that I have been through a similar experience with my three year old. He has had two seizures, but thankfully they were fever related and he will outgrow them. I relate to Amber because they are terrifying to watch. I pray that Trystan will outgrow them as well.

Estelle's said...

We are all sending prayers for your little Trystan! So many of us follow the updates posts on these precious children! I know how frightening this must have been! Hoping they are home safe and all is well today! So thankful you all live close! Hugs and blessings to you all.

HoundDogMom said...

Sending prayers for little Trystan. How scary for your Amber but so glad that everyone was attentive to her and helped her with the other kiddos. I am so thankful that you are close to her so you can help with the others. Hope today is better for everyone. Prayers and Hugs

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Prayers for sure, Linda. Let us all know what they find out about Trystan. Strength for Amber, too xoxo

Debbie said...

I have lifted all of them in prayer. How very scary that must have been for Amber. Glad that the Target people were soo helpful. My daughter's best friend had a seizure out of the blue once in high school. They never did figure out why and she has never had another. That was 10 years ago!. She takes no medication either. Hopefully this will all be behind you soon. Blessings to you all! Debbie

Vee said...

You have our prayers...frightening for sure. This is where we get to see if we pass the test of faith and I think that you have shown that you do. Parenting is not for the weak or detached. Sending love and praying that Trystan's episode was just a blip. So sweet to see the interactions.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

sending prayers up now for all of you and especially for Trystan and Amber. I am so very sorry to read this and pray that all will be well, i prayed for the doctors to.

Pam said...

Amber and the whole family will be at the top of my prayer list, I can only imagine how scary this must have been. I pray that you can all feel the presence of God wrapping you in his loving arms and keeping you all safe. A friend in East Texas, Pam.

Jan said...

Lifting up prayers for Trystan, Amber and all of you! God bless and keep you!

Arlene G said...

Praying for Trystan and the family. Please keep us updated on your sweet girl.

Pondside said...

Yes, Linda - prayers for Amber and Trystan often every day. They will be right there with my big boy in my heart. God bless them all.

Unknown said...

How scary for Amber and Mike. Lots of prayers and good thoughts for all of you during this time and always. Please keep us posted.

Jackie See said...

Oh those little faces! Our grandson had a seizure last summer, they determined it was because he had been sick with the flue bug a week earlier. He is fine now and has not had another one. Prayers for this little angel to be healthy and happy, and prayers for mom and dad!

Wanda said...

Dear Linda...know that many prayers are going up to the Heavenly Father for Tystan. I know seizures as our youngest had them after the accident, and is on medication still at 44. Love and hugs.

Congrats to Carol.

Linda said...

Prayers being said for Trystan.

Beth said...

How frightening! So sorry to hear this and am praying for Trystan, Amber and family. I know it must be tough for the quads to be missing one. Children who are multiples just seem so very close and each seems a part of the other.

Hootin Anni said...

I am praying right now!!! Please Lord, Keep the little one safe from harm and help her grow stronger by the day!!

Judy said...

Praying for them both...Trystan and Amber. What a frightening experience! I will be checking back for updates.

Kelly said...

I am so sorry to hear this news! How scary! I hope that the doctors can figure out what caused her to have a seizure and that it can be fixed easily so it won't happen again. I know that Amber is worried to death about the situation as would be expected. I will say a prayer for both Tristan and Amber so they can get through this and back to normal life.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh NO!!! I cannot imagine how scared Amber was at Target! Poor little Trystan! At least she is stable now and being well taken care of. But I know that none of you will take a deep breath until the diagnosis. Try singing to her "The Teddy Bears Picnic" is a favorite of ours and keeps them spellbound. I am the church Prayer Lady and run our prayer line 24/7 so you KNOW you are getting huge prayers from me, prayers for peace for everyone and a good diagnosis. I fell at Target last year and knocked my front teeth out, so I know how well they handle things like this. Poor sweet baby, I wish I could be there to help out! PLEASE keep updating us!! Blessings to all of you.

Susie said...

Linda, I am praying for all of you. All. I feel like crying right now as I read this. Amber is a strong girl. I will hold you all in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Susie

irene said...

just want you to know that I am lifting you and that little family up to the Lord. I'm coming to you from British Columbia, Canada. It's it great to know that God's people all over the world can unite in prayer. I so enjoy your blog, Linda. Sorry I have not commented before.

Carla said...

I remember reading this on FB. That is so scary. My heart just stopped.
She looked like a porcelain doll laying in that bed and it was nice seeing that cute little smile of her in the next.
I that is every parents nightmare to have a child fall ill like that so unexpectedly. God Bless everyone and extra hugs for Mike and Amber

Unknown said...

that was so outgoing i was crying on the ER part that scared me so much even though i knew she was going to be alright if i had read your blog then i would have prayed a long prayer