Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Grateful Hearts and Update on Trystan.......

It is with a grateful heart that I write my journal entry tonight.
A TIRED body but a GRATEFUL heart!

Trystan was released in the wee hours of the morning and slept the rest of the night snuggled close to Mama and Daddy! Louis Dean and I had rushed over last night and left Lucy in her kennel. We went ahead and spent the night - or what was left of it - and then woke up at 6:30 to go home and let Lucy out. I went straight bed where I stayed and slept until noon! Louis Dean stayed up with Lucy and then watched the news and started cooking the pinto beans I had put to soak yesterday. The delicious smell woke me up!

Amber called me as she was leaving the doctor's office where she had a follow up appointment for Trystan after that scary ER experience last night. The last test they want to do is an EEG which Amber will get scheduled. We are just so grateful Trystan is feeling so much better!
AND we are so grateful for all of you who held us up in prayer!!
I have to confess - I was a mess! I was scared to death and knew Amber would be nearly beside herself. She kept her head and held fast! I got so discombobulated on the drive to the hospital that I very nearly got us killed!! I was in a turn lane and discovered I wasn't suppose to turn so I checked my mirror and pulled over. The car was in my blind spot and was going fast - thank goodness - because just split seconds and inches saved us from a serious accident!

After talking to Amber, we decided to come back to Quadville this afternoon and spend the night.
They had one last Family Christmas Gathering that they were planning on hosting. After the ER trip and the fever episode (Trystan continues to have some fever issues - as does Logan now) that ruled that out. It was decided that we would come over and stay while the parents went to the gathering.
Win! WIN!! I was anxious to see Trystan anyway!

We loaded up our dog and cat and my Bible basket (to organize it for the new year) plus a couple of guitars and a bag of food! We were OFF!

However, we made a Whataburger stop on our way!!

I have been hungry for this for a week!!!
Since Goodwill was just right there and since it WAS Tuesday -
I left all the critters including Louis Dean in the car and made a run!
Let's just say Lucy was VERY crowded in the back seat!

Logan and Trystan didn't nap this afternoon so they greeted us and were happy to see Maddie had come to visit!

Harrison and Kailey DID nap so as soon as they woke up they headed straight for Granddad!

The quads always want a Tea Party and I am always willing to give them one!

Peach Tea!!

We used the new Frozen tea set their mama bought them for Christmas!

It's so good to see Trystan feel like her normal little self!

The girls helped me wash up the tea set and dry it to store away in a Snowman Tin!
I received the tin from Sabrina filled with scrumptious cookies and chocolate covered pretzels.
We ate the rest of the cookies and I am leaving the tin since it goes perfectly with the tea set.

After the tea party things began to go downhill........
at one point I had all four babies standing around me in a circle and they were all either crying, yelling, talking or upset! At this same moment all three dogs were barking and BOTH TV sets were blaring top it off........Louis Dean was playing the guitar and singing at the top of his lungs!!!! I HAD to laugh!!!!! Better this than last night in the ER!!!!
To be clear - Granddad was trying to get their attention so I could cook supper!
That didn't work very well.....

I fried up potatoes and onions, heated up the pinto beans and buttered the cornbread.
Dinner was served!!!
Poor Logan had not napped this afternoon so she was overly tired.
She had worked herself up before dinner and by the time it was ready - she was DONE!
I held her awhile and when she calmed down I was able to get her to eat from a plate on my lap.
The other three ate very well!!

I changed their diapers and put their pajamas on one by one as we took them out of the quad table. 
Logan was first. Trystan was second. They know how to take turns and the meaning of the word 'next!' Just as I started to get Kailey, Harrison spoke out very loudly and firmly, "Get me OUT of  here, MeeMAW!!!" I did!!

Logan was running a fever by now so I fully expected her and Trystan to be the first to go to sleep.
Not so.
Granddad got his two asleep (Harrison and Kailey) and found my two still awake.
I had gone downstairs. I had done everything I could think of to do.

When I went back up to check on them, THIS is what I found.
Granddad has such a soft heart!
He ended up getting all FOUR to sleep tonight!
With only 5 hours of sleep last night - he won the prize for hanging in there!!!

After all were asleep, he and I enjoyed watching Killing Lincoln together!
We need to watch this yet again!

Good night - or I should say - Good MORNING, from Quadville!!!


Deb said...

What a day and a night before...I am so happy everyone is ok...will continue to pray for all of you!!! You are an awesome Mom and Memaw! And Louise Dean is such a treasure!!!

Linda said...

What a scare with Trystan. Glad she's feeling better. I know all of you will be watching her closely. You don't soon forget an experience like that. Louis Dean is amazing! Amber & Mike are fortunate to have you & Louis Dean as back up.

Jutta said...

Phew - GREAT that Trystan is okay!!! She and all of you have been in my mind throughout the night. Thank you for the wonderful update Linda!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad she is back home and doing well! What an awful scare. Do the doctors have any idea what happened? You were both THERE for Amber when she needed you! A very tiring but wonderful day with all the quads back home!!

Hootin Anni said...

Bless us, everyone!!! I liked the sound of this post. Sweet mother of god tho...what a scare. Now, I hope that the findings of all the testing on the little one is just the fever and nothing serious. My heart goes out to you all...REST!!!

Gypsy Heart said...

I'm so glad Trystan is better! Hoping Logan will heal quickly too. Everyone has been through a LOT so no wonder the little ones are tired and cross...and you two are exhausted. Take good care!


Estelle's said...

Bless your heart....all of you. Where o where, do you both muster up all that energy? Very happy to hear your little darling is home!

Kathy said...

So very glad to hear the news about Trystan. God bless you and LD for being there for Amber and Mike when they need you. Taking care of one little one is a job let alone four. I hope this is the end of all the health issues and 2015 is a good year for all of you.

Susie said...

Linda, You and LD are hang in there as long as your needed. Sounds like all the kids are tired. I am keeping all of you in my prayers. You may have to call in reinforcements if necessary. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Kelly said...

I'm so relieved to read that Trystan has been released from the hospital and is doing much better. Now that Logan has a fever it makes me think that Trystan had some sort of virus that caused her seizure. That would be a good thing rather than it being a chronic condition! Hope you get some rest soon and things get back to normal.


OMG! I'm so glad she's back home in the, what a scare!!!
I'm glad it was a virus ONLY! Much blessings and good health for you, LD and all your beautiful family.

Judy said...

Glad Trystan is back home and seems OK. Wishing you...and ALL of yours...a most blessed New Year!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

just reading about the NOISE levels had my BP rising.. i can only imagine. so glad you were there to let the parents go out for a while. and LD wins the prize once again for being the best Granddad ever

Linda said...

Praise God! I am so happy that Trystan is back home. Wishing you much love, peace and joy in 2015, Linda, and always.

Cheapchick said...

How scary - I am glad Trystan is back but hopefully everyone will lose the fevers and can go back to being happy kids.

Vee said...

So glad that Trystan is home and doing lots better. Hope that whatever this is is gone pronto before everyone is down with it. Had to laugh at the scene you described! Oh my! Good thing Louis Dean was the toddler whisperer last night. I have been so rattled that I nearly was in an accident. I can see how it could happen and I praise God for His loving care for you. He stands in the gap so often and only sometimes are we aware of it. Praying for a relaxing New Year's for all! A quiet, calm, relaxing time.

Wanda said...

You and LD continue to amaze me with your ability to take everything in stride, and fry potatoes and fix dinner on top of it all. I could smell those fried potatoes and onions...Loving you and your gang big time.

Deanie W said...

You & LD are Rock Stars :)

Stacey said...

Linda, you are just amazing! Your daughter is so blessed to have you and Louis Dean to help with the quads. I can't even imagine!

So glad Trystan is ok. It's so scary when babies have fevers. I hope the others stay well.

Now let me just say...pinto beans, cornbread, and potatoes & onions sounds like a little bit of heaven. :)