Monday, January 9, 2023

Spending Time With Family as we Remembered our Cousin Joyce Together.

 I remember when we were kids growing up how our mother, uncles and aunts would call use Cousin in front of their cousin's name. Depending on who was saying it - it was 'Cud-un' or 'Cuzzun' and the regular sounding 'Cousin.'

We in the next generation didn't do that - for whatever reason.
Maybe there were too many of us.

Today we gathered together as we remembered our dearly loved Cousin Joyce.

Louis Dean and I woke up at 5:00 this morning and got ready to drive over to Fort Worth so we could ride with Deanie and Charlie to Mineral Wells to the funeral.
We meant to leave at 6:30 and stop for breakfast - but we had another cup of coffee and a granola bar instead. It was still DARK at 6:30 so we needed to wait a little longer for daylight!

It's a tradition to take a pic of Deanie and Louis Dean together!

Charlie is an excellent driver and we enjoyed the drive to Mineral Wells and visiting as we went.
Louis Dean and Charlie both had wonderful happy childhoods and it was fun to hear them tell us some of their memories.

We arrived at the church early - can you imagine that??
This is Ricky and he holds a special place in all of our hearts but especially in Deanie and Charlie's!
Pam is Joyce's daughter and Ricky is Pam's grandson.

He is an exceptional child and so interesting.
I could listen to him talk all day long!

He's also a great comedian and we all laughed so much!
Here he is as he made sure all the ladies were out of the restroom - and then HE went in!
Why? Just because!

He's a hoot and he also has his own YouTube channel!
I think he and Rayne plan to follow each other's.

The service was such a beautiful one and perfectly fitting for our sweet cousin.
She was such a lady and as we reflected on our collective memories, stories were shared about what a fun side she had as well as her tender and gentle spirit.

One of the best blessings of the day was getting to visit at length with our other cousins.

Lunch was served there at church and that was where we talked and laughed and ate until we couldn't eat another bite! The ladies of the church were so sweet to all of us as we lingered long at the tables and then pushed two of them close together so the ones remaining could visit some more.
And maybe we did eat a few more helpings of dessert and drink a few more glasses of iced tea.
We thanked them for their kindness to us as we left the church.

Afterwards we all rode to the cemetery in Jacksboro, Texas for the graveside service.
More visiting and laughing and remembering.
Ricky's mother is buried there and Rick was telling us how when his mother died, he was younger and thought her body was put INSIDE the headstone.
I wish I had taken more photos today and one of Danna's stone....
because across the bottom of the stone it reads -

Ricky's mom
But in a child's printing.

I noticed all the signs for Deer Corn and even Deer Candy Corn - I'm assuming that isn't what I buy at Halloween! There was deer this and deer that all up and down the main street in Jacksboro!

My favorite was this convertible with all the deer inside!
Dear ME!!!
And DEAR Charlie!
He was such a good sport to stop and take my picture with them!

We left home at first light and arrived back before dark!
And since we got up so early - I am going to bed now!

It was a beautiful gift of a day to be together like we were with so much family.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad this was turned into an occasion of wonderful and joyful memories!! The Deer in the car is a real hoot!

Judy said...

Sounds like a lovely and memorable day! A gift indeed!

Rita said...

Sounds like a wonderful celebration of her life! :)

Hootin Anni said...

A wonderful tribute!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Family is what holds us together and I'm so glad you have such a loving one. I have a lot of cousins too and even though I don't see them much these days, they are always gather for the funerals. Nice you have such good memories of your cousin. That was definitely a celebration of life.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my family, both maternal and paternal always had a good time at funerals. when my mother died, everyone, both sides converged on Savannah GA and the laughter and fun coming out of the funeral home during visitation was a little embarassing. My mother would have loved her funeral. we told and retold stories that were funny even though we had heard them many times. Daddy has 2 sisters and 4 brothers and the brothers rarely saw each other. it is good to share happy memories with family and friends.

Chatty Crone said...

What a wonderful life she had and it is so wonderful that she was celebrated at her funeral - that meant she had a good life, people loved her, and that she will be missed. Sorry for your loss.

Deanna Rabe said...

Being together at these times is so important. I'm glad you were able to ride with Deanie and Charlie. Ricky is quite the character!

Brenda said...

Prayers as you navigate this journey you are on. Losing your family. Always a sad time, but we cherish the memories. You are an amazing person.

Anonymous said...

I wish all memorials could be like this. How old was Ricky when he lost his mother.

photowannabe said...

What a treasure to have that Gift of a Day with family.
I am truly sorry for the loss of your cousin. I'm glad you have such beautiful memories of her.
Love the Dear photo of you Dear..deer...

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

While the passing of a beloved family member is always a sad event, I am sure that your cousin Joyce would have appreciated and enjoyed knowing all the family celebrated together.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I'm sorry for your loss. It's nice you have cousins that are all close where you can comfort each other through good fellowship and laughter.

Donna said...

Awww...Ricky's Mom...made me tear up...

Wanda said...

Funerals can be bittersweet. So sad as we grieve the one we have lost, and joyful as we can celebrate their life and be with family and friends.
I loved the pictures, and that little guy is truly a "hoot". Thnank God for young men like him, and thank God for sense of humor!

You look beautiful, Linda.

Sending love and Hugs.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Sounds like a wonderful celebration despite the sadness of the occasion. Family is everything.
Ricky's sign so poignant.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your cousin's passing, but am glad that you were able to attend the funeral and be with loved ones and share special memories. We also had a similar experience this past weekend, celebrating the life of my hubby's cousin "Sonny". (real name was Charles, but only his wife and business associates call him that). It was a special time, and I will be writing more about it later this week. I loved the deer car pic...hilarious. We also fed deer some deer corn this past weekend. They were everywhere!!! Crazy!! God bless you DEER friend! :)