Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Change of Plans.....

Sunday was a really GOOD day!
Louis Dean opted to stay home while I went to church.
Brenda and Billy picked me up and that made me feel so special.
The service was excellent - on Shame - and I love how Fellowship Church stays so relevant in teaching from scripture what we all deal with.

The Bells had two early morning hockey games before they came to church at the 11:15 service.
(The girls won their game and Harrison won his!)

We met up with them after the service and visited for a little while before they headed their way and Brenda, Billy and I headed our way.
They treated me to lunch at Jake's BBQ in Grapevine and it was SO good!!!
Brenda retires in March and I can't wait! We have so many plans for our Tuesdays!

Louis Dean had an excellent day while I was gone.
He both answered my call on his landline and then drove up to Little Caesars for Hot Wings and then he called me on the landline to say he was home!
He settled down to eat his wings, drink a beer and watch football!

We both watched the Cowboy game and we all know that didn't go well.
Now I'm rooting for Kansas City in the next go round! 

We were all set to go down to the ranch and had already packed some stuff in the truck - 
when Louis Dean tripped over a basket in front of the couch and fell.
No broken bones and just some aches and pain from the fall, but it was enough of a mishap to warrant staying home on Monday to recover. He has a good bit of neuropathy in his feet and that coupled with his decline in spatial awareness, he is more unsteady now.

I went to bed with a check in my spirit about our planned trip to the ranch.
Come Monday morning I knew it wasn't the right time as this week is going to be cold at night and we all know Louis Dean does NOT do well in the cold.
So we switched gears and are staying home this week.

Louis Dean worked on his music all day Monday and I cleaned, sewed and did some art. 
Tonight I finished the quilt for my sister, Rita's, newest granddaughter!

I probably should have just made the quilt and left it alone - but then I got the bright idea of embellishing it!

I only have one clean room in the house right now - the kitchen.

This morning I finished up the pantry.

I love looking at people's fridges and pantries!

Can you see the 'Slim Jim' hanging on a nail inside the pantry?
My brother worked for Texas Towing for a number of years and he came to our aid when we locked the keys in the car long years ago. He gave me one of his tools of the trade and it has hung right here for so many years! I am a keeper of memories and special things.

The brown bag hanging was Summer's school bag when she was in the 7th grade.
I painted sunflowers on one side and bluebonnets on the other.

That bottle of clear vanilla was given to me by Nita......
I think of her every single day and more so when I bake.

I've been trying to use the things we have in the pantry, fridge and freezer and catch up on my budget by NOT buying groceries for awhile.

Today I made a pasta salad with ham, chopped apples, celery and pecans.
I also made two main dishes with ground beef - ravioli with meat sauce and a beef and rice dish.
Tonight I took a sampling of all of it up to the nursing home for June, Kimmy and Traci.
June is doing well and making progress with her physical therapy.

I decided to call this Wild Horse finished and he is hanging on the living room wall.
All my Santa paintings are still up but they will come down in February.
Which reminds me that Campo Verde leaves their Christmas decorations up through the winter so I am going to make a point of going over there for lunch soon!

I'll close tonight's journal entry with an old photo of myself.

Nita had all of the photos the family had given Mother over the years and Mike boxed them up according to family and returned them to us.

I meant to invite my children and grandchildren to look through them on Christmas Eve but that night was so magical just as it was that I forgot.

I don't remember this picture at all.
I wore my hair long for most of my life and I'm amazed at how much I have here.
On the back it says 06-1978 so I'm  thinking that was when I had this taken.
I would have been 29 at the time.

I think I look like my brother Buster....or he looks like me since I am older than he is!
I am so very grateful I found out who my father is and for my special Kansas City Siblings....

and that in March of 2022 we all spent such a wonderful day TOGETHER!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. So glad you and Louis Dean decided to be flexible in your plans and stay home and rest. I am glad L.D. didn't break anything in his fall. Your pantry looks marvelous - so neat and organized. Great pictures of you and your siblings at the end of your post. Enjoy the rest of the week. Stay safe and warm. I heard about a bad tornado near Houston. I know that Texas is a big state and hope you weren't impacted by any of the violent weather. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are so adorable in this photo! but then, you are now as well. I think it was such a good decision to stay home so Louis Dean could recover in more comfort. Love your quilt and the hearts on it! And the horse is divine, and rather magical! your pantry is awesome, now you can see and use everything you have. I also love looking in people's cabinets and pantries and fridges.

Wanda said...

Hello sweet Linda. Love your "young" photo. What a doll. My have you aged gracfully!!! You still have that young sweet face. I really need to go through a bin of pictures and distribute to the kids,
I feel for Louis Dean and his fall. This is what I fear with my dearest. He is so fragile and frail. He does use a cane in the house, and a walker at night to the bathroom.
A wise decision to stay home this week. The Ranch is going anywhere and will welcome you when Louis Dean is feeling better.
I've been going to church by myself. I'm beginning to feel OK to leave Don for a couple hours, and our church is 10 minutes away,
How special to visit with all your siblings. What a handsome group.
Sending love and hugs
PS If you like seeing other folks refrigerator and pantry, I'll post mine one of these days. I love seeing yours. It made me want to grab a few things and start cooking!! Your pasta salad looks so yummy.

Unknown said...

So sorry about Louis Dean's fall and glad he wasn't hurt. Hoping you both can get to the ranch soon. I know how much you both love it there. You and Brenda are going to have some real adventures when she retires. I know you're looking forward to it. What a beautiful photo. You look exactly the same. You had a ton of hair. So pretty.

Donna said...

Morning sweet lady...So glad LD didn't break anything in his fall! And good decision on staying home...It's just gotten through raining here in Waco for the remainder of the week but next week looks to be rainy all week. Just check your weather app for dates. No fun at the ranch if you have to stay inside.
I also like seeing other peoples pantries and such... you always can get new ideas!
Stay warm friend!

Carol said...

OH I know you both must have been disappointed as I know you love your time at the ranch, but I think it was a good decision to wait. I know LD does not do well in the cold and after his fall, he needed to recoup. I am sure next week we will find you at the ranch. I love your pantry and wish I had one. Also, the photo of the younger you is simply beautiful, but you are beautiful today as well my friend.

Brenda said...

Sorry about the fall. Prayers…love your blog.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good decision to stay home and keep warm. We are very cold and snowy here. I loves that early photo of you. Long hair made a big difference. I've had short hair most of my life. My mom always said I looked better in short hair, but my husband always wanted me two grow it long. You always make the best of the time you have and I love the embellished quilt. Take care and stay warm .

Estelle's said...

This was a fun post Linda...I am so sorry about LD's fall....that can be so awful as we age.....it was fun to take a peek into the pantry...don't know why we like doing that? It's good to sit down with old pictures and remember times from the past....thanks for sharing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Good choice to stay home this week, hope it warms up and NO MUD and you can have a good time at your country home.. sorry about the fall, hope he is feeling better today. I reconized your hair as 70's as soon as I saw the photo. you look like a Charlies Angel. how did we get from 70's to NOW in a blink of our eyes?

Hootin Anni said...

You have lots of charm from your past.... loved the photo!!
Hope healing quickly from the fall will have you two at the "ranch" in no time!!

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you both had a good Sunday but sorry that it ended with the fall. Glad nothing was broken and you are amazing at being so flexible! Great old picture of you and you did have beautiful long hair.

Arlene G said...

I am trying to use pantry and freezer food this week as well Linda. It does help on the grocery budget. Sorry you did not get to go to the ranch but maybe next week. I am learning as I get older that plans can be changed. Being an authoritative big sister, I thought all my plans had to be carried out to the letter.lol dHope you all have a good week.

Deanna Rabe said...

I'm very glad that LD didn't have any broken bones. You are wise to listen to the check in your spirit, and decide to wait to go to the ranch.

I'm glad that you have sweet friends that bless you! You are such a wonderful friend. Good news about June! She'll be home soon!

Stay warm and cozy!

Chatty Crone said...

Sorry you had to change your plans - but you seem flexible. That is good.
You may have to move some things off the floor so no more falls - I had to do that too.
Stay warm and cozy!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad to read that Louis Dean wasn't seriously injured and it was a good plan to cancel your travel plans to the ranch for a while.

The pantry tour was interesting and even more so for all the memories it reminded you of when you looked at items there.

The photo of yourself in your 20s was beautiful and you still are such a lovely person -- beautiful inside and out.

photowannabe said...

Oh poor LD. Staying home is a good idea. So sorry he fell. This getting old sure affects everything. Love your portrait too.
You are so cute.
Guess what came in our mail today?
The Christmas card I sent you!!!
It said it was undeliverable must have somehow gotten the wrong zip.
It will be going out to you again..next few days...
I can't believe that happened.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Poor LD. I'm glad there's no broken bones. Hope he's doing okay now. Good thing y'all changed your plans. It's too cold out even now

Debbie said...

you can see the inside of my frig in my post on 1/13...i love when it looks pretty!! i love cleaning and organizing, not regular cleaning - projects!!

give ld my best, i hope he is ok!!

that is a sweet, beautiful picture of you!!