Tuesday, January 31, 2023

It's a Winter Thunder/Sleet Storm in North Texas!

 I have never heard of a Thunder/Sleet winter storm before - but I have now!

We made a wise decision to stay home this week instead of going down to the ranch!

Monday we meant to go to Walmart for groceries and an oil change on our car plus ask them to check the AC blower - which also serves the defrost setting and heat - which we needed on Sunday!
Instead, we used tissues to clean the windows so I could see to drive home from church.

The weather had already turned bad before we got out and we decided to just go up to ALDI since it was closer and get in and out and back home before the storm ramped up.
Alas, the truck had leaked out all the power steering fluid so we had to take the car after all.

No problem, we got our groceries and even went dumpster diving on our way home.

I have been looking for a chest of drawers to use at the ranch for my clothes.
I have no closet down there and all my clothing is stacked in the camper bath tub in plastic bins.

We saw this chest on the curb just up the street from us.
I am so thankful Louis Dean is such a good sport!
He managed to get it in the car!!

After we unloaded and put up the groceries, I went back to work on cleaning our bedroom - as in under the bed and everything! I do so love a clean room!!!

We kept a fire going in the den and watched some Swat programs while we were comfy and cozy under our lap blankets! HIS is an electric one and it came in handy as his hands were freezing after filling up all our bird feeders.

I woke up this morning hearing a 'noise.'
In freezing weather, I'm always listening to see if I hear water running somewhere - as in a busted pipe.
This noise was coming from the attic and after I pulled the ladder down and climbed up - I could see it was a twig stuck in the turbo vent. No worries!

Louis Dean was the first to look out and see a blanket of white everywhere!
ICE not snow.

He has a small electric heater and on cold days, he warms up his music room so we can sit in there and drink our coffee while we watch the birds at the feeders.

I put a big pot of beans in to soak before I went to bed last night and then I cooked them all day.

Amber and Mike gave me the Christmas Day ham bone and I saved it in the freezer for just such a day as this. An iron skillet of homemade cornbread made for a complete meal!

Ice tea is my daily beverage year round even on super cold days!
This hurricane glass was a a souvenir from one of our siblings trips to San Antonio.

Schools were closed today and tomorrow!
Amber's crew had fun!

 Icy roads are dangerous and we all know Texas shuts down with pretty much the first sign of snow or freezing rain.

Tomorrow will be another stay-in-the-house day!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. I saw some of your very interesting weather on the news tonight. Wow, the storm really wreaked havoc on the freeways in your area. Glad you can stay in tomorrow. Wise decision not to go to the ranch. Stay safe and warm!

Unknown said...

Nice score on that dresser, I'm surprised it fit in your car. Louis Dean looks happy and healthy in that small video. Good for him. Stay safe in all that cold and ice in TX.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cute snow person.. glad you stayed home from your country home and that the twig is the only thing the storm did to you. I saw it coming because the weather people blather on and on about things that are coming days before. then i saw it said Dallas area look out and new it might get you. hope the ice melts today and you get some good old warm Texas Weather without rain to make mud. Loved the video and no wonder you like watching the birds, a great view while drinking coffee.

Vee said...

Haha! Mother Nature is no lady, Louis Dean! 😁 Sleet and ice in Texas? Betsy and Kitty told me about it and I was shocked. I am always grateful when God puts on the brakes. Good to be home in such weather.

Changes in the wind said...

Staying home when the weather is bad is the best plan for sure. Got a kick out of your "little snowman". Bet those beans and cornbread were to die for.

Donna said...

Icy roads here as well! I hate the stuff!
Glad you found the dresser though...now you can get your things out of those bins!

Hootin Anni said...

It's cold here too. And, I look forward to Friday this week where we will once again have ....SUN!!!

Deanna Rabe said...

We had snow and rainy yesterday, with no accumulation. Thankfully it was over by the time I went out to an activity last evening.
I’m glad you both are happy and cozy in your lovely home. Enjoying each other’s company, time to yourselves, good food and some tv shows.

We are now close to spring, February is such a short month, and it’s staying lighter later!

Have a great day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Thankfully we've had no ice, but snow instead. Ice can be devastating and causes a lot of problems, not only with the roads but with our power too. Hope you continue to stay in and keep warm where it's safe. No need to go out unless absolutely necessary.

Chatty Crone said...

Linda - oh my goodness - you could make a day good with anything! I love it.

Brenda said...

Stay safe

Ginny Hartzler said...

It sure was a good thing that Louis Dean filled the bird feders, now the birds do not have to deal with the ice. Tonight we are to get frozen fog! Did the dresser have all the drawers, or has L.D. already loaded one in the car? Do you know if you are going to paint or refinish it? Your artist's mind must be filled with ideas!

Hina said...

Linda, I enjoyed the video clip you shared. It was good to hear you laugh :)

photowannabe said...

I am so glad you stayed home and were able to still get your groceries.
You in Texas were all over our news. That ice was brutal..stay safe, cozy and enjoy your beans and cornbread..YUM...

Granny Marigold said...

Strange weather you're having. I hope by now the ice has melted and things are more normal. Great idea to make a pot of beans and some cornbread.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Here in Nashua, NH, we are not getting of the messy and frozen precipitation that y’all are getting in TX. Good decision to stay home and enjoy that cornbread and soup, Linda.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Glad you are warm and cozy and safe inside your home. Praying the bad weather will soon abate and you will be able to get back outside, but meanwhile enjoy the beauty of looking out from within a warm and happy house. The ham and beans sound SO good! I need to do that. I have several hambones frozen in my freezer for just such an occasion, but here in Florida we never get the crazy weather you have. I guess I can pretend. But it's been in the 80's lately. Tomorrow promises to cool down a bit, so maybe then will be my chance. Love the pictures and the story. Stay safe and cozy and stay in touch. God bless you. Can't wait to see how that dresser turns out. Did it have all the drawers? Looks like a great find! Bye for now.