Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy Halloween 2022!

 We arrived home Sunday night after dark and Louis Dean did a good job getting us here.
We took our time leaving the ranch and I think it was around 4:00 when we left - the first time.
We got to Mart and had turned onto Texas Avenue when I remembered my art supplies!
I was so set on taking my paintings home I forgot about the oils and brushes!
So back we went to the ranch and it was actually a good thing we did.
The tiny toilet in my tiny camper bathroom is being picky about running the water after you flush.
The trap closes - but there's still a tiny stream of water dripping into the bowl and eventually it will overflow. Not good since we will not be back until the day after Thanksgiving!
So Louis Dean turned the water off to the camper and we were once again on our way home.

Next stop - Sam's for Trick or Treat candy!
I'd already bought packaged pretzels and some Pub Snack Mix so I added a box of full size candy bars to the mix. Trix, Three Musketeers, Snickers and Milky Way!
I figure we don't have all that many trick or treaters so why not??
It was Louis Dean's suggestion and I thought it was a good one.

He's looking all happy sitting out there on the driveway waiting for night to fall.

He moved the scarecrow out to the table and fixed him up with a spooky goblin drink.

We had wine in our goblin goblets and Halloween music was blaring through the open window to Louis Dean's music room! The evening was about to begin!

As we sat out there and waiting for the kids to arrive, we were listening to the music - Ghostbusters, Monster Mash and Adams Family song and then a commercial for men's prostate treatment came on!
He ran in there and put another song set from You Tube on and after a few songs, another weird commercial. That's when I went in and clicked on the 'skip ads' button!
Glad no one came until we got that problem solved.

We had some really cool Trick or Treaters including several older teenagers that dressed up in clever costumes and came with their younger siblings. Everyone enjoyed getting the pretzels and Pub mix but they really smiled when I offered them the box of candy bars and said, "Pick one!"

I think we had every bit as much fun as the kids!

Here's our Bell grands at church on Sunday.
They make me smile!

So I am later than normal in finishing my Christmas paintings this year!
They are not quite dry enough to glaze just yet but I will do that next week and get Amber to take photos so I can have my Christmas cards printed up and canvas copies of Santa and Santa with the Nativity Globe made.

I am hoping to be able to giveaway more than just one canvas this year....
so if you would like to be entered in the drawing for the Santa with the Nativity Globe - just leave a comment and I will draw the winners on Wednesday November 16.

Today Louis Dean and I have been moving furniture and working hard!
We bought a white dresser from Summer and moved the bookcase that held all my cookbooks and was in the sewing room out as well as a small green chest that held some art supplies.
Those two pieces have now been relocated to the storage buildings.
The bookcase in my storage building and I will store all my fall dishes and cups and glasses in it.
The green is in Louis Dean's metal storage building and it still has my art supplies it in and that's fine because it's all crafty kind of paints and such. 

What with unloading the pieces and moving and hauling in the new dresser - we have stuff scattered all over the place. Tomorrow we will organize and put it all together and I will go ahead and take all the fall out of the sewing room and pack it away.

I'm never quite ready to take fall down but since I decorated in August, it's time and I am really getting excited about Christmas. I hope to scale it back just a tiny bit and I have purchased three new trees!
I'm also making brand new stockings for this year!

The only Fall I'm leaving up is the front porch.
It's been my favorite and I won't take it down until Thanksgiving week.
We are going back down to the ranch the day after Thanksgiving so it will be wonderful to be all decorated by then and then come home to a Christmas House!

I'm thinking about hosting my annual Cup of Christmas Tea this year.
The last one I  had was in 2018 when my friend Jutta was here from Finland.
In 2019 I held a Ladies Luncheon instead of a Tea and then 2020 happened and 2021 was a Cousins and Sibling Gathering.

It's fun to plan things and I am always reminding myself that if I don't plan it - it probably won't happen!

It takes just as much energy to wish as it does to plan.

Eleanor Roosevelt


Jackie Mitchell said...

You both are looking great. Keeping my fingers crossed that a Santa canvas will come my way.

Mandy said...

Glad y’all made it home safely. I have sure enjoyed looking at your pumpkins this month and I know they have brought much joy to all who have seen them!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The scarecrow with his drink is very cute! Your trick-or-treaters really got treated great!!!

Vonda said...

I would love to enter the drawing for the Santa picture.

Anonymous said...

Would love to be entered into the Santa drawing! Whitney Bell

Hootin Anni said...

Awww,sweet, sweet image of the two of you. That's my favorite. It's a good thing you went back for your art supplies!!!

Anonymous said...

Your paintings are always beautiful. I would like to be entered into your drawing. Jan G. (Waco)

MimiG said...

Your Santas are getting better and better - hopeful, very hopeful, a canvas comes my way in 2022. Cannot wait to see the THREE trees! OMG, look at the Bells - growing so quickly! Much love.

Brenda said...

Love the picture of you two.

Latane Barton said...

Oh my goodness... you've caught my disease... forgetfulness. But, it's a temporary condition and not catching. Have a great week. I swear, that Dean just gets more handsome. And, you two look so happy. Hugs to you both.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I won't start Christmas decorating until after Thanksgiving. We are having a nice fall here and I want to enjoy it as long as I can. Halloween may be over but the decorations will go through until Thanksgiving. I've not done any painting so am now in a quandary as what to give for Christmas. I'd better get busy and decide soon. I like the idea of a Christmas tea. But here we have a family dinner for all and exchange gifts at that time. Take it easy and enjoy Fall while you have it !

Deanna Rabe said...

This year I have the itch to start Christmas decor early, but since we do a real tree still that won't happen until after Thanksgiving.

I'm longing to do a tea this year too, and I think I will! You talking about it has made me excited. I may do one this month.

Joyce F said...

Great picture of you two. I have enjoyed seeing the pumpkins you carved and where you put them. It sounds like you had a fun time with trick or treaters. We live in the country and didn't have any. I didn't even buy any candy this year "just in case" so it is a wonder we didn't have some drop in! I'm not ready to think about Christmas decorating yet. Would like to be put in the drawing for the Santa canvas.

Tina said...

I am itching to start Christmas decorating but I wait till the day after Thanksgiving, I like also to be in the drawing .

Changes in the wind said...

Great picture of the two of you and so glad you are home and enjoying the trick and treaters.

Anonymous said...

I love the Santa with the snow globe. Crossing my fingers that it comes my way. 🫰🏻🫰🏻Have you thought about selling prints?

Sheila Whitworth said...

Please enter me in the drawing for the painting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda- Linda from Keno, Oregon here. It's a super cold morning, I think it was 12 degrees overnight. Not much snow though. Your Christmas painting this year is my favorite so sign me up for the drawing pretty please. We are headed to Seattle tomorrow for an early family Thanksgiving. It's supposed to rain all weekend but our plans are to cook and play games with the kids all weekend. Big hugs, Linda

Dee Guinn said...

I would love to win one of your paintings! And receive a Christmas card.

Dee Ann Guinn
1609 Sylvan
Abilene, TX 79605

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm glad you went back to the ranch...you know there's a reason when that happens. And what fun you had on Halloween! Enjoy your week!

Carol O'Connell said...

It looks like you enjoyed your Halloween night. I laughed out loud when I heard how the music was interrupted with interesting ads! Looking forward to your gorgeous Christmas card again this year. I now have 3 and they are all so gorgeous. Have a great week!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

It sounds like you both had a lot of fun on Halloween night. I didn't have any children! Not even one! I heard the mall was having a big event so everyone went there.

Boy, it's a good thing you did drive back to the ranch - that could have been a real disaster.

I leave my Fall stuff out till after Thanksgiving. It's tradition.

Donna Brown said...

Yes Ma’am! Please enter my name into the drawing.

Chatty Crone said...

Man you were lucky you forgot your brushes and had to turn around - a God wink. You would have had water everywhere!
How far is it from point A to point B for you to drive.
Your trickers were sure cute.

photowannabe said...

Linda, you made me laugh when you said you were cutting back on decorating this year and then said you bought 3 new trees...me thinks you aren't really cutting back but just changing things up a bit.
Louis Dean looks so happy and healthy in that picture. You 2 are just big kids when it comes to holidays.
Yes, yes, yes...please enter me in your drawings..Love your art!

Carole said...

You guys sure keep busy... Cheers

Shari Larson said...

I'm writing again, because I think the email was incorrect. I look forward to your blog and your Facebook posts Linda. I am happy to hear that you and Louis Dean are doing so well. I would be honored to win one of your Christmas Santa paintings. I am looking forward to your Christmas Card. 😊
Joyful living! 💜

Susie said...

Linda, I loved the pictures. You and LD are looking well, and that put a smile on my face. Squeeze the kids hard, they are growing way too fast. LOL I did not turn my porch light as to not deal with trick or treating, cause I thought the cat would go nuts at the doorbell . I am so ready for my daughter to send for her cat. He is her pet but a job for me. :) I see you and LD are doing more work. LOL Just can't help yourselves. I may put up a few things for Christmas. Blessings and hugs, xoxo,love, Susie

Tina said...

You look like you had a wonderful Halloween and I know those trick or treaters loved the full size candy bars! You two are the best!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So happy you made it home in time for Halloween...I can imagine the kids in your neighborhood LOVE to come to your house for trick or treat! I KNOW I would love it!! You certainly know how to make things fun!! Oh, so glad you forgot your paint things and had to go back to the camper to get them...what a mess you would have had if you had not gone back and fixed the toilet! I think that was a "God thing", nudging you to action! Your Christmas paintings would make anyone thrilled to pieces to receive one...I know it would me! God bless you dear one for all the things you do to make so many people smile!!!

Anonymous said...

Been reading since before the quads! Would love a painting! You always make me smile!

Vee said...

Loved seeing the Bells...so grown up and well thought out costumes. Is Harrison a lion tamer?

It must feel wonderful to be excited about teas and Christmas. Life is good.

The joy of being behind is that catching up is not so bad. With Amber's help, you'll have it done
right on time.

Chandra said...

I’ve been reading your blog for years and enjoy it so much! Christmas is my happy time (akin to your fall😊)! My Christmas trees are already up and decorated! Would love a Santa canvas to add to my decorations💚🎄❤️

MaidenLady said...

I love to read about all the fun things you and Louis Dean are always up to. I would love to have your energy but it seems after I hit the big 70 mine has been dwindling. Have a great Thanksgiving holiday.

Melissa said...

Your Santa paintings are always so lovely!