Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Happy 86th Birthday to Louis Dean! Santa Drawing Winners.....

 Last night after we got home I made a batch of chocolate chip cookie dough and baked them up this morning!

Some for Leah and Patrick.....

Some for the nursing staff.....

and I made some for Amber and the kids.

It was chilly today but not as cold as yesterday was!
Driving over to the hospital was a piece of cake in the daylight!

It was truly a beautiful day!
The surgery is over and was a success and Leah is recovering like a rock star!
 Patrick took her home this evening!
It's still going to be a tough 6-week recovery program and then there's physical therapy - 
but Leah is amazing and will do this with nary a whine or complaint. She gets that from her mother, Nita!

Louis Dean and I decided to stop at Trader Joe's while we were so close to one.

It is one of my Happy Places!!!
Today is LD's 86th birthday so I bought him a big New York style cheesecake.
When we got home and I was putting things up - I discovered he bought TWO!

We dropped the cookies off at Amber's and said hi to everyone.
The puppies are back from their first ever hunting trip and are even more adorable!

Home and Louis Dean wanted to cook his birthday dinner so he had the run of the kitchen!

Chicken fried steak and gravy is his all-time favorite and he cooked a good one tonight using a steak our friend Rosey gave us last year. Straight from the farm and so good!

He is a happy man!
He's had a good day and lots of phone calls and messages wishing him a Happy Birthday!

We are loving our cozy den which is a wreck right now with tubs of Christmas debris spilling out all over the room. As a matter of fact - ALL our rooms are a mess right now but it's fun to start the decorating process! I am not using red in our bedroom this year - instead I am doing silver and white.
I found a silver grey and white blanket I bought last year after Christmas and it's already on the bed.
Tomorrow I will haul out even more tubs to find the silver and white 'debris' that will look good in there,

Now for the drawing for Christmas Santa 2022......

Winner #1 is Wanda from Got a Minute or Two?

Winner #2 is Betsy from Estelle's

I should be getting the canvases in along with my Christmas cards on November 29th so I will get the Santas in the mail as quickly as I can.

Thank you all for reading and being such good friends to me and my family!


Deanna Rabe said...

Happy, Happy Birthday to Louis Dean! I hope he has a wonderful year!

Thanking God for Leah being home and her surgery going so well.

Hurray for Christmas cheer in the form of decorating! Can’t wait to see your lovely bedroom!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Louis Dean

Brenda said...

Happy birthday to a great man.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday and many more to Louis Dean. His birthday dinner looked delicious. I hope he enjoyed his cheesecake too. I think when you reach 86 you deserve two cheesecakes. LOL Glad all went well and Leah is recovering. You're so considerate making cookies for the nursing staff.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy 86th to Louis Dean, Bob is 47 days older than LD. they both are amazing at this age. on bob's 86th he had two pieces of carrots cake and 2 bowls of ice cream after his Golden corral lunch. I had to put the hood up on my orange sweat shirt today. 56 feels like 46 with low dew points and 20 mph winds. beau loved the walk, me not so much

Vee said...

Happy Birthday to Louis Dean who makes 86 look like 60! And to whip up his own birthday meal...woot! Looks fabulous, too.

So glad that Leah is on the mend. Praying for her speedy recovery.

You are the only person in the whole wide world who bakes treats for everyone. I think that is very dear. I mean, I hope to bake for my daughter who is arriving in a few hours and that will be a stretch for me. Imagine if I baked for my doctor. ๐Ÿ˜ He might like me better. Ha!

Enjoy the cheesecakes and the decorating!

Congrats to your winners...

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How nice to have 2 happy occasions in a row! Happy Birthday good wishes to Louis Dean! He cooked his own birthday dinner and looks like he couldn't be happier. I hope this year is a good one for him!

Estelle's said...

Are you serious? I am the luckiest girl in Texas right now!!!How very, very exciting and I will be so honored to receive one of your paintings! We wish LD A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY...if only he would share his secret in looking so darn handsome!!!! Y'all are true gems that shine brightly everyday!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday Louis Dean! And many more.
Those cookies look so good!

Sandi said...

Those cookies look delicious.

Happy Birthday to Louis Dean! ๐ŸŽˆ

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy Birthday Louis Dean! Lots of birthday hugs coming your way from Florida! And wasn't he nice to get TWO so that he can share! heehee! Congrats to the lucky winners...but we are all winners to get your beautiful card every year! Sweet hugs to you both, Diane

Carol Ann O'Connell said...

Happy birthday Louis Dean! Looks like you had a great celebration day. Enjoy all the cookies and BOTH cheesecakes :)

Carol said...

Happy Birthday to Louis Dean and he sure does not look that old in this picture. I am glad he enjoyed his dinner! Congratulations to the winners! I am anxiously awaiting my Christmas card this year.

Rita said...

Happy birthday to Louis Dean! His dinner looked delicious. And your cookies--OMGosh!! Now I am really hungry--LOL! Congrats to the winners. :)

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Happy Birthday to Louis Dean! Those puppies are adorable.

Donna said...

Happiest of Birthdays to Louis Dean! So happy Leah got along okay. Praying for a swift and complete recovery.

photowannabe said...

Boy, does 86 look good on LD!!!
Happy Birthday and wow that he fixed his own birthday dinner..You have got a fantastic MAN there!
Happy decorating and enjoy your cozy den.

BeachGypsy said...

Happy happy birthday Louis Dean!!--- he has many fans!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Congratulations to the lucky wnners! Hppy birthday Louis Dean, you are one cool dude! I wish I could taste your famous chicken fried steak! I want to see all the silver and white when you are done.

Carole said...

Happy Birthday LD. 3 cheesecakes - fantastic! Cheers

Buttercup said...

Recovery good wishes to Leah and enjoy the birthday cheesecake. I love, love the fire scene. What a sweet spot to drink cocoa and enjoy the company of loved ones. Happy Thanksgiving!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy Birthday to Louis Dean! He looks great, and that meal looks really good. I hope you all love cheesecake! LOL. Your decorations sound beautiful and I hope you will show us when you get it done. Congratulations to the Santa winners! They are certainly blessed! Saying a prayer for Leah. May she recover well and soon be feeling much much better. God bless you all and have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Hootin Anni said...

A very late happy birthday wish for L D!!! And, next time, I'll join you for that delicious meal.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Belated Happy ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰Birthday wishes to Louis Dean and what a happy guy enjoying his dinner that he even prepared. Hope he left some room for that cheesecake and chocolate chip cookies. Glad to read that Leah was doing well after her surgery too. That Santa painting will make the winners very happy as it is wonderful, Linda.

NanaDiana said...

Happy Birthday to Louis Dean. He is looking good there. His dinner looks great and just think -you have lots of cheesecake to celebrate with. I am glad Leah is doing well and I am sure she will be a rockstar at PT.

Oh- Betsy said to give me her winning ticket. lol...OK OK OK...I might have lied about that! Congrats to the winners. I know they will love winning!!!! xo Diana

Wanda said...

Oh Linda. Estelle said she was the luckiest girl in Texas, I'm the lucky one in CA. I love this painting. I must drag out my watercolors after Thanksgiving.
Louis Dean and Don almost share the same birthday and age. Don turned 85 on the 14th of Nov.
Thanks again, I can't wait to hang the picture for Christmas.

Susie said...

Linda, Happy birthday to your sweetheart L.D. So good he is having cheesecake to celebrate. Nice to know that Wanda and Betsy won the drawings. Wonderful ladies. Blessings to all for a fabulous week coming up. love, xoxo, Susie