Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Mending, Un-decorating, Firewood, Dilly Bits, and Vintage Photos

 I don't know how many denim quilts I have whacked and sewn into being - dozens and dozens!
My very first one was for my daughter, Amber. I used her very favorite flannel sheet made in Israel for the squares along with soft denim.. She has it still today and I mended it earlier this year.
The second one was 12 inch squares and made for my son, Benjamin. I backed it with red flannel - something I regretted and and never did again. You can't use it for picnics because it picks up everything! You know, I have no idea if he still has this quilt because I have purposely never asked him. He moved from home and lived several years in California and with all his moves, it's entirely understandable if he no longer has that quilt. It was HUGE. It fit his double bottom bunk like a bedspread. I used red yarn to tie it together as we would do our out loud reading after lunch back in our homeschooling days.

Leah brought me the quilt I made for her who knows when?
It had been well loved and much used and it was an honor to mend it up like new for her.
The backing was a white sheet and I had wrapped it over for the binding. That had frayed and I rebound it with soft denim strips from a curtain a friend had given me years ago.

Saturday we will gather together and celebrate Nita's life on her 69th birthday.
I wanted to mend this in time to take it to Leah that day.
A tangible symbol of my love for her.
I am both anticipating and dreading this day....if that makes any sense at all.

Transitioning between seasons is not pretty and my house is slowly becoming a mess.
I'm mostly in the sewing room right now and separating the fall from the sunflowers as I will be getting the latter out come June or July. I'll be going room by room until I have a blank canvas to decorate with Christmas, I am wanting to do each room a bit differently this year. We will see if that plays out.

As soon as I got up this morning I put a pot roast in the crockpot.
It made for a very good November day meal.

I don't remember the last time we bought firewood.
Normally - through the year - Louis Dean would spot wood at the curb around here and pick it up.
Then our big old elm tree died and we had that wood.
At nearly 86 - Louis Dean's day of man handling firewood may be past. I may be surprised but for now I ordered some and it arrived today from Red's Firewood.
Now we wait for cold weather to arrive - and I think it is coming.
Right now we still have the attic fan on and that means we can't use the fireplace.

This afternoon I made Dilly Bits!
I know Charlie loves these so I will be taking a bag of them to him on Saturday,

Now for the vintage photos......our cousin Pam is making a collage for her mother and ran across this picture of Mother and all four of us siblings.

Summer saw it on Facebook and said she was two months old when this picture was made.
I was 15 and not allowed to be at the house where Mother and my siblings lived due to my stepfather Clayton. So perhaps we were with Cousin Joyce which is why she had the picture that I have never seen before. I am still moved when I see pictures of Nita....and I am profoundly grateful for every one of them. If I was 15 - then Deanie was 12 and Nita 10 and Lonnie 8 years old.

This vintage photo was taken in a photo booth and I was 17.
You want to know the secret to why I am not smiling?
When I was 9 years old, I rode a bicycle loaned to me by my stepfather and I fell and chipped my front tooth. In time, Mother took me to have a root canal but once I was out of pain, I didn't finish treatment, My tooth 'died' and I had to have it pulled when I was 15 - after the time the first photo was taken and this one. I eventually was able to purchase a 'bridge' of one tooth later but for a year or so I never smiled because I was so self conscience. My teeth were so bad that I had the top ones pulled when I was 18 years old so I have worn dentures most of my life, 

I will close with this pic of Tarzan down at the ranch.
He can't believe I'm gone and is waiting for me to feed him!
I miss that cat!


Ginny Hartzler said...

You are so gorgeous in this photo, as you are to this day. So sad about your teeth at such a young age. I wish you peace for the coming event in honor of Nita. I know you will be fine, surrounded by loving family and friends.

Unknown said...

I love that picture of you and your siblings in front of that Christmas tree. You were all so adorable. I'm sorry you weren't able to live with your mom and siblings. That must've been so hard. And especially you being so young. I'm so glad you're living your best life now. Saturday will be a good day and also a little sad. But you'll all be together. Prayers for everyone who loves and misses Nita.

Hootin Anni said...

Find strength for Saturday my dear Linda. Remember the happy times together with Nita and you will see happiness and smiles!!!

Love the nostalgic photos.

Brenda said...

Prayers Saturday…

Deb J. in Utah said...

Thinking of you today and this week, Linda. Prayers for strength and healing. So glad that you have wonderful pictures, good memories and a loving family to surround you.

Vee said...

It is so thoughtful of you to anticipate what Louis Dean needs—wood delivered.

Nita and I are very close in, we are the same age. I knew it immediately
when I saw her sailor styled outfit. I had one very similar. Doubtful that I have a photo, but
I remember it well. That's a sweet photo of all of you.

Do not dread Saturday. It will be healing balm. What a sweet gift for Leah...the restoring of
her quilt. And dilly bits for Charlie. Why does this leave me wondering what gifts you'll
have for others attending? So much like you, dear Linda.

Donna said... marches on without a word of argument from us...I complain about it constantly (to myself) but it won't slow down...
Hugging you sweet friend...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you were as cute then as your are now. and each of you look enough like you do now to put names to the faces. I did not think about you were not smiling until I read the story. I wish you fond memories this week end and happiness and joy in place of saddness. Hugs and love and Tarzan was my favorite MAN from the time I was 10 until I moved on to Westerns and Cowboys,. this tarzan is The Man. good luck with the UN decorating and that blank canvas

Changes in the wind said...

Love old photos, brings back many memories. You are all set for the winter with the wood and think it was a good idea to order it this time. So many quilts you have made and so many still be used, that is a testimony. Wishing you well.....

Chatty Crone said...

I looked at those photos of you and I can recognize the eyes. Always beautiful.

photowannabe said...

Praying for peace and tender memories this Saturday.
May this be a special time for all of you dear people.
God is holding you in his arms and will not let you go.
Love all of these nostalgic photos.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

We both had babies when we were teenagers and it sure made a short childhood, didn't it! But I am happy now and I know you are too so we have much to be thankful for! Love seeing the old photos. Hugs, Diane

Carol O'Connell said...

You were adorable as a teenager, and you are still adorable now! Sending you many hugs for Saturday.

Donna said...

Praying for you as you gather with loved ones to remember your sweet sister Nita on her birthday. Even tho family members are gone, I still remember their birthdays.

Carole said...

Old photos are so evocative... Cheers

Deanna Rabe said...

I love that you do quilt repair for the quilts you've made! Just think of how many people are sleeping under those lovely quilts.

I'm glad you're gathering to celebrate Nita! We should always remember with joy those we have loved! She was and is still a gift that God gave to you all! One day you'll all hug her again!

We thought we might have to buy firewood this year, but the guys worked with a friend splitting wood at their property, and then we have a dead black cherry on our property they will take down maybe this weekend!

I'm glad you ordered wood. Tim will not be doing wood when we are in our 80's, either!

Love you friend!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You and your family will be in our thoughts this weekend, Linda, as I know the service of remembrance will be a very emotional time for everyone. It's wonderful that you have such happy memories and photos to celebrate and remember your beloved Nita. Good for you on ordering that wood too!

Arlene G said...

Loved all the photos, Linda. You were such a lovely young lady and now a beautiful vintage lady!! Prayers for you today as you celebrate your precious sister.

LC said...

Even with those challenges you were so lovely!