Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday's Comfort Food......

It's been a good Sunday here at the Chapmans.....
Louis Dean was sleeping so well that I couldn't bring myself to wake him up this morning so we watched Fellowship Church online. The series Pastor Ed is preaching is on how to share our faith. We share so many other things - recipes, movie and book recommendations, travel tips, life experiences - I think sharing my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is a simple and sincere desire of my heart.

"O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him."  Psalm 34:8

I listened to the message while sipping my coffee from a cup and saucer set Summer gave me recently.

I love being able to watch church online when we need to.

Last night before we went to bed, Louis Dean and I put on a BIG pot of pinto beans.

They were done to perfection when we got up this morning.

I got busy and made a big pan of cornbread.....

and put a brisket on to cook.

All good old fashioned Comfort Food!!!

It's been a good day and I have enjoyed every minute of it.
I brought all my Christmas dishes in and am running the second load in the dishwasher now. 
Only one more load of plates and coffee cups to go!

Louis Dean and I did a trial run to a hospital in Dallas this evening.
My niece is having surgery on Tuesday and I wanted to make sure I knew how to get there.
Those night glasses really do help! And so does having my very own special navigator in the passenger seat. He can see and I can drive! It takes both of us to get somewhere in the dark!

We got home and watched the Cowboys play - thanks to the DVR.
Louis Dean absolutely loves it when I watch football with him!
I multi tasked while I watched and put up a new tree in the den and started the Christmas decorating process in there. The tree came pre lit with white lights and LD added a strand of LED colored ones to make it just perfectly perfect!

I pulled out my two Christmas quilts that Niece Leah made. I use them until May and then pack them away until November - that way they stay 'new' to me.
I remember years and years ago she came over and I taught her to make a denim quilt for a gift - if my memory serves me correctly.
She went on to be a true quilter and has made several since way back then.
I'm blessed to have two of them. And she still loves the denim one I made for her when she was 24 years old.

One of my favorite memories of Leah - and there are many - was when I was going through a nasty divorce. It was Christmas and I was a nervous wreck. Back then I worked for State Farm Insurance and on Fridays I would drive over to Fort Worth and spend the weekend with Mother.
Leah would give up her Friday night to take us to see Christmas lights. I couldn't see even back then!
She has been a source of encouragement to me all her life.
I'm her 'Aunt Linda' and that means I'm special! Just as her Aunt Deanie is special and her Uncle Lonnie.

Dean has had a great time in Florida!
Next time he flies down there - I may go with him!
I have so many friends who live in Florida that I am bound to be able to visit at least one of them!

Dean sent me these pics from his Karate event.

We will pick him up at the airport tomorrow afternoon.

Today was a good day!


BeachGypsy said...

Glad your Sunday was good -- ours was too! I was raised on pinto beans cornbread and fried "taters"-- with diced onions on top!--- and a big glass of sweet tea!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have never heard of nighttime glasses. It is very hard for me to see to drive at night, so I don't do it.

Unknown said...

Leah was there for you when you needed her, and you're there for her now that she needs you. If you have any beans and brisket left, shred the brisket into the beans, add some Hatch green chile and you won't believe how good it will taste.

Hootin Anni said...

The 'comfort food' looks delicious. I too sat and watched the Cowboy's game...didn't like the ending tho.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love pinto beans and cornbread. Definitely comfort food. I too like having live services streamed online so we don't have to go out. I've been doing that more and more. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

Estelle's said...

I certainly am looking forward to seeing your home all dressed in it's Christmas finest....glad y'all had a good weekend...Winter has arrived so stay warm....enjoy the fireside!

Chatty Crone said...

You seemed really happy yesterday - and I am glad you enjoyed the day.
What are nigh time glasses?
So what has happened to Kenny Chesney these days?

Vee said...

It sure sounds like a cozy, wonderful day! The food looks fine and the decorating sounds excellent. You deserve such blessed days!

Changes in the wind said...

Your meal looks delicious Linda and I know how you love to decorate so you are in your prime right now. You have a way of using things so that they are special to you including a cup and saucer:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Dean does look like he is having a great time. where in Florida is he? i like that cup and saucer Summer gave you. I do the find a place run if it is new to me. when bob had to go to Sarasota we made a trial run and were glad we did. new places even just a few miles away need a trial run. so far i do ok at night,. where did you find the night glasses, I think you said they fit over your glasses, right?

Judy said...

That sounds like a perfectly fine Sunday! I totally get the 'driving in the dark' angst, when you aren't sure where you are going.

photowannabe said...

Your Sunday sounds PERFECT...and restful.
I could almost smell those beans and cornbread..yumm

The perfect day for just BEING...
Another Cozy Post !!

Carole said...

Do you know I have never eaten pinto beans - unless we call them something different. Off to check now. Cheers

Wanda said...

Oh Dear Sweet Linda ~ I recieved your wonderful encouraging card yesterday. I know you and LD hold us in your prayers and we feel them. Don is doing much better, and I think the prayers of faithful friends like you have made a difference. I loved your post today and your Sunday. We go when we can, and watch on line when we cant. I will tell you your card and love have inspired me to begin blogging faithfully again. I plan to start in a couple days as I have pictures, and stories to share.
Give my love to Louis Dean, and Don and I will continue to hold you and him in our hearts and prayers.
Love and Hugs
Keep a eye out for me..... I'm coming back!!!
PS Is there anything better than a pot of beans and cornbread. Love that you added brisket! Yum!

Deanna Rabe said...

We had a nice Sunday, too! It was relaxing.

I can’t wait to see your Christmas decor!