Saturday, November 12, 2022

Memories, Groceries, Christmas Paintings, Cozy Fireplace and Tabitha....

 It was five years ago today that Nita and Mike took Louis Dean and me to Billy Bob's in Fort Worth to see Willie Nelson for Louis Dean's 81st birthday. It's so natural for me to write 'Nita and Mike.' 
I've typed, printed and written 'Nita and Mike' hundreds of times.
Now when I write it - my heart catches.

All my photos of Nita and Mike are such happy ones.

I'm so very grateful for each and every memory of Nita and I pray every day for Mike and Leah and Billy and all who loved Nita.

I think I am doing well in coming to terms with changing times and traditions and I am not crying every day - although I continue to tear up some. I missed putting the Zoloft in my medicine boxes this week - they were already filled before I got the new prescription and I forgot to add it to the boxes.
I took it last week and I shall resume taking it tomorrow.
It may be a little too early to stop altogether.

Wednesday and Thursday were cozy stay at home daytaking fall down and cleaning in preparation for getting my Christmas debris out. It is such  a luxury to have the gift of days where you don't have to leave the house. Louis Dean has been working on his music and organizing his music room. Wednesday he brought out a bag of cornmeal he had in his room. He said, "I'm not sure why this was in my music room - but I would love it if you'd make some cornbread pretty soon!"
Maybe tomorrow.

Last night stepson Dean and his karate friend came up and spent the night before flying out this morning from DFW to Florida for a karate event. I set my alarm for 4:45 AM and Louis Dean and I took them to the airport. The cold rainy weather had arrived and made for good sleeping weather!
We came home and crawled back in bed! It was COLD as I had the attic fan on but we were warm and snug under all the covers. I slept until 10:30 and I had to wake Louis Dean up at 12:15!

Dr. Shahdad had called Wednesday and said the MRI looked pretty good. She also ordered an ultrasound of his carotid artery which was scheduled for this afternoon at 1:45 - hence the need to wake him up. He gripes and mumbles but after the appointments he thanks me for going with him and taking care of him. It was a cold blustery day and since we were already out, we picked up prescriptions and bought groceries for the rest of the month including things for Thanksgiving.

This year I will be making the broccoli rice casserole and I have everything but the broccoli. I remember Nita telling me how hard it is to find chopped frozen broccoli. I guess I can always buy fresh and cook and chop it myself..

We shopped Aldi and Louis Dean was a big help in lifting the heavy things and between the two of us - we divided the work! Then he unloaded after we got home and I put it all up!

Our pantry is stocked - and I should have organized it better while I was putting things away.

Our freezer and fridge is full and all jumbled.
No leftovers in there to speak of because I have been feeding them to the possums.

Every night I do at least an hour of so of art and have finished 3 out of the 4 Christmas paintings for this year.

This was a fun 9X12.

 I added more stars before glazing.

I am really happy with this Santa and he was easy to paint.
Some years I have really struggled with one element or another but this was one that seemed to paint itself. This will be our Christmas card this year.

I took pictures on Wednesday and then last night I started working on ordering the printed canvases and cards and it got complicated and I tensed right up!
Thankfully, Amber is really good at doing this kind of thing and she is working on it for me!

Art is still set up in the dining room and I am doing my best to finish the last canvas this week and then packing it all up and storing it away.

We had the fireplace burning tonight and watched a Christmas movie while I hung the Santa wall in the den. I have more Santas than I do walls so some will hang in other rooms as well.

Tabitha has been curled up on the foot of the guest room bed
I was starting to get worried about her when she came in to see what I was doing in the living room.

I shared this photo from November 1960 on Facebook on this Veteran's Day.
Louis Dean and his brother Alton Ray were both in the Army at the same time.
This is his little sister named Linda in between them.
This was when their father had died and both of them came home on leave -
Alton Ray from Germany and Louis Dean what White Sands Missile Range.

I'll close tonight's journal entry and go in and paint for awhile before bed.
Louis Dean is in the den watching a college football game and working the cat puzzle.

Those are two of my favorite words!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Great news about the MRI! My favorite is your red truck painting, it is awesome!!

Rita said...

Always nice to get some good news. :)
I love your paintings!
My dad and his brother were in the Navy at the same time back end of WWII.
Have a peaceful, sweet weekend.

Brenda said...

You are a fantastic artist…I was at Billy Bobs in 1993 when my son graduated TCU…Troy Aikman was there that night with Lori Morgan. I did the Electric Slide…you can’t imagine the fun I had when a I graduated in 1994 and taught in South Carolina where my club was the dance club…teaching those kids the Electric Slide among other dances such as The Twist. I see the TCU sign in the background…glad you have those memories with your sister…Mother died in 1992 age 60…I was still mourning when I was there, but for a few moments…son worked in Dallas a year…40 hours a week as an accountant and 40 hours at night as a concierge in a boutique hotel…after that year he had three years in law school at Austin…I came to love Austin and considered moving to Texas…however, I stayed in S Carolina for years before returning home to WV to teach…and then to Indy and now here in Florida…you should have flown here with Dean…I would have welcomed you…love love love your paintings dear girl…prayers for you both. Love your blog…

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your Santa paintings are so beautiful! You just get better and better my friend. Enjoy your weekend! Warm and cozy!

Arlene G said...

It is a cold rainy morning here too Linda...but I have some errands to run so I am up! Loved seeing all the pictures!! That Louis Dean was a good looking soldier! It sounds as if your doctor is being very thorough which is good! Have a blessed weekend.

Changes in the wind said...

I can't imagine getting up so early and going to the airport and then being able to come back and go back to bed. I am glad you can do that. Glad the Mri was okay and hope the other test will be too. So glad you are making the Santa with the globe the postcard one as it is fantastic. Love the picture of LD and his brother and sister and grateful for thier service.

Luann said...

I love the red truck! It is so festive and does make one think of the good Ol' days

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I vote with Ginny on that red truck. it is specail with the things falling out the back. love it. your santa for the card is are truly gifted at painting. that old photo of LD and his siblings is great, and his family is as handsome as he is.. I have been watching Christmas movies, about 3 a week since i have to grab time with the TV remote. I just can't watch them on a small screen and i like the dvr to fast forward the commercials, so far this years seem better than the last couple of years

Chatty Crone said...

Great news about the MRI!
Boy you do have full shelves and refrigerator! You are ready for winter.
I love your paintings - you are very talented.

photowannabe said...

Your full pantry and freezer are certainly stress relievers. Wish we had a big extra freezer ourselves.
Absolutely adore all of your Santa and christmas pictures.
Glad you added more stars to the Santa one. I especially like the largeChristmas star on the right.
Happy to read about LD's MRI and the way the Dr. is treating Louis Dean.
She sounds perfect for him.
Enjoy your WARM and COZY days at home.
I love those words too.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda,
I am glad that you are feeling somewhat better, but I know you will just let your grief run its course and that takes time. You are such a talented artist. I love your Christmas paintings. Looks like you are well stocked up in the food department. I used to love shopping at Aldi when we lived in the Midwest, and I miss having Aldi here in the West. I am glad that Louis Dean has a good doctor who is very caring and thorough. You have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Hootin Anni said...

I'll take warm & cozy any day on a cold and wet day we've had.
Glad knowing the MRI went well and your art work is always a treasure!!!!! you know what the specialist is looking for, for L D's diagnosis and treatment? Did I miss it?

Carole said...

Lovely post as always. Cheers

Jackie Mitchell said...

Love, love your Christmas paintings. Such talent. Thanks for sharing.