Saturday, October 29, 2022

Decorating for Christmas at the Ranch!

 Louis Dean has been out all afternoon taking down the white lights and putting up the multicolored LED lights along the fence line. He got a little over half way around!

I really appreciate him doing this because he is so much better at than I am.

He had a supervisor......

or three!
I went out and fed them some flour tortillas!
I love feeding critters! Dogs, cats, horses, possums, chickens, goats, and ducks.....
it just makes me happy.

 I took a lot of the fall things out to the deck box on the front porch and hauled in the Christmas things.

The cats had a ball today!
Every ribbon and new thing got their attention!

My goal today was to clean and decorate the front room and I did just that!

Christmas cookbooks can be used as decorations!
My chair is right beside the tree so I can reach over and browse through the pages finding recipes to make this season.

Magic happens when you put a Christmas tree up.
All of a sudden, you feel more at peace with Life, knowing God's purpose is still working in and through you.

It's really not so much magic as it is God's grace given to us to experience all of His goodness.

This is my 4th day not to cry.
Instead, God has brought to my mind so many wonderful memories of time spent with my precious sister, Nita. I sent cards this week to Deanie and Lonnie - I want them to know just how much they mean to me and how much I love them. It's important to me that they know this.
I have no regrets with Nita. I believe she knew how special she was to me and how loved she was.
I know she loved me, too, just as she loved Deanie and Lonnie.

I rescued this beautiful hand made stocking from a thrift store here in the Waco area.
It hangs year round by the girl bunk. I moved him out here for the holidays.

I had fun decorating today.

May I be the very first to wish you a Merry Christmas!!

As Louis Dean was finishing up a section of lights, I took my carving tools and a pumpkin out to the deck.

Due to the rain and muddy roads, we opted to place this Jack #29 up at the gate to the ranch.

We had perfect timing to get this pic.....
only I knew Jack would not last long on that gate post.

We had a hard time getting the lock off the gate and by the time we did - the light had changed.

I set him down at the entrance and the truck lights were on so I could see if there were any critters about.

Without the lights, this Jack shows up so well in the dark.
Our neighbor, Amon, told Dean he and his kids have had so much fun finding the Jack-o-lanterns around here. 
They have gone out looking for them every night.....and I hope they find this one at our gate just down from their place.

Good night from the ranch......


Ginny Hartzler said...

It looks so festive, cozy, and Christmassy there!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda! It is so fun that you are already getting ready for Christmas. I always like to have my decorations up before Thanksgiving. I know you miss your sister, but I believe that God is in charge and that we will see those who love who have gone to Heaven before us. :-)

Unknown said...

I have no doubt from reading your blog that the people in your life know how much you love them. You show them constantly by the countless things you do. That includes your sister Nita. She most certainly knew how much you loved her. So fun that your neighbor and his kids look forward to finding your Jack-o-lanterns. That last Jack-o-lantern might be my favorite one yet.

Brenda said...

So glad you feel better…love the decorations too.

Hootin Anni said...

Wow, wow, wow!! Magnificent holiday decor. I like the idea of Christmas cookbooks and best of all the girl bunk stocking. How grand that a family made your jacks a nighttime adventure!!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Amazing how much you were able to accomplish! And it looks so pretty! Now I'm anxious to start my Christmas decorating, but I have a "rule" about waiting until after Thanksgiving here at our house. But I understand your wanting to get it done at the ranch so it will greet you when you come back!! And it looks so beautiful and cheery!! And I love the jack o lantern too. How do you keep them lit up? Just wondering if a little gnome goes around and relights them every night! LOL. That would be nice! What fun you have!! I love your spirit for life! Thank you. You make us all smile!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

big smile on my face, decorate for Christmas and end with wishing everyone a happy halloween. love it. my mother felt about her tree like you do about yours. she looked forward to the 2 weeks before Christmas, which was her time to put it up and take it down on New Years day. she would love that now it can stay as long as you want it to. with living trees they were not safe but for a few weeks. she would move right in you home or country home and be sooo happy. Merry Christmas and Happy Halloween. good job for Louis Dean, and it helps you out. I have been using your advice and finding projects. like putting my rolling desk together was good for a couple of hours

Changes in the wind said...

When decorating you are in your element:) I am amazed you got that beautiful Santa stocking at a goodwill. It is amazing!!! and couldn't have a better place to be rescued. How fun that the neighbors are out trying to find the pumpkins. Love the cookbook being close by and does make for a festive decoration.

Arlene G said...

Love the picture of the ranch in the pretty

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Halloween and a Merry Christmas to you too! It's the good memories we have that carry us through the rough times. Here's to many Happy Memories !

Chatty Crone said...

I am so glad you mentioned God - He is always there whether we feel him or not! I have been watching Heartland so those horses were beautiful to me. Also great job Dean did with the lights.
Girl you are ready for Christmas!

photowannabe said...

Awww, Linda...thank you. You are the first person to wish me Merry Christmas.
What you have done at the Ranch is beautiful and cozy inviting.
I can feel the peace right through the photos.
Love you and am so glad you are feeling better.

Deanna Rabe said...

I love that you are in Christmas mode at the Ranch!

Carole said...

Noooo! I'm not read for Christmas! Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Linda, and it certainly put me in the holiday mood to read this post and see all your decorations going up. And, you are so right that they do help with your mood.