Friday, November 18, 2022

Putting up the Debris!!!

I love the fact that we can take our time waking up and enjoy long mornings of coffee and 'stupor' time followed by our Bible and out loud readings. Right now we are  reading the Chronological Bible and we are in Joshua where there are hundreds of names of people and towns that I have no idea how to pronounce. Far too many to look each one up. I admit to kind of mumbling over those sections. 

Yesterday Tabitha was so lovey dovey!
She must have been craving attention and, of course, Louis Dean gave her plenty of it!

We have a freeze warning coming this weekend so for our late lunch on Thursday - 

I went out to my little side garden and picked the lettuce.

It may for a really good salad and I ate just about ALL of it!
I do love salads.
Louis Dean had a leftover plate lunch of his birthday dinner so he was happy!

I brought in some 'debris' to start decorating the bedroom.
I worked for several hours and then it was time to get dressed and head over to Dallas to see the grands in their play 'Annie Kids.'

Granddad loves school plays as he used to put them on when he taught school.
I have heard about every single one of them and they were amazing for back in the 80's and 90's.
He has always been a little ahead of the times.

Both sets of grandparents  and all of us were so excited!

Can you spot the three girls?

How about Harrison?

Amber and the kids gave him a bouquet of beautiful red roses - she knows how much he loves them.
PLUS they gave him a birthday card where they had each  one written a personal message. Priceless.

My Christmas decorating continued today and the cats are loving it!

Samantha was trying to fit herself into a basket of lights and couldn't figure out how to do it.
She finally gave up and admired the tree in the sewing room.

For some reason, I want to do everything different this year.
I've used red in the bedroom the last two or three years.

I brought out the brand new grey and white blanket I bought at the after Christmas sales at Tuesday Morning two years ago. I just never used it.
Just looking at this picture makes me ready to go to bed.
While we loved electric blankets or 'warming' blankets as some are called - they never seem to work for long. I tend to layer things so on our winter bed I'm using flannel sheets. Next is a white down filled comforter. Today I added a larger down filled cream comforter and covered that up with the grey and white blanket. That bed is going to feel like it's giving us big hugs when we crawl in there!

This is the arrangement on the chest of drawers.
It's a reality shot as I forgot to move my bottle of flavored water!

The other chest.....

Every room must have a Christmas tree and this one looked prettier before the cats knocked it down during a game of chase!

I meant to get more done today than I did but it takes so much time to haul the tubs out and look through them and, since I am changing things up, I am slow at forming my ideas.
BUT! The bedroom is done and I moved on to Louis Dean's bathroom!
He was so excited!

But I think he likes it.
I bought a new Christmas shower curtain because I couldn't find the one I used last year - until I had already ordered this one! No worries - I will use it after Christmas until spring.

I  used these stockings for Rayne and Sabrina last year but I'm making all new ones for this Christmas.

I think it's a manly looking bathroom.....

Not too much debris to get in his way.

All rustic Santas make it more masculine.

There's even a Santa painting - on the wall behind the door!

It's cold here today and supposed to be cold all weekend - which is simply perfect for decorating for Christmas!

Thank you all for the prayers for Leah - she is recovering at home and doing everything right.
She has a medical background so she makes a very good patient.

I hope to get two or three more rooms done this weekend and the rest next week.
Although there is some baking and cooking to be done for Thanksgiving.
Deanie and Charlie are hosting it this year.
We plan to leave on Friday to the ranch for a few days.
What are YOUR Thanksgiving plans??


Arlene G said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Linda and Louis Dean. Just a small gathering here.....I am planning to start my decorating on the Friday after Christmas.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your white and sliver bedroom looks beautiful! Hey, we both have posted school plays! and yes, I did spot the girls! I just love going to cchool plays.

Hootin Anni said...

We are gonna have just the two of us this company. So, I:m hoping I will enjoy the quiet time. Seems odd to not have to cook for more.

Love the man bath!!! And your snowy, wintry bedroom in silver &white

Bluebird49 said...

We don't have any plans. I'll be missing Ed, Kristi, David and Katherine. As long as everyone is healthy, and Ed is here with me, though, I'll be very thankful for all the wonderful people in my life--family, and friends like you- that I am blessed to have.❤
Love you my friend! I know you will have a lovely Thanksgiving week-- because you will make it hat way!

Bluebird49 said...

PS I loved seeing the quads, and house always looks warm and inviting. And Amber looks do pretty, as always! ( So did the always comfortable kitty cats! They make themselves ever comfy!)

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Everything is so very festive and bright and beautiful at your home! I honestly don't know how you do it all! But the bedroom and bathroom both look very colorful and welcoming. I like the white decorations for the makes it feel more airy and bright. Oh, the kids' program...what fun is that? How wonderful you are able to go and participate in their events! That means so much to the kiddos to have their grandparents there. Our house is still in between events. Since we just had new floors put in last week I am still unpacking all of the china/books, etc. that we had to pack away. We will be hosting Thanksgiving here, with our kids and my sister Doris and her hubby and their daughter and husband and I'm not sure about anyone else yet...could be more. I had to remove all of my Thanksgiving decor for the floor event, and so now will just put back out the basic pilgrims and turkeys, etc. for the day, and then will start Christmas decorating after Thanksgiving. I feel like we moved with all of the packing and unpacking, but the new floors are lovely and we are enjoying them, so it was worth it all. Today is a big event at our kids' store, Dixie Cottage, so we will be there all day. I love your Santa paintings, etc. You are an extremely talented lady!! Amazing!!!! Oh, and the bottle of water fit right in...I never noticed it until you mentioned it and even then I had to enlarge the picture and look for it. LOL. Fun fun fun. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

We are doing our family Thanksgiving the Saturday after Thanksgiving here. My daughter and her hubby will be the hosts. We have a dusting of snow here, but it is very cold. 22 degrees this morning. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving there ! Your Christmas bedroom looks so nice. I don't have have half the decorations that you do. I'm putting away fall right now and will start Christmas after Thanksgiving !

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Everything looks lovely...especially your silver bedroom! I think I like Louis Deans bathroom best though! I love the cowboy theme for any room! Enjoy your weekend. Stay warm!

Changes in the wind said...

I am so glad that you take close up pictures of the decorations because then you and see all the details and they are all so pretty. Am sure the play was great fun and glad you could go. A quiet Thanksgiving for us but we will still be able to enjoy turkey and the trimmings.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love the new look of your bedroom, its beautiful and the bathroom does look Manly. love that santa behind the door. I picked your girls out right away and usually I don't think they look alike but in this photo they do resemble each other more than I thought. could not decide which is Harrison. enjoy your country home and i am sure you will be doing teh Christmas theme there also.

Chatty Crone said...

You are something - you even change your shower curtain. I am impressed. The salad looked great. Looked like Dean got a haircut. And the kids have gotten so big! I remember when!

Anonymous said...

I always love your bedroom and must say it looks sumptuous!!! You’ve got quite the knack ;)

photowannabe said...

Boy, you sure know how to decorate..I really don't know when ours will get done.
We have so much out for eBay selling and a mini garage sale this weekend. We have too much STUFF and need the extra boost in our pocket book.
We had heavy frost this morning our selves. it got down to 33F. Brrrr
Now it's warmed up to a toasty 43F...
Love the photos of the kiddos in the's so much fun to see the kids in action.

Deanna Rabe said...

Your bedroom looks beautiful, and I really like LD bathroom. It is masculine!

How fun to see the kids play at school.

We are hosting Thanksgiving, as we usually do. This year will be smaller than last year when we had my brother and most of his family join us.

However with just us, a friend of Sarah’s coming home from school with her, Nate’s family and Wes and Rachel we’ll be 16 people. Time for a second table!

Granny Marigold said...

I love the way you have decorated your home for Christmas and I think the Christmas shower curtain is the prettiest thing!! I hope you have a truly blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

LC said...

You are a decorating marvel! I am not, so I appreciate getting to enjoy the Christmas magic that you share! God bless you and yours during this time of celebrating blessings and our Savior's birth.

Carole said...

Like your new bedroom colour scheme - very soothing - just what you need in a bedroom. Cheers

Betty said...

Your decorations look lovely and kitties are so sweet. We are celebrating Thanksgiving in our new home with our children and my daughter in laws parents. It is the first time in 13 years as we wee 110 miles away now a much more manageable 40 will allow us to spend the holidays and milestones together. Wishing you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving.

Vee said...

Your home looks beautiful. My Thanksgiving plans are to travel up Augusta way to join my daughter who is hosting for the first time. I hope to hitch along with my son and family.

Very happy that Leah is recuperating well.

Yes, I found all the grands on stage. I was proud of myself, too.

Stay warm, now...

Brenda said...

I do my Christmas early…longer to enjoy…love it but I have gone from 20 plus boxes to my age minimal is better for me.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Lots of family news in this post, Linda, as usual, and all good to see and read about. The grands looked great in the school play and nice to see all the grandparents as well. Good news too on Leah recuperating and at home. Your holiday decorating looks lovely and festive and in so many areas of your home🎄Nothing has been started here until after Thanksgiving. We will be traveling to the White Mountain area of NH and spending a few days at our favorite hotel there. Best wishes to you and Louis Dean for a Happy 🦃at your happy place, the ranch.

VintageCrafter said...

Your Christmas decorating is lovely. I am so slow at getting started this year. You certainly have a knack to inspire me to GET GOING! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Wanda said...

Oh Linda, how fun and cozy your home looks. I adore your new look in the bedroom. Wonderful soft colors. I could just crawl into that bed. Sweet Dreams. Hugs.