Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Leah Time!

My alarm went off at 4:30 this morning and we were on our way to the hospital in Dallas by 5:40!
We made it with no problems and arrived shortly after 6:00  just after Leah and Patrick.
There was a shortage of personnel so it took awhile for them to admit her.....

which gave us an opportunity for a selfie!

We took our places in the waiting room as she was wheeled into the OR.

5 hours later she was in her room looking beautiful!
She was a bit drowsy and has napped on and off all afternoon and evening.
Leah had been looking forward to FOOD but, alas, she is on a clear liquid diet for today.
Real food tomorrow and the hospital menu looks amazing!!

We took a walk around the hospital and found a Christmas Tree!!

We will be heading home in a little while but will come back up tomorrow - during the daylight hours!


Vee said...

Prayers for a good recovery. Once the poor gal gets some real food, things will be looking up.
Many blessings to all...

Ginny Hartzler said...

Great that things went so well!!

Anonymous said...

Speedy recovery for Leah

Rita said...

Glad all went well! Such a pretty tree.
I hope she is home and feeling great soon! :)

BeachGypsy said...

Get well soon Leah!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm so glad Leah has you. I know Nita is glad you're there for her too. You're always there for the people you love. Prayers for Leah and a speedy recovery.

Hootin Anni said...

Hope recovery time is short and no complications!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I am thankful that all went well and will definitely praying for her as she recovers!

Changes in the wind said...

Always happy to hear good news and great picture in front of the tree.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I wish i looked that good when I have been in the hospital.. prayers for a quick recovery.

Deanna Rabe said...

So glad you were able to be with her! She looks so beautiful for just having had surgery! Beauty definitely runs in your family!

I hope that she has had some solid, delicious food by now! She'll be headed home soon!

Chatty Crone said...

Not sure the story here - but glad she is okay.

Wanda said...

Oh Linda, you and Louis Dean look so cute in front of the Christmas Tree. So glad the surgery went well and pray for full and quick recovery.
Again, thanks for all your love, prayers and encouragment. Louis Dean is sure looking well in this picture. Hugs.

photowannabe said...

Love the photo of you and Louis Dean..so sweet and glad Leah is doing well from her surgery.
Thank you so much Linda, for my card. You made me feel so special.
Love you

Carole said...

Glad Leah is doing well. That was a very early start! Cheers