Thursday, March 31, 2022

Brother Buster Arrived!!!

 When I woke up this morning, Summer was already up and going!
I could immediately tell she was feeling better by the sound of her voice.
She said she was feeling much better than she thought she would and we have all the prayers prayed to thank for that.
Thank you, very much!!

She and I worked like two mad women with their hair on fire!!
We finished up the laundry, floors and went to work on the guest room. 
Summer even cleaned with a Q-tip the crevices of the lamp figurines.
I jumped into the shower at 1:00 while Summer spirited our car off and had it washed, then vacuumed it out and wiped it all clean!

We were on Mockingbird Lane headed to the entrance of Dallas Love Field when we saw the Southwest Airline plane holding my brother swoop down for a landing. We knew it was his plane - the timing was right on schedule.

Summer was driving and she found a parking place while I went in to find Buster!

This was such a happy moment for me!
We walked hand in hand out of the airport .....

this was when Summer met her uncle for the very first time.

It was nearly 3:00 and we were all hungry so we decided to go on over to Arlington to Campo Verde where we were meeting up with son Jesse and Sam, Faith and Levi.

We decided to order drinks and appetizers while we waited for the others.

We had a wonderful time as everyone met Buster and he met my son and my oldest grandchildren! We talked, laughed, told stories and talked some more and it was everything I had hoped it would be. The best thing of all is - we will all be together again on Saturday along with my other children and grandchildren - except for Rayne with whom we shall Face Time!
This was FUN!

Summer drove home by way of the AT&T Stadium and the ball park.
I kind of liked having a driver while I sat in the back seat with Buster.

I'm loving having my youngest brother sleeping under my roof tonight.
What's even better is that our sister Rita will be here tomorrow afternoon along with her husband Thomas.

I'm going to bed now with such a happy heart!
Thank you, Lord, for Summer feeling better and for my brother arriving safely,and for the fellowship of family tonight . Please bring Rita and Thomas here safely tomorrow.
I love you, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen.


Hootin Anni said...

I feel the excitement!! And, oh the fun you all will have!!!

Brenda said...

Fun and prayers

MimiG said...

Wonderful. Wonderful.

Vee said...

Such joy in the camp! ☺️ Wonderful prayer of gratitude.

Estelle's said...

I know you are on cloud nine...have a great time and I am so very happy for you all!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy for all of you and for Summer feeling better. enjoy enjoy enjoy. wait! you already are and have and will. I can tell by looking that you are siblings..

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a beautiful prayer. With all of our blessings, it's so good to be thankful. Enjoy your week! Hugs to you all!

Changes in the wind said...

I would imagine your brother is a little overwhelmed meeting so many family members but of course everyone wants to meet him. These next few days are really special and know you will love every minute.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What a blessed day with Summer feeling better and Buster arriving safely. I hope you all have a wonderful time together. There is nothing like family!

Jan said...

This is so wonderful! Enjoy every minute!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I know this had to be one of your best days EVER!! And even more to look forward to! I am SO happy for Summer, what do you think has made her feel better?

photowannabe said...

My heart is happy and rejoicing too.
Enjoy every minute.

Robin from P'ville said...

Love your family stories.

Carole said...

Great that everything went so well. Cheers

Wanda said...

How wonderful. You and your brother look so happy and joyful. So glad he could come, and all the family could enjoy meeting him. I miss my little brother. He passed away 5 years ago, he was 10 years my younger.

Deanna Rabe said...

I love these posts! God is so good!