Monday, March 21, 2022

My Mother's Bible, Art During the Storm and a Phone Call From Finland......

 My friend Jutta lives in Finland and when I am waking up to start my day, she is on the tail end of hers since there's a 7 hour time difference between us.
I pray for her as she is praying for me.
And today we heard each other's voice.
I woke early - for me - before 8:00.
 First I pray for a few minutes before looking at my phone.
I know in my heart that God is the very first one I should speak to in the mornings.
I nearly always have a text from Jutta to start my day.

She and I met for the very first time in Galveston on Sunday, November 22nd, 2015 after having 'met' on my blog. We have been friends for a long time now and she has visited us twice now. We talk and plan for when I might go to Finland someday to visit her and her family.

So it was so special to talk to each other this morning for a few minutes - she in Finland walking home from the store and I in my girl bunk at the ranch. It's like magic!

I was up before Louis Dean and was so surprised to greet a chilly rainy Monday.
I did not look at the weather forecast so there was a change of plans for today.

We bring our Bible Basket with us from home with all our reading and devotional books and a Bible, of course. We just finished reading through Genesis to Revelation so for the next month or two we are reading Psalms and Proverbs.

Instead of bringing one of my large heavy Bibles, I brought one of my mother's.
It's smaller and obviously well read and it makes me feel good to hold it in my hands.
The one I've been using for the last 2 years and 3 months is one I gave to her in the 70's.

She bought this one herself.

I love how she wrote the dates on the front page.

She read this Bible well and used a red pen for most of her markings.

I also found a photo of Summer and Trish together as well as a few other pieces of ephemera.

I have many Bibles and I suppose my favorite one is an old Scofield Study Bible. I still read it sometimes but it is fragile now after all these years.
All my Bibles are old now and I will be buying a new one when I turn 75 - which will most likely be the last Bible I will 'break in.'

No gardening work for us today!
When it wasn't raining, it was storming!
A good day to do some art!

I started out with some rock painting ......

before I based in a canvas board with a hummingbird scene for Louis Dean.
This is from his calendar and he asked me to paint it for him.
(Too bad later on this evening as I was setting it on a shelf to dry, I dropped it paint side down on the dirty rug! )

I'm painting a sunflower and honey bee on Canvas paper.....

and now it's all based in and will be ready to paint when we get back down here next month,

My last project was the flag and cross for my friend, Tim.
I struggle more with paintings for others......for myself I do just fine but when it's something specific for someone's like I forget how to paint.

We were under a tornado warning tonight and severe thunderstorms and lightning and WIND but I painted my way through it.
All is calm now and the art table has been cleared away.

Instead of fighting my paint, I scooped up what I could save and stored it neatly on palette paper in the freezer and it will be ready to paint when I come back in April!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your gourd painted rocks!!! Do you place them outside so people can find them? All of your art is looking so good! Is the hummingbird one ruined?

Hootin Anni said...

Oh dear, but your hummingbird painting is salvageable?!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

You artwork is so beautiful. God gave you a wonderful talent. So sorry about the hummingbird painting. I love all of your Bibles and the special meaning they each have. I also have quite a few Bibles - different translations, etc. I was thinking of you when we heard about all the storms in your area on the news last night. I hope you have a good day today.

Sandi said...

This reminds me of a friend of mine in Japan. I am in America. We met the same way.

Vee said...

Jutta called you. It is so good to hear a friend's voice after a long time.

Well dropping a painting face down is one way of adding texture. 😏

Glad that you had a day of quiet because of the storm, but those kinds of storms one could do
without. Back to your regular schedule soon. 🙏🏼

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I rarely keep any of the painting I do but give them all away, but I do try to take a picture before doing so. Other wise I wouldn't remember what I've done in the past. I did see the terrible tornadoes in Texas this morning and wodered how you all made out. I'm glad you are safe and well.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love those painted rocks! I had to look again to see that they were indeed rocks! Wish I could find one of these on my hikes! Enjoy your day. Hope the hummer art can be saved! Hugs to you both!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am happy to hear you survived those storms we saw on the news when we woke up. they said they are coming again, i hope it misses you today. so happy you could visit with Jutta. I think painting for someone else puts pressure on you. that happened to me when I was selling my framed photos. i framed what i wanted and they bought it. but them people wanted to tell me what to photograph,that killed my creativness, trying to fix it so they would like it not me. pressure is what it is that changes you.

Deanna Rabe said...

Aren't friends special? I have loved meeting blog friends. Everyone has been a gem!

I showed Tim your painted rocks. The pumpkin ones amazed us. I like to see what you're painting. I found it interesting that you can keep your paints in the freezer!

Have a great day, friend!

Bev said...

What a treasure your mom,s Bible!

Robin from P'ville said...

Love your painting.

photowannabe said...

Oh, I love the treasures you have in all the bibles and the memories they bring to you.
How precious to have your Mom's well worn one.
I have several of my folks' too, especially my Dad's study bible that he used when he taught adult Sunday school classes. When we moved here 15 years ago, some things got misplaced and I can't find them anywhere. We have been purging so hopefully his concordance will find its way back into my hands.
So sorry about your hummer painting. I hope you can rescue it.
Aren't blogging friends wonderful? Delightful that you chat with Jutta so often.
Be safe and I pray that things will be ok from the storms.

Judy said...

I have a friend in Finland as well, and your post reminded me that I should see how she is doing. We have been to Finland to visit her and her husband and they have been to visit us in Canada. He passed away several years ago. I love to get her perspective on 'all the stuff happening in our world' right now.
You inspire me to mark up my Bible more! I find I am doing that so much less with reading Bible and devotions in digital format. Love all my old Bibles.
Keep creating! You have such a gift!

Carole said...

It's great that you make art - wish I knew how... Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

What a wonderful way to start the day by chatting with a friend and even more special because of the distance in between. The painted rocks look wonderful and I also wondered it you would place them in places to be "found" by others or give as gifts. Too bad about the hummingbird painting landing on the rug and hope its salvageable. I agree with Sandra's earlier comment that doing a painting, photo, etc. for another person can put a certain amount of pressure on an artist. We also have rain in the forecast this week.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

How wonderful to have been able to meet your special blog friend so many miles away!