Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday Treasures and Louis Dean is my VERY Best One!!

 Our last day of preparation for my Kansas City Siblings' visit!
Louis Dean is - has - and always will be - my Knight in Shining Overalls - to use my sister Nita's phrase!

The front yard is far from done but it is presentable so Louis Dean decided to start in on the deck area next to the kitchen French doors.
His least favorite job is cleaning he ponds but he stepped up to the plate and DID it!
At least this kitchen pond.
The dreading of it is often worse than the doing of something and this proved to be thecase with him today.
He had planned to go with me to get mani/pedi's but opted to stay and do more clean up in this area.

That didn't stop me!!
I had a 2:30 appointment and I had such a wonderful time!
A glass of wine and a good chair massage and an excellent manicure and pedicure from such a wonderful manicurist! I go to Hollywood Nails and the staff there is awesome as is the clientele. Everyone visits and talks and it seems like we are at a party together!

When I finished, I shopped Texas Thrift which is in the same strip mall and I did, indeed, find some Tuesday Treasures!

Less than $25 for all plus another thing or two I forgot to document!

The Anne Taylor top was a real treasure as is the brand new handbag!

From there I shopped Aldi for food for my Sibling weekend!
I bought a big bill of groceries and I noticed the guy behind me was buying two ready to eat snacks and a drink. 
When I was on my way to the car, a young man asked me if I could give him something to eat. I don't carry real money and all I had was a quarter for the Aldi grocery cart.
That's when the guy came out that was behind me in line and handed the young man the food he had just purchased! I just imagine he had already bought his groceries and when the guy asked for food, he must have gone back in and bought him something to eat.
What a blessing it was to me to witness 'the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Next time I am going to be a blessing like this man was.....

I came in and put groceries up and vacuumed wo rooms. emptied the dishwasher and changed out the laundry and then folded and put it up.

I'll be up early in the morning cleaning the guest room and preparing for my brother Buster's visit.

Summer is still here and I didn't mention it last night but Summer fell on the driveway in the late afternoon and really aggravated her piriformis problem.
She falls for seemingly no reason and she falls often.
I am hoping the doctors will address this problem.
While Summer is so much better and can live a more normal life now - she is not pain free by any means. She is able to cope with the pain better and is not in a pain fog all the time.
I would appreciate any prayers y'all could offer up to the Lord for her.
She is hoping that after medicating and staying in bed all day and tonight, she will be better in the morning.
Thank you all in advance for your prayers!  


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my. Well, I am so glad she did not seriously injure herself! The doctors need to find out why she is falling. I will pray about this, and please keep us updated!

Ginny Hartzler said...

P.S. LOVE your pretty new blog background!!

Kathy said...

I will certainly be praying for Summer. She's such a sweet person and I feel badly that she falls so often.

Have a wonderful time with your family. It's so exciting that they are coming to visit you.

Hootin Anni said...

Hope from the fall she is not in pain. My thoughts & prayers for Summer.

Enjoy your sibling visit!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Praying for Amber. I loved hearing the story about the kind man at Aldi. The world would be so much better if we could all do an act of kindness like that every day. Have fun with your siblings! :-)

Vee said...

Oh no. Sorry to hear about Summer's fall. When I have bouts of sciatica, I have to be careful because I fall easily. May the doctors be able to figure out how best to help.

I like a knight in shining overalls. Things must be shaping up so nicely. 🪴

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'll keep her in my prayers. She sure has a lot to put up with and always has such a good attitude! Enjoy your visit this week! Hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Buster might be there by now or getting pretty close. enjoy, have fun and will be waiting on a report of The Visit.Prayers for Summer, chronic pain is a horror for sure. sorry about the falling, not only painful but dangerous for her..

Deanna Rabe said...

I'm praying right now for Summer!

Enjoy your time with your siblings! Louis Dean is a Knight in Shining Overalls! He's working to make your siblings' visit a great one for you! What a man!

Love that red handbag you got!

Arlene G said...

So sorry to hear this about Summer. Hope she is better after some rest. I know you are happy to have your siblings come to visit. I look forward to seeing all the photos.

Changes in the wind said...

Knight in shinning overalls is just perfect! He never ceases to amaze me at how hard he works and you too. Tomorrow is the big day and know you are excited. Hope Summer is better after resting.

Donna said...

Added Summer to my prayer journal. Falling is not a good thing...praying that the docs can determine what it is and what to do.

Enjoy your visit with your siblings! This is huge! So glad you found each other.

I think Louis Dean is a hero to many of us. Not much he can't do and is willing to tackle.

You are the Queen of Charity Shops! You find the best stuff!

Jan said...

Praying for Summer! Enjoy your siblings visit!

Rain said...

Hi Linda, Oh I'm so sorry for Summer, I hope she's doing okay! ♥♥

Wanda said...

Hi Linda. So sorry to hear about Summer's fall and ongoing discomfort. She is such a trooper and inspiration. Love all your Thrift Store finds and love your Knight in Shining Overalls. That is so adorable. I'm finally back to my blog. I needed the time off. Had a wonderful visit from Jill and Tristan from Oregon.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, you do have a treasure in Louis Dean and we all know how much you appreciate and love him. Sorry to read about Summer's fall and glad she wasn't hurt. You will definitely enjoy your family visit and be sharing with all of us too. As always, your thrift store finds were great!

Carole said...

Wishing Summer a full recovery! And LD is a KISO alright! And you are his LL (Lady Love). Cheers

Susie said...

Linda, Yes indeed, that LD is a treasure. I am praying for Summer. She has suffered so much these past few years. Things will be pretty for when your company arrives. Blessings to all, xoxo, Susie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I'm sorry to hear that Summer fell, Linda, and I hope she is feeling better. Sometimes an inner ear problem --crystals in the ear fluid-- causes unbalance and falls--has she had that checked?

I can't wait to go for a pedicure soon. I don't bother in winter as my feet are in wool socks but once the warmer days arrive a pedicure is a treat!

Glad Loius Dean can do such good work around the house --he's truly a gem!