Saturday, March 26, 2022

Catching UP! Tuesday to Saturday!!

 Tuesdays are always special to me! If I'm at home in the city - then it's the thrill of the hunt at the Goodwill and thrift. stores. When we are at the ranch - then it's Bee Meeting Day!

Tuesday morning was a perfect day to sip Texas Pecan coffee from my bee mug and enjoy my honey scented candle from Amber!

When the grand quads were here on Thursday morning, we collected a sum total of two eggs.
One small and one large. They meant to take them home with them except one egg cracked slightly in the walk back up to the camper and they carefully wrapped the smaller one - amd then forgot to take it with them!

SO I used them for our breakfast!

Along with some fried potatoes with onion - it made for a fine meal.

Dean and Sherry picked me up shortly before 5:00 on Tuesday afternoon.
We need to get that crack in the truck windshield fixed!

We met up with our friend, Rosey, and a new couple who are just starting out on their beekeeping adventures. These potato nachos are the BEST!!! The margarita was every bit as good!

There's not a lot of photo ops to our bee meetings but tonight we had a guest speaker who talked about qualifying for AG.......agriculture use tax exemptions.
Dean and Sherry already have theirs but keeping bees is another option.

Wednesday morning we were packing up and getting ready to go home.
Sherry gifted me with some paintbrushes and this clever holder.
I thought it looked pretty on the front room table.

I always set it up for our next visit!

The Buffalo plaids are gone and a spring/summer floral is in place.

Look who came down to tell us goodbye!
And to get a handout!!
I may have given him a small piece of perfectly seasoned and cooked steak!
And a couple of hot dogs and a bit of lunchmeat.....
I'm a sucker for a pretty face - when it comes to Rufus.

We stopped at HEB in Bellmead where I was shopping for all things TEXAS!
Two of my Kansas City siblings will be visiting me next week and I was getting things for a goodie bag for them. Finding this local wine was perfect! It will finish off the bottles I bought at the Red Wing Dove Winery last week! Next week is showing Rita, Thomas and Buster the best of Texas wines and more. They showed me and Nita and Mike such a great time when we visited them in Kansas City last May that we have been thinking of how we can honor them on their visit to us!

We were home before dark and then the work of unloading, putting things away and an enormous of amount of laundry had us working late into the night.

We slept late Thursday - since we had been up until the wee hours of the morn!
I had a dentist appointment and then shopped Aldi for a few things. I LOVE that store!

When I got home I went straight to work cleaning the den. It had been the longest time since I had actually cleaned in there and I was ashamed!

I turned the stereo on tuned in to a country music station and when I heard Pat Green singing Wave on Wave - I sat right down and listened with a big smile on my face!

I LOVE this song by Pat Green - a local Texas musician from Austin - that came out in 2003.
That was the year my life was changing in huge ways and,
for whatever the reason, this song really spoke to me!
Wave on wave - changes swept over my life just like giant waves. It would become so much MORE!! God had saved the best for last for me and it was starting to happen - even though most of what I felt was extremely painful during this time. I was 55 and had no idea what a wonderful life was ahead of me. I hope to see Pat Green in concert - maybe this year!

Thursday night Louis Dean and I sat out on our front porch and he read some poems by Jimmy Driftwood - who was a personal friend of his from the summers he spent in Mountain View, Arkansas.

Friday morning was such a perfect weather day and we had our coffee and reading out on the kitchen deck.

Once again, we had stayed up late and slept in so we had breakfast for lunch!
I worked hard and finally finished cleaning the den while watching back to back episodes of Law and Order! I'd never watched that before but the actors are really good and I may record some of the other episodes. These may be old ones - I'm not sure.

Now it's Saturday and we were up at at 'em working in the front flower beds!

Isn't he the cutest thing ever???
That's so good - because he sometimes tries my last shred of patience - but it's totally worth it to be married to him!

Summer came in Friday night and is helping me get the front yard all ready for when my siblings visit next week!
The gardens and area on the kitchen side of the deck as well as the gazebo will just have to wait. My sister and her husband have an RV and we have full hook ups on the drive way so I think the front yard will be where we entertain them. Thanks to our friends, the Barons, who gifted us the amazing table and chairs we have out there!

It was a long work day but it felt good to get so much accomplished!

To top it off, Summer ordered us pizza for a late dinner!
Here we are visiting with our sweet neighbor, Ilene, from two streets behind us.

That catches me up with my journal entries!!
I knew when we came home, I would hit the floor running because there was so much to do.
Keeping two places is a lot - a city home and a country home - and they are both so very important to us!

The most important thing about my siblings visit next week is not how things look around here but that we are getting to spend time together and that they can see my life and where I live.
I just want to honor them in making everything as nice as it can be........


Hootin Anni said...

And they WILL enjoy every minute of every day as they visit you and L D

NanaDiana said...

I loved reading every word, Linda...from feeding Rufus to LD getting on your last nerve-lol. I am so happy that your family is coming to visit. I miss family! It is so nice to see Summer enjoying life and it looks like she is not in pain now? Happy Sunday- xo Diana

MadSnapper n Beau said...

about the cup and the candle, be sure when you sip, its ot the wax. that was my first thought because I am doing stupid dumb things daily, more than once or twice. fully understand the last nerve thing about the men who changed our lives for the better, but mine was t age 40. have fun with you siblings and they will love being there no matter if it is straight...

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You care so much for others and that's one of the reasons we treasure you. I know you'll enjoy this special time. Try to get some rest before they get here! Hugs!

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a lovely catch-up post. Enjoy the visit with your siblings. See you again soon.

Changes in the wind said...

Glad you made it home safely and look at all you have accomplished! I know you are excited to meet your new family and how wonderful you will have the RV and wonderful weather and place to enjoy each other. Summer always shines and know she is a great blessing.

MimiG said...

I'm so excited for you! Have someone record bits and pieces and try to remember to get a few photos - we love to see you with ALL your family!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It looks like everything is going to be ready just in time to greet your new family. I'm sure they will enjoy their visit. There is never a dull moment in your life, and you do make everything very welcoming there at your house.

photowannabe said...

You and LD will be the hosts with the most for sure.
Your family will love what you have done and may just want to become Texans!!
Beautiful home and I adore your Hubby and his reading poetry to you. That's about as romantic as one could ever want.
Love the idea of the Everything Texas goodie bags for your siblings.
Can I be one of them too?

Vee said...

Oh boy! You're going to be busy all week. Don't forget to take plenty of you time. Summer is such a help! A great blessing to you and Louis Dean.

Arlene G said...

Loved catching up! I just ordered myself one of those fancy kneelers from Amazon so I can get down and pull weeds from flower beds and it has a handle to hold on to so I can get It has been rather chilly here so I am waiting to put out some flowers. I look forward to hearing of your sibling get together.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You have been so busy! This must be the secret to why you look so young. The paintbrush holder is so cute, and just perfect for you!

Carole said...

One of the best things about having family to stay is all the jobs you get done in quick time before they arrive. Have a great visit. Cheers