Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Warm and Cozy!

I started not to journal tonight. Not much going on except that it is really cold.

Not in the camper, though.
 Thanks to the little heater Summer loaned us, we have stayed
 warm and toasty all day.

Our only concern is that the faucet is frozen outside and we can't fill the water reservoir in the camper. It's half empty so I'm trying to make it last until the temps are above freezing.
We have plenty of bottled water so we aren't really worried.
I made a beef stew for our supper tonight. The camper smelled good!
I'm fixing oatmeal for breakfast in the morning.
Good hot food that will 'stick to our ribs.'

I stayed busy with my writing today and Louis Dean has his music.
The camper is more crowded than usual since we can't spill out into the new room.
It will be wonderful when that room is finished! We already have a window unit that has AC and heat for out there. Plus Louis Dean is going to build in some closets in the bathroom area.
But we are doing well for now and cold doesn't last long in Texas!
According to the forecast, it will be near 70 by Sunday with an  80% chance of thunderstorms!

We are concerned about our grand dog, Rufus.
He got in a fight with some other dogs and was badly injured last night.
His mouth was pretty torn up according to Dean and Sherry and he lost a good bit of blood. 
Louis Dean was concerned and called them this evening to see how Rufus was doing. 
We haven't seen him yet but hope to walk down there tomorrow if it warms up a bit.
The high today was 23. It's 18 now and the low is expected to be 10-13 degrees!
That's COLD for Texas!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Let us know about Rufus. Did they take him to the vet? Poor boy, I hope they can help with the pain. You are so cozy there! And yum that stew looks so good!!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

You planned ahead for this but that is COLD.

Susie said...

Linda, Hope old Rufus will be ok. I hate for dogs to fight. Glad you are stay warm and cozy. I just can not believe how cold and all the snow and ice in the south this year.I am wore out from this cold up here. It drains me trying to stay warm. I wear a sweater all the time. Oh that stew looks so tasty and I need to make some for us. Check your faucet once it warms up, to make sure no leaks have happened. I am telling my children things like this all the time. LOL We have been leaving the cabinet doors under the sinks open for the warmer air to get in there around the pipes. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You are unusually cold for sure but am glad to hear you are keeping warm. Hope the dog is ok, that doesn't sound good. Were those dogs perhaps coyotes? Some have been sighted around here and they warn people with small dogs about them. I know you will be glad when it gets warmer, me too !

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so sorry to hear about Rufus, hope he will be ok. did they have to take him to the vet? that is the cold we have here, not as cold as yours but cold for us but gone by Saturday and back to normal. glad you are warm and toasty with your little heater. sorry aobut the frozen pipes

Debby said...

Stay warm. I hope Rufus will be okay. Scary.

Arlene G said...

We are ready for this cold weather to go AWAY. We had to postpone our trip to Grimmwood due to the road conditions. Hope Rufus recovers from his wounds. Yall stay warm.

Hootin Anni said...

Houston got snow yesterday! Hope the sweet poochie is okay!! Keep us updated.

Beef stew sounds terrific.

Vee said...

Poor Rufus! Hope he’s doing better. You folks are doing well in the bitter cold. The stew sounds especiallly fine and comforting.

Blondie's Journal said...

I'm glad to hear you are warming up. We are, too, but only to 37, yet that's good enough for us Northerners! I want the roads here in Michigan to melt so I can take the dogs for a proper walk.

So sad about Rufus. I hope he's okay by now.

Seeing love, Linda,
