Tuesday, January 2, 2018

A Good Walk on a Cold Day! And Tuesday Treasures!

While I am not a morning person, I really am enjoying my mornings!

For the last several days, I have been waking at my leisure and staying abed for as long as I like.
Decadent luxury!!
I read. I think. I pray. I meditate. I visit my friends at their blogs. I sip my coffee.
I love every minute of my mornings!
So much so that it's been nearly noon before I leave the bedroom.
Retired living at its finest!

Once up, I joined Louis Dean in the den for a final cup of coffee and we did our Bible and devotional readings and said our prayers. A good way to start any day.

LD went out and sliced off a few slices of ham that we left in the roaster OUTSIDE overnight.
It was 19 degrees when we woke up so that means the ham had no chance of spoiling!
I fried up some potatoes with peppers and onions and a few eggs and we had a Country Breakfast!
Even though we are not in the country where we had planned on being.
No problem. As soon as the weather warms up - we will be heading down to our son's ranch!

But for today, I headed out to do errands.
Walgreen's for our Rx's. Goodwill. Bank. 

And finally a walk at Centennial Park!
It was 25 degrees and cold!

My car is parked at the far end by the fountain.
Crossing the walkway and looking to my right.

Looking to my left.

But before I started my walk, I decided to feed the ducks.
I am missing Dean and Sherry's ducks at the ranch.
I had cracked corn in the trunk of my car .......
As soon as I walked up, this old fellow left the water and waddled right up to me just like he knew I had food!

I do love the critters.

Not one grain of corn was left on the ground.

Feeding frenzy!

Pretty pigeons were in with the ducks.

I fed them all first and then walked.
As I was about to cross the foot bridge to get to my car.....

I noticed the recent crime scene tape crossing the entrance.
It was already broken so I walked on....... a bit concerned and disconcerted.

But then I saw this guy.

I was the only walker while I was there today and only saw a construction worker - with no gloves - as I walked. Irving is a pretty safe place but next time I will call Louis Dean and tell him where I'm walking BEFORE I start instead of when I finish.

The library was close so I went in there to warm up before going to my car!
I am loving my ski parka!!

From the park I drove over to visit Reaoma.

The fireplace in the lobby was warm and welcoming.
My friend was already in the dining room so I joined her at the table and spent the dinner hour with her. I fed her and gave her sips of tea. She was thirsty and drank two whole glasses. The staff was very kind and brought me a glass of tea as well.

I love Reaoma and remember so many wonderful visits to Rainbows End - their home in the piney woods of East Texas after they retired - with her and Doug.
She was a great neighbor and friend to me and my children.....especially Amber and Benjamin.

We always end our visit with a prayer and my heart was full of gratitude for her and for our many good memories as I left. I can choose to be sad or I can choose to think of her instead of myself and celebrate our time together. I believe I chose wisely.

I was chilled to the bone when I got home and promptly made some hot apple cider from my friends at Mennonite Girls Can Cook!
I sipped on that as I cooked up some cabbage, mashed potatoes, corn and sliced ham for our winter supper tonight.

These are my Three Tuesday Treasures!

The two pillows reminded me of the TV program 'Northern Exposure.'
They will live in our gazebo. The plaid chair covers are Christmas table clothes I bought at 75% off at Big Lots recently.

I am planning a woodlands theme for the gazebo for the rest of the winter and into the beginnings of spring.

The third treasure is this plaque.
It will live in our bedroom once I take the winter things down.....
which will not be any time soon!

Louis Dean has one of those well people check ups mandated by Medicare early tomorrow morning.
He just went down the hall to bed grumbling about it.
Still, I am grateful for the medical care we receive.
If he has to make an extra visit to the doctor in order to keep it - so be it!

It's been a good day!


Gert said...

Linda, it sounds like you had an amazing day!! Love feeding the birds etc. They really do appreciate it don’t they??? Great finds, and your food sound scrumptious !!! You’re so pretty I’m your parka!! Best of luck tomorrow with LD’s checkup!!


Judy said...

From walking to feeding the birds...and sipping on hot apple cider, it sounds like a good day all around. Hope all is well at tomorrow's check-up.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thanks for a lovely visit tonight. Hugs.

Linda said...

Like LD I mutter a lot about that wellness visit. Like you, I am very greatful we have good healthcare coverage, every day I say thanks. It is good to be careful when you’re walking alone. It only takes one sick minded person to turn a good experience into a nightmare. I’d love a piece of that ham in the roaster. This summer it was hot enough to cook that ham on your patio without the roaster.

Susie said...

Linda, Always be careful out walking by yourself. This is a whole new world. You and LD both cooked up some good food. So good you get to see your dear friend. Blessings to all,.love, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

Seeing that yellow tape would have sent me in the opposite direction. You have enough adventures without that! Here’s to Louis Dean acing his report. Nothing much worse, though, than being told what to do. That fries my franny, too. Those Mennonite Girls sure do know how to cook!

Arlene G said...

Linda, I am so tired of this extended cold weather. I miss walking outside. I have been getting my steps in here in the house by walking from the front door to the back door and that gets boring quickly. Thankful for You Tube which keeps me company.lol

Changes in the wind said...

The park is really pretty and am sure the critters were happy you showed up. Loved your laid back day.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yes, be careful walking by yourself. Glad you have that warm coat to keep warm. Here my toes were tingling just going out to the mail box and back. Way to cold for man or beast out there for sure. Nice you can meet up with your friend. Yes they are a treasure for sure. Keep warm and keep safe.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Wow that crime scene tape would have been a concern for me. And now my curiosity wants to know what it was for. Sounds like you had a great day both in your bedroom and outside and your parka is so cute on you. I can tell you that I would not be walking in 28-degree weather I am not even walking in 48 degree weather

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are awesome to brave the cold on such a very cold day. Tomorrow through Saturday it is to be minus 10 to minus 25 here!! Well, that is the wind chill factor. It is shameful that I am a Mennonite girl, but do not have this cookbook! You are The Duck Whisperer! All the animals love you!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You pack a lot into a day and I know you are blessed for visiting your friend. My husband went to visit one of our neighbors who is in Hospice care now. It was windy and cold but he went anyway...made me proud. And I thought of you when I read about your electric blanket and how good it felt...so good that you overslept! WELL...we just bought one! We won't need it very often but we got it just in time. It's COLD here this week. And what a comfort it is to climb into a warm bed! Hugs to you and LD today, Diane

Carla said...

I like your retirement routine. 25 is just too cold for me to be out walking. Then anytime is bad for me if you're talking walking. LOL I try but I'm not always good at it.
yeah those ducks know a good person with food when they see'em.
Happy New Year my friend.

Robyn said...

Your morning sounds like a piece of heaven!.. I have six dogs and it's inevitable one of them will have me out of bed by 8 am or before. How I wish I could start my morning like you do. I loved all your photos. Cute selfie :) Your friendship with Reaoma sounds very special indeed. Good for the soul for both of you I'm sure..

Bluebird49 said...

How pretty you look in that parka. I've never been skiing in my whole life. Your life has been, and still is, such an adventure!
I know the ducks and pigeons were happy to see you.
K love the moose pillows! You always find a Tuesday bargain, (or two, or 22!).
I know Rheaoma is so glad to see you! So many people have no loving touch on them in care homes.
But, please do be careful out walking. My husband says I don't have "enough fear of the outside", but I wasn't raised to be afraid of life. His parents had 9 children, and they were farmers. They were always trying to see their children were careful not to get hurt, or put themselves in any danger. It was good---but some were terrified to live life!
We've had snow since about 7pm and it's nearly 11:30 on now. It looks like at least 4 inches in the truck and ground. We went out to get a few things when I had to have my Coumadin levels checked,(blood still too thick),so we went to Walmart. It was crazy in there!The wind is supposed to gust up to 50 mph before morning, and I'll just be thankful if we don't lose power! Our gas heat is the only heat we have. No fire- place here, but we have always managed for these 51+ years!So thankful God is always caring for us!💗💗

ellen b. said...

Looks like a good day and what a wonderful beginning for it. Hoping all comes back good from the doctor.