Monday, January 1, 2018

Feels Like Winter - Looks Like Fall!

Texas is in the deep freeze!
It was 18 degrees overnight. That's SUPER cold for the DFW area!
I was up early this morning and guess what I did?

I went for a walk. 
I used to walk every single day and so I thought I would start this brand new year of 2018 out on the right foot, so to speak. I spied this hat on a sidewalk in the neighborhood. Whomever it belonged to must have partied hard last night!

The air was cold and the skies were blue.
Leaves are still on some trees around here and there are piles of them in the yards.

Such beautiful colors.
I stopped to watch a few leaves float softly to the ground.

This tree had only two red leaves clinging to the branches.
I stood under it for several minutes hoping to see them drop down to my feet.

There are two houses that have lots of acorns.
See? Doesn't this look like fall to you?

We have all four seasons in Texas. 
However, our winters tend to look more like fall or spring.
I walked with scripture cards in my pocket and memorized and meditated on them.
My favorite was John 8:12 - 
"I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." I love that!
As cold as it was, I was warm as toast!

That's because I wore my old ski parka! Only my face got cold.
This coat is really old! Amber was born in 1985 and I believe I bought this before a ski trip to Colorado in 1983 or 1984. I remember how warm I stayed even on top of the mountains!

The reason I was up so early this morning was to take Summer and Rayne to the airport.

They are off, along with Sabrina and others, to New York City!
I am so excited for them!!
Hopefully Summer will pace herself and do well.
I'm praying so. No matter what, I'm sure getting away for awhile will help her in more ways than one.
She shared some of her photos with me........

This one of the super moon!
The pilot announced that it -54 degrees out there.

As they were beginning their descent.

How exciting!
I've never been to NYC before so this may be my only chance to visit - seeing it through Summer's eyes!

We've been keeping warm by staying close to the fireplace in the den.
We are burning logs from our old elm tree out by the gazebo.
It's still standing but it died this year. Too much pruning, I think. Of course, it was really old. That may have something to do with it!

We cooked a big ham outside in the roaster.
We set it on the picnic table on the upper deck and it smelled so good!
I felt proud that the good smell drifting over the neighborhood came from OUR cooking!
We had ham, black eyed peas and cornbread for supper tonight.
The ham is still in the roaster. Louis Dean needs to carve it up but he was tired tonight and went to bed early. So.....since it's so COLD outside......and since we don't have room in the fridge for the whole ham......we left it outside where it is plenty cold!
We did that same thing when we roasted the Christmas turkey.
Cold temps can come in handy!

When I was a little girl, I read a lot. My stepfather bought things from auctions and sometimes he would buy boxes of books. One was written by Dorothy Parker. I loved that book. I was 9 and 10 years old at the time. While I don't remember the title of the book, it was not a novel or a book of poems but a more personal book about her life in New York and the social settings. She wrote about hostessing out of her New York apartment and when she didn't have a refrigerator, she would open the window and store her milk and perishables on the fire escape. This made me feel better because I had to be creative in keeping food from spoiling when we didn't have access to the kitchen. Instead of feeling badly about things, I felt rather sophisticated that I was being resourceful just like Dorothy Parker. I also remember she said there was nothing she wouldn't do to be well spoken of. 

She also quoted the poem by Edna St. Vincent Milay......

“My candle burns at both ends;
It will not last the night;
But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—
It gives a lovely light!”

I think I shall do a little research and see if I can find that book from my childhood.
Never underestimate the power of the written word.
I'm forever grateful that I have been a reader my entire life and am a better person for it.

Our entertainment tonight was RED 2!
I love this movie and have seen it several times.
Louis Dean only liked it because Anthony Hopkins is in it.
I needed a bit of relief from all the Gunsmokes we've been watching lately and the old movies he loves. Westerns mostly.

This was what we watched this morning!
I think it's awesome that Kirk Douglas is still living! He's 101 year old.

It really was a good movie.
Made in 1967.

It said.....
"And introducing Sally Fields as Mercy."
I've always liked Sally Fields.

Louis Dean has been in bed for an hour or so.
I admit to cherishing a little bit of alone time.
But a little can go a long ways.


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Lovely way to greet and start 2018.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Sally Fields, she was my teenage role model. And I still love her. Remember Gidget and The flying Nun? I need to watch this movie! I also liked Patty Duke. I have never heard of Red 2. Yes, it does look just like fall! Going to be 4 here this week! summer's pictures from the plane are gorgeous! I love the super moon in the pink sky! I have never been to New York either, but our kids have! They found a really good deal, and went just for the weekend on the spur of the moment. When it was real cold and the electricity was not working, my mom would put the food in a plastic bag, hang it out the window, and close the window on it.

Bluebird49 said...

Alone time is good for the soul, but just in "dribs and drabs", as Mama used to say! Good for quiet reflection, as you've done in this new year post!
Like you, I've always read. We were able to take 10 library books home for 2 weeks when Mama and I went when I was a girl. The same went with my daughter, son and me later on. Now, I have a granddaughter who loves reading, and writing and illustrating her own little books at 10-years-old!
The power of words cannot be overestimated! Just look what the Holy Bible has given us--history, prophecy, peace, tuition, hope, love, salvation and joy, and so much more. So many expressions we use today are taken from the Bible.
For some reason now, I mostly like autobiographies and biographies. I'm interested in what people lived like, and their perspectives. (Maybe it's why I love blogs so much!)
Linda, thank you for giving me an interesting, joyful, real place to read about a Texas friend I feel I grew up with!
I am so glad you make the time to share your life with us!

Kathy said...

You are right, it does look like fall there. But it probably doesn't feel like it. Six more days before it gets above freezing here. I never thought I would be wishing for 32*!

I've been to NYC several times. It's about 1 1/2 or 2 hours from here by train and about 2 1/2 hours by car. I had to go to a business meeting there one time and I thought that was really fun. The city is really energizing. There is no way you can just stroll along the street no matter what they show you on TV and in the movies. I hope Summer, Sabrina and Rayne have a wonderful time there. In spite of the cold and boy is it cold!

I have always loved reading too. My sister and our friends and I would go to the library every other week all summer when we were growing up. That's probably why I ended up working there. Books are my best friends and I just bought two more yesterday!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh I enjoy my visits with you so much,, you touch my heart,,

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love you as an Eskimo .. so cute and what a super duper idea to do the memory cards while walking. i used to put the verse i was learning on the bathroom mirror, i spent 20 minutes each morning getting ready for work and saying the verse over and over. i don't do the mirror thing now. thanks for the idea. I did not know Kirk is 101. wow.

Susie said...

Linda, We have watched 10 western during this cold spell. Not my favorite, but Ted loves them. We are working a puzzle now. Praying for summer's family to have a fun time in NYC. There's much to see and do there. LInda, I have an old coat that I have worn for years to do outside work. It's a good warm one. Here lately It's hard for me to feel warm. Another morning with 30 below wind chills. I am ready for a warm up. Blessings to you and LD, Take care of one another. Love you, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm always up early but rarely out. I try to be dressed by noon and just stay inside. I give you credit for getting out there in the cold. Not me. It was to be the first day back after Christmas break here for the schools, but they closed due to our severe cold. I think that when I do get dressed today it's going to be sweat pants and shirt for warmth. Hope you keep warm and are soon back to normal.

Arlene G said...

I can almost smell that ham Linda. Like you, I would love to visit NYC and especially at Christmas but I doubt it is in the cards for me either. My sis in law and her husband were up there just two weeks ago for a medical convention and she was in the crowd at Fox News. She and her two grandsons were wearing Santa hats and the boys were asked what they wanted for Christmas by the young lady who was interviewing the crowd, Something Rob and Lee will always remember.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We watched that same movie last night! We’d never seen it before! So fun! We watched the first one the night before!

Happy New Year!

Robin said...

Using the "porch fridge" or the "deck fridge" is very common here in the cold times, especially when we are dealing with extra food over the holidays. Ours has been an alternate freezer for the past 2 weeks. Like you I consider it a sign of our resourcefulness!

jamarson1 said...

I love the Ski parka! I bet you don’t get much use of that in Texas lol. Good thing you kept it around! I went skiing here in Colorado the day after Christmas it was an amazing day. I put some pics on my blog. I hope you and Louis Dean are having a wonderful New Years

Carole said...

Happy New Year, Linda. It's a little bit funny that I've been to New York twice (at least)! But the US is so big! Keep warm. Cheers

BeachGypsy said...

Dorothy parkers new york maybe? Goodnessxits so COOOOOLD all over nearly!! Brrrrrr. We had ham fried "taters" corn bread and blackeyed peas! One of my favorite meals. Happy new year my friend!!

Debbie said...

your nature images are so pretty today - it's always nice to see a pretty blue sky!! it's freezing here at the jersey shore, single digits at night, same daytime temps as your overnights!

i don't think i would enjoy living somewhere that did not have all 4 seasons!! happy new year linda, to you and ld!!

Judy said...

Oh dear...that is cold fog down there! Glad you have your cozy old parka. My sister in south Texas ordered a warm jacket online yesterday. She's had enough of shivering in a sweater! Stay cozy...and keep walking.