Monday, January 15, 2018

An Afternoon in Mart and Groesbeck and a Wintry Storm has Arrived.....

We watch the weather when we are in the country more closely than we do at home.
A winter storm warning meant we needed to get to town and get a few supplies.
While Louis Dean did some more work here at the ranch closing up more 'pneumonia holes' and preparing for the colder weather, his son and I drove into Mart and did some laundry and grocery shopping - Read's Grocery Store, the Laundromat on Texas Avenue and, of course, a stop at the Dollar General

From Mart we drove to Groesbeck for Dean's chiropractic appointment.

One stop shopping!
While Dean went to the right - I went to the antique shop on the left!

There's more to see and do in Groesbeck than I thought!

It was a pleasant way to spend part of this Monday afternoon.

On our way back to the ranch, we noticed the weather changing.

Country scenery never gets old for me......

I took this photo as we were nearly back to the ranch.
We unloaded and after I put things away, we all sat on the deck with a glass of wine and watched the weather come in.

Louis Dean had made all the preparations possible.
The new room was as closed up as it could be. He filled our camper reservoir with fresh water and poured up jugs of drinking water for us.

Then we simply sat out on the deck until the front arrived.
We sat through the first round of sprinkles and then when the wind hot - we went inside.

After I made this video, we went in the camper.
As the weather event happened, we ate the dinner I made of meat loaf, potatoes, and cabbage,


We kept checking the weather but Facebook proved to post the more entertaining updates!

Our movie for tonight.....

We love Tom Selleck!
This was one we hadn't seen before.

We meant to see this one tomorrow - it will be a 'stay warm and inside the camper' kind of day!

the disc inside was actually this movie.
Probably not the kind we like to watch!

Note to self......check the inside disc when purchasing a DVD.

We still have Gods and Generals for tomorrow.
And there's always Dominoes and reading and playing music and writing and needlework.
I don't think there is any possibility we will ever be bored.

Wishing all our friends and family a safe and warm winter's night!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my! Is that noise the wind rattling the camper, or the rain on the roof? I wonder if you will be able to sleep through it. Despite this, you had a really good day!

BeachGypsy said...

Stay safe, and stay warm! the sky pictures are great!

Bluebird49 said...

That was a high wind! I hope you are snuggling dowm! I really can't see you and your family ever being bored, lady!

Rebecca A. Maynard said...

This is what I had growing on the wall before, till the painters took it all down to paint last Christmas :(cedar fence panels

Nancy Chan said...

There is always something interesting happening at the camper. You are so blessed, LD can do almost anything and is so handy! Take care!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you had time to get ready for the storm. Keep warm and cozy!

Arlene G said...

Just starting to snow here today...then extreme cold but in the 60s by Sunday. That is winter in the south. Stay warm!!

Susie said...

Linda, No you guys will never be bored. You both love music and reading. You paint and craft and LD builds and fixes. Glad you got your supplies in before nasty weather. It was super cold here again this morning , below zero with wind chills dangerously low. Some schools closed and some had 2 hour delays. Forecast for Saturday is 50 degrees. Crazy !! Stay warm and save and away from those pneumonia holes. LOL. Bless all of you, xoxo,love you, Susie

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Kind of fun and cozy to hunker down and enjoy a movie and time together! Stay safe and Warm!

Vee said...

Sounds pretty wild down there! I liked the closed sign for Texas. ☺️ Hope that today is a pleasant one no matter the outside temperature.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love Jessie stone movied and so does Bob. we have seen all of them multible times. everytime they run them we watch them again. We love Tom to. I would rather be doing what LD was doing when you got home than shopping but that is a nice shot of the town and the things in the store. i love old buildings. hope the storm that is threatenng your area is not as bad as it looks on tv

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love windy weather!!!

What a bother that your movie was the wrong disk, but it sounds as if you have plenty to occupy yourself with!!

Judy said...

I am smiling here at your comment that you don't think you will ever be bored. I can't see you being bored anytime soon! My sister from McAllen was here for a week and just returned home. She thought she might need her 'Canadian coat' down there this week. Enjoy the day...whatever the weather.

Carole said...

Such interesting weather. Is that wine or beer in LD's big mug? Take care and cheers from the other side of the world - where it's hot and windy right now.

Debbie said...

facebook is always so fun when the south gets cold or snow!! all of our snow melted but we are expecting more tonight!!

i too have a hard time being bored!!

cheer to ld, he always looks so happy!!

Wanda said...

Love your posts from the ranch. You little video made me shiver..burr that wind was really flapping.
But how nice, warm inside, wine and movies...meat loaf, potatoes and cabbage. Would love to join you. Stay warm and safe.

ellen b. said...

Well, that sounds like a nice thing to the storm roll in. And then you had the perfect cozy meal. Stay safe!