Sunday, January 28, 2018

Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Our last January Weekend at the Ranch

I'm going to miss this place!

I have loved every minute of every day here in our Country Camper.

January in the country!
Campfires nearly every night. 
This was our Friday night fire.
We burn our paper trash along with the firewood.

I love looking in windows!
Especially when they are my own.....

Friday night Cheers!
Needlework, bubbly and journal writing.

Saturday I took my disappointing watermelon from HEB down to the chickens.

I didn't really believe I could get a good watermelon in January.
It was worth a try.
The chickens enjoyed it!

Louis Dean enjoyed our breakfast - served at lunch time - of fried potato pancakes, smoked sausages, biscuits and fried eggs!

It was a good day of reading and writing for me and working for Louis Dean.
I made a big pot of beans and a batch of cornbread muffins for supper.
The sliced sweet onions were a bonus.

We have been going to bed early and waking up late.
A perfect plan!

Sunday - today - was a good last full day here at the ranch.
We go home tomorrow.

Louis Dean worked on the utility room doing things 
I cannot even explain but that he was so pleased with accomplishing!
Something about inspection holes for the washing machine - which we don't have yet!
He has prepared the flooring for the utility room and various other things that I don't even comprehend! 

He is my hero!

This will be going in the bathroom - hopefully on our next visit.

 I love all things 'camper.'

I've had a good day of writing.
Moving on and writing new words after editing the first 12 chapters.
I am in 1963 and writing about giving birth to my first born daughter - my Summer Dee.
Memories are precious.
I have discovered we all have memory triggers.
It's pretty amazing.
It was October 25th, 1963 when I went into labor and I vaguely remember that Jesse and I watched a favorite TV show before I knew for certain I was, indeed, in labor. I Googled TV shows in 1963 and found the one we were watching that night! Burke's Law with Gene Barry.
It's a real adventure and experience to go back in time.
As I write, it is as though I am watching a movie. 
The best thing about it is I know I have a happy ending - even as I am recording some sad situations. I am so hoping I can share my story....and that it will be a good one.
Friends, we all have a story to tell and hopefully you are telling yours as you go along.
I didn't do that. I felt my story would be a burden to my children if they knew about it.
I have changed my mind.
We are who we are because of where we have been and what we have experienced.
Nothing is all good or all bad.
God's grace gives us the chance to make good out of the bad things that have happened to us.
I wish our mother would have shared more of her story with us.
My siblings are amazing people.
I want their children to know that.
I want that so much!
I want them to realize how special their parent was are and how much they have overcome.

My thought to you tonight is to share your life with your family.
You may have had such a beautiful, wonderful childhood. Share it! 
Make sure your children know the details. 
If it wasn't so wonderful - share that, as well.
Share it with grace and without condemnation, if possible.
Remember this - no one has had a perfect life.

My children and I had a dear lady in our lives. Her name was Mrs. Morrison. Hallie Morrison. All four of my children knew and loved her and she loved them. Mrs. Morrison was the most important and influential person in my life - more so even than my mother.

She shared with us how she had come to Dallas in a covered wagon and all the hardships she experienced and the life she had lived and the loved ones who had died along the way including her beloved three year old son. Most of all, she shared her faith and her love with us and we were made better people because of her.

I will add this update about my Sweet Summer Dee right here.
She has appointments next week which will HOPEFULLY give her a firm diagnosis and plan of action and/or treatment.

She and a good friend took a trip to the beach this weekend.
Summer was in need of some comfort and thankfully God has given her such a good friend as Karen.
They go way back and I remember a beach trip I took with them a few years ago.
Karen is an amazing lady and after retiring from the insurance industry, she has entered into the seminary. The world needs more people like Karen.

A beach is Summer's Happy Place.

They had a great time and made some good memories.
Summer always leaves a place better than she finds it.
She collected trash with her picker upper and I am thinking the sound of the waves and the seagulls restored her soul. God does that. He uses his creation to restore peace to our souls.
Back in the day - it was the mountains of Colorado for me.
The beach is always good and I do love the ranch.
I am finally and happily at the point in my life that I no longer have to search for a place.
I am in it. Wherever I am. I'm already there.

Okay! Enough of these deep thoughts of mine!

This is my Valentine Tree which will be here to greet me when we return!
Hopefully next month!

Our very last campfire of January 2018!

I do so love the sounds of the country!

So goodnight from me to you!
Sweet dreams!


Judy said...

You are such an inspiration! And yes, we should all be recording our life experiences...both the happy and the sad. Thank-you for spurring me on to at least thinking about doing that!

I have been catching up on your last few posts. It sounds like January was a good time for you to be in the country. BTW...I found Mart on a map just to see where you were hiding out. :)

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

My dad wrote his life story from his view and I am so glad he did that. Mom's story was such a secret of not good things and only peeks happened when her older sister would answer questions (sometimes). I am grateful to have that much. I think the lives of those born in 1920 era were not easy. Thank you for sharing your journal Linda, always so much appreciated.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your writing has so much TRUTH in it, and I know will resound with so many. Without knowing the worst parts of your life, I know how strong it made you. Have you seen that Lifetime true movie about the teacher at the school where a shooter broke in and held her hostage? He was going to kill everyone. Please watch it! "Faith Under Fire: Antoinette Tuff". She talked to the shooter about the bad parts of her life, she empathized with him. Even with an automatic weapon and a bag of ammunition on the floor in front of her. She talked the man out of shooting anyone, and he surrendered. All because of the bad times in her life. They happened for this save all these children. My, I am rambling...but she reminded me of YOU. I don't know why; just her strength and calm.

Bluebird49 said...

I am so glad you're getting further with your book! I know it has been quite a journey, and I'm so glad there is a happy ending for you and your siblings!! 💗💗💗

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh I love visiting you,, everytime its a joy!

NanaDiana said...

What a wonderful wrap up of your weekend. It is amazing how those memories surface when we go to put them down in paper and we are 'right there' living them all again.

So glad you have your 'miracle man' in LD being able to do all the things he can do!

I am happy Summer was able to get to the beach. Like her, the beach is my HAPPY place where I go to restore my soul.

God bless, Linda. xo Diana

Debby said...

It's fun to see how you enjoy life. You are an inspiration. ❤️

Susie said...

Linda, I am so glad your time on the ranch was fun . You and LD did accomplice a lot while there. You both love to work. I liked reading about the trips to town, feeding the critters, the projects you are building there. I loved see all the things you cook up while in the country. Blessings to you both, be safe . love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

first things first. LOVE THE FIRE VIDEO... LOL i love beaches and waves and gulls soaring but also would love Colorado.. both are soothing to the soul. nature is soothing, and your camper is in a soul soothing place.

Arlene G said...

You are right about telling your story to your family. It is good to know why you do and feel the things you do, it often goes back to family! I am happy that you have a happy ending as well Linda. ( Hey maybe they will make a Hallmark movie about you and Louis Dean!!) I would watch it for sure. Safe travels home. And again, thanks so much for the note and the calendar girls. They will be featured in next weeks Stitching Saturday.

Changes in the wind said...

This is a good post...full of truth and love. I too am at a place where I am content wherever I am and it is such a blessing but a little ranch time would be icing on the cake.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love the pictures of your campfires. They are so warm and inviting. Some of my happiest memories were made around campfires in the past. Your book is well worth the writing and it is so important we tell our stories to our children. There were many questions my parents left unanswered and we are left in the dark as they are gone now and can't answer them, but I doubt they would if they could. Valentines day is just around the corner and my decorations are up. They certainly brighten the place up. Hope you have safe travels today !

Tina said...

The deep thoughts you've shared are very inspirational to me! I've been wanting to start writing and I always think nothing has happened to me that is interesting enough to share. But you're absolutely right, each of us has a story that is important, at least to our loved ones! You have a wonderful ability to share your story and we are all blessed that you share it with us! Have a wonderful day!

Tammijo said...

You inspire me to write my story one day. My life has been a crazy rollercoaster to put in midley but Im alive and healthy so im blessed. Your writings help me remember that. Safe travels home today :)

Vee said...

Hope your trail home was a pleasant one. Sounds as if you plan a quick turnaround and then you’ll be back at the ranch once more where the cares of this life slip away. Wish everyone had such a place.

Carole said...

You are so right about telling people - but I find that many people (particularly sisters) just don't want to know - they can't handle it or are just trying to cope with their own story. ...

Kathy said...

I understand why the ranch is your happy place. So much peace and a completely different way of life. You almost have to slow down when you get there. I'm glad Summer got to go to the beach. Hoping to hear good news from her doctors this week.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a good time in the country. What a great encouragement you gave to share memories with our loved ones. Mrs. Morrison sounded like a real blessing in your life and your children's life. Hope your week is a good one.