Monday, January 8, 2018

Monday! MONDAY!!!

 What a blessing it is to be feeling better!
I hope I never take good health for granted.
We had our morning routine together, Louis Dean and I, and then I headed over to Dallas to meet up with Amber and the Quads at the library. This was their last day off before school starts again tomorrow.

Louis Dean took my picture when I was leaving so I would have some 'Blog Fodder!'
I had the best afternoon.
I love the ambiance of a good library. 
Just being surrounded by so many books is enough to make me happy.
The kids played with iPads and picked out the 30 book limit!
Kailey is the designated 'Chooser of Books!'
Amber says she picks out the BEST ones and I heard Trystan say the same thing.
I read in and nearly finished my Nicholas Sparks book.....

Amber brought snacks and the afternoon flew by!
Right there in the library!
It brought back a lot of good memories of when I would take Amber and Benjamin when they were young.
We went to the library every two weeks and brought home books, movies and audio books.
I especially loved all the Audio books - which back then I called 'books on tape!'

Catherine, Called Birdy was one of my favorites!
'By God's thumbs' was one of her expressions......
and there were so many feast days!
It was published in 1994 and won the Newbery Medal and Golden Kite Award for fiction in 1995.

We read - or listened to - all of Paul Paulsen's books, starting with The Rifle.
Well, almost all. I see now when I Googled him that we missed a few and I intend to check those out for myself. I dearly loved his books.
Back when I was driving back and forth to Houston, I listened to the audio books from the young adult and children's section of the Irving Library. Four or five hours driving down and four or five hours back was good for an entire book or two!

Then there was Julie of the Wolves.

And The Face on the Milk Carton......
and so many more!

I suppose I had another 'Walk Down Memory Lane' today!

On the way home from Dallas, I stopped at a park on North Story Road and walked a good 20 minutes.

This park has uphills and downhills and was heart healthy!

It has been recently renovated and much nicer now.

I loved the new playground and this sitting area features vintage seats from the old Texas Stadium.

This would be a good place to bring the kids to play!

When I came home, Louis Dean was in the guest room napping.
I put my things up and went out to the gazebo to do some more reading and have a quiet time.

See the little radio there? 
That was one of my Christmas presents from Louis Dean.
I still love WRR 101.1 on the FM dial.
Classical radio at its finest.

Louis Dean had fried up some chicken while I was gone and left a platter of it on the stove.
I boiled some sweet potatoes and that made a fine supper.

We're still watching some of the Christmas movies we recorded!
Seems appropriate since we are still decorated for Christmas and still enjoying it, I might add.
I love being 69! I'm finally old enough that I can do what seems eccentric and I don't really care!
 I admit that I leave a few Christmas things up year round.....and a few fall things, too.
Funny, no spring or summer ones ever remain past their time. Those are my least favorite seasons. Go figure.
Although the summer may be becoming more of a favorite with me.
The older grands are wanting to do MiMi Camp again and I am already planning some things for them. And the quads will be able to visit more once school is out so the last day of school may just be my FAVORITE day of the year! After September first, mind you!

Good Night, Folks! 
Louis Dean and I are going back to the den to finish our movie!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I must buy "Julie Of The Wolves"! Anne Marie wants to be a vet, and she would love it. You look so good in Louis Dean's picture! I had forgotten that we are the same age! Looking and feeling good again and coming home to Louis Dean's chicken, what could be better??

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Lots of great books! I love libraries!

You look great and I’m with you about doing what you want and not caring what others think!

Bluebird49 said...

We love the library--3 generations of us! Now, our little ones have books on their phones and iPads!
Have fun down at the ranch. Thank you for sharing your day with us!!

Nancy Chan said...

You look great in the first photo! Those are books which I have not read! So wonderful that you and LD could help each other with meals preparation!

Wanda said...

You are adorable and really styling in that photo. I love to read too, and now I have a stack I haven't got to because I'm going to start teaching 1st and 2nd graders on Wednesday night at church with a new program we are starting called Kids Time. Will have to brush up on my teaching skills with little ones. HaHa.

Sounds like a very good Monday. btw our Tristan loves Library Day which is Wednesday mornings, and now he's in pre-school and loving it.

Linda said...

I love this post. Enjoyed reading about all those books. Especially liked your statement about being old enough to be eccentric and not care what others think. I too enjoy Christmas the year around.

Carol said...

We love the library as well. Children should be introduced to it at an early age and the love of the library will become a passion. Our local one is beautiful and has so many helpful people in it. The programs are nice too.

Susie said...

Linda, So glad you are feeling good. You look great. You are right, our health is all important. I try to stay healthy too. It's becoming a job at times. :) So nice the children , Amber and you had a fun day at the library. I love the library too. I remember my girls riding their bikes to the library and bringing home new books to read. What a long fun day you had with the children, then your walk. Sweet LD having some chicken on the stove. I love seeing the Gazebo all set for a cozy quiet time. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I've spent many happy hours at the library from the time I was a child to when I took my own children. Now I read on the Kindle so rarely go to a library. Summer is my favorite time of year . The sunshine and longer daylight hours are the perfect combination for me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have one chrismtas movie left, finding Santa.. i like finding Chrismtas to. i recorded 5 the week of Thanksgiving and just got around to watching because bob will not watch them and he was home for a whole month and i could not have the big TV. that is a beautiful park and place to walk

Arlene G said...

Roll Tide...I had to say it!!:) I was having breakfast with the girls and we were talking about how nice it is to be able to pretty much do what we want to do when we want to do it. And Libraries are my favorite places..I used to dream of living in one when I was a girl.

Tina said...

I'm right with you when it comes to loving the library AND loving books from the children's and young adult sections! My kids and I spent many happy hours in the library and would always check out as many books as the library would allow! We did Sonlight curriculum and it was book based with lots of reading aloud so we did books on tape too! When the boys finished homeschooling I missed those books but then decided I could continue reading them myself, why not? Spending the afternoon reading in a library and taking a walk in a park sounds like a perfect day to me! And fried chicken when you got home! Louis Dean is a keeper, but you knew that already! Have a great day!

Vee said...

📚 What a wonderful afternoon in the library you describe...

Carole said...

Glad you are well. I don't enjoy audio books - somehow they just feel too intrusive. I can read at my own pace (mostly quick) and slow down when I want. I have tried them for long plane journeys but much prefer music. cheers

ellen b. said...

Good to hear you are feeling good. Can't take that for granted. Enjoy your movies!