Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Tuesday in Fort Worth

We were like the Three Musketeers today!

Me, Summer and Candie!
They went with me to Fort Worth to visit Mother.
Last night as I was writing - and knowing I was going to Fort Worth the next day - I almost titled the post 'Thursday! THURSDAY!' instead of Monday.
Since we are planning on staying in the country for awhile, I thought it would be good to see her. Last time I was gone for a few weeks she thought I was sick.

Mother was especially glad to see Summer!

All the grandchildren call her 'Granny' - except for Amber and Benjamin who insisted on calling her Grandma. I like Grandma but I love being a MiMi, a Bella and a MeeMaw! I think each name is special because they picked it out.

I took Mother new make up and a couple of ball point pens.
She let me know of a couple more things she needs and then we asked how she liked her nightgown from Summer. 

Turns out it was not a hit. She wore it once but prefers pajamas. No problem. I will get her a pair and bring them on my next visit. What happens to the nightgown??
Win! WIN!!!! I get to take it to the camper with me tomorrow! So now I have a city gown and a country gown! It just so happened the fabric design is the same as the flannel sheets I have on the bed in the camper! How cool is that??

We left when they brought Mother and Lillian's lunch in.
Next time I come, I will bring them some food food as they barely eat the meals served there.
Today I brought them cookies and M&M's. I should have brought sandwiches and chips.

I felt kind of guilty when we had such good lunches ourselves at La Madeleine!

Our table was right by the fireplace!

I had left my iPad at the nursing home so we went back and I ran in to get it.
We saw this gorgeous tree as we were driving to Nita's to drop off Mother's laundry.
We left at 10:45 and were back home before 3:00!
Normally when Ruth Ann and I go to Fort Worth we do good to get home before 5:00!
Summer and Candie both live just about an hour or a little more from my house - in different directions - so they were able to get home before bad traffic.
I went back out to get some milk for Louis Dean and hit up two thrift stores and walked out of both without buying one thing. It can happen and does from time to time.

I leave you with these wise words I saw on Sister Luann's Facebook page yesterday.....

I think we will watch a little TV and go to bed early so we can get up early.
I've packed up the pantry food to take to the ranch and cleaned out the fridge.
That's what we are eating for supper tonight! All those leftovers that have accumulated!
What we don't eat will go down the disposal......unless I can bag it and feed it to the goats tomorrow!
I never feel as bad about wasting food when I know the goats need to eat, too!


Linda said...

Looking forward to reports on your special times in the country.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love these wise words, and have copied them. I'm sorry about your mom's food. At least she likes the place itself, and her roommate Lillian. Nothing at the thrift stores? Unheard of! I had thought that after Christmas would be a bonanza, but have found nothing myself! It looks like people get up really early and raid the place! By the time I get there, the shelves are bare. This tree is beautiful. It looks like part birch. Happy camping!

Bernice said...

Have a great time at your “Happy Place” I know you will🙂
Cannot wait to see all your pictures.

Bluebird49 said...

Wow, another busy day! I haven't worn nightgowns in years, either!
I love that very sage list you have, and I copied them too.
So glad when Summer can go out with you.
I'll be looking forward to hearing about ranch days with you and Louis Dean and all the animals!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a nice day and now the country!

Kathy said...

I hope Summer is feeling better. She is always smiling so it's hard to tell with her. Glad you got to see your mom. Now it's time for the ranch!

Susie said...

Linda, I loved seeing your mother hug Summer. I could see she was happy. When I would feed the neighbor's goats...I gave them anything but dairy or meat. I busted our the pumpkins from fall decorations , raked up the other neighbor's apples and those goats ate good all winter. I would give them some everyday or so, along with their goat chow. I know you will have a fun time at the ranch. Just please always be safe. Blessings to all, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

Chickens love leftovers, too! Have a wonderful time tooling on down to the ranch. 🙂

Arlene G said...

Summer looks good...hoping her back pain is more manageable. Have a fun trip to the country.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Glad you had such a great day before heading for the ranch. Hope you have a safe and happy trip and the weather stays warmer for you too. Love that you got another gown that matches your sheets. It was meant to be!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

most of the list i already do. I do need to LISTEN, not good at that. and i don't donate new clothes and i surely never know when to keep my mouth shut. when i worked in a homeless ministry i used to buy new clothes and shoes for the homeless but that was 10 years ago.
i love your win win on your gown.. city gown country gown, ONLY YOU... lol

NanaDiana said...

Love that you are getting a nightgown by default. I love nightgowns and never wear pjs.

How wonderful that you were able to go with both gals to visit your mom and get home before rush hour started.

Hope you have a blessed Wednesday- xo Diana

Debbie said...

beautiful girls, such happy smiles!! i LOVE the simple formula for life, i will have to write that one down!!!

do something nice and try not to get caught - that was my favorite. so many people want so much praise for doing a good deed, i never tell people all the good things i do - i don't want credit or a pat on the back!!

Debbie said...

i wrote that down linda, would like to share it one day on my blog as well!!!

Carole said...

That's a great list to live by. Cheers