Monday, January 22, 2018

A Country Kind of Monday!

After we went to bed last night, yet another storm rolled in waking me up around midnight to lightning, thunder and really heavy rain! I had the window to the girl bunk open and it was the cold that woke me up. Temps dropped about 20 degrees in a matter of minutes.

I got up and went out in the new room to listen to the storm rage.....
I have to admit to loving weather!
Rain, storms, lightning, thunder - I love them all.
My sister, Nita, shared a post to my Facebook page the other day.....

I admit it.
My name is Linda Chapman and I am a pluviophile.

The cattle were already out there welcoming in the day when we went out to gear up for ours.
They do not belong to us or to Dean and Sherry.
They are our neighbor's but we do so enjoy them.
Last fall I took muffins to the Jackson's - that's the neighbors - and told them how much we love watching their critters.

We pulled on our mud boots and set out to do our last round of Critter Chores......
after we had our first cup of coffee and were partially awake.

I shared this photo on Facebook's 'BackRoads of Texas' today. 
I am a new member and this was my first time to share.

I never get tired of seeing scenes like this.

Or of this.
The male peacock died and we sure do miss him.
However, this pea hen is sure showing off her beauty!

This could be a summer scene.
My older grandchildren have fond memories of MiMi Camp down here.
They loved fishing on Lake Tougouchi!
We are already planning another camp with them down here this summer.
I think one of my greatest blessings is when my grandchildren want to spend time with me.

It was a cold blustery day but my Louis Dean looked handsome as he sat on the feed bin catching his breath after we fed and watered all the critters.

I am going to get a bit sentimental here.
Every single day I spend with my beloved is a gift.
Several of my dear friends have lost their beloved husbands.
I think of my good friend, Melba in the loss of her JW.
 I love them both and we had such good times together over the years. 
There's my Dear Vee in the loss of her beloved John.
He was such a prayer warrior and prayed for our grand quadruplets and their parents from conception right up through their third year of life.
And there is our dearly loved BJ and the loss of the long love of her life, Bill.
They made their memories and shared many of them with us in the Land of Blog.
That made their loss our loss as well.

I want to live my life with no regrets.
I want to keep making memories every single day with Louis Dean.

We live life together.
Some day we - either he or I - will live life alone.
But not yet.
We will continue to celebrate Life for as long as we have - together!

I bought this wine glass at a Goodwill in Waco and tonight I used it for the first time.
I made chicken and dressing, mashed potatoes, giblet gravy, cranberry relish and Texas baked beans for our supper tonight.

Wishing you a Good Night from the Country!!
This time next week we will be back home.
We will continue our adventures there!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your dinner sounds so good! Yes, at our age, every day with our spouse is a real blessing! I always say that I want to go first! WOW, I had no IDEA that hens lay this many eggs!! I had thought maybe three or so. This glass is so YOU!

Bluebird49 said...

God bless you and your family, Linda! We all have so many things to be thankful fotr!!

Linda said...

Good health is a special gift. Every day you and your spouse spend together in good health is a blessing. Enjoy those days while you can.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs Linda. Your message today is so important, thank you for sharing your loving thoughts.

Susie said...

Linda, I like to watch the stormy skies but always hope the wind does get too high. A soft gentle rain is more to my liking. I am a sky watcher, I guess. Yes, your sweet LD looks handsome in his rugged outdoorsman attire. I love the chicken picture .That could be a lot of baby chicks. Stay safe while down on the ranch. I thought of you this morning , on the news it was announced that Neal Diamond is canceling his road tour, as he has Parkinson's disease. I remember seeing his concerts three times. Love his beautiful voice. It makes me sad, to know he will not be giving performances. Hugs to you my sweet friend. Blessings to all, xoxo,love you guys, Susie

Arlene G said...

Thanks for accepting my FB friend request. I just feel like we know each other so why not? Enjoy your country time!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the glass, i thought maybe you painted it. you could i know. i feel the same about my hubby and sometimes i fear losing him. most of the time i don't think about it. i fear storms and hate rain and am the opposite of the word you used, what ever that is. rain depresses me. i am sunshine all the way and even gray days make me sad. it can be cold or hot as long as the sun is bright, you like your house dark and cozy and i like mine with sunlight streaming in. that said, i love you Linda

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I have a metal roof on the carport here and also on my enclosed patio room, that I fondly call the sunporch and I love to listen to the rain hitting the metal roof. We are having a rainy day here today. Much better than snow in my books! But then every day is a good day! You two are blessed to have each other to enjoy every day with. I've been a widow over 20 years now and know what it means to have someone to share life's journey. Those memories keep me going along with with wonderful friends and family. I hope your week is a great one there in the country!

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful inspiring post! Everyday is a gift for sure,

Changes in the wind said...

The wine glass suits you:) Love all the pictures but not sure about the storm, I like a little rain on a tin roof but hard storms make me a little nervous. Dinner sounds yummy!

Vee said...

Those were sweet things you said about John. They took me by such surprise that I didn’t know what to say last night when I first read them. Don’t you spend much time thinking about things that will only happen once, IF they happen at all. I don’t know how much longer before we hear that trumpet. 🙂 Love you guys! Happy days to you at the ranch...

Carolyn said...

You have the right idea--my husband of 53 wonderful, love filled years died in 2016 and I am so thankful I have no regrets and lots of love filled memories, it makes it a little easier!

Kathy said...

Every day is precious. It comes only once. I am glad that you were able to say it so well. You and LD were made for each other at this time in your life.

Carole said...

Well, you succeeded in teaching me a new word - pluviophile! I like hearing rain on the roof but don't so much enjoy being out in it! Cheers

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Those were such true and precious thoughts. Live and enjoy each day we are given, even the hard ones have some blessing in them.

Wanda said...

Linda, your sharing of you love for Louis Dean brings tears to my eyes, as I have often thought that I have had 56 years with my beloved..and now he's 80 and we cherish every single day.

Your farm pictures just bless me so. In fact I thought of your farm as I did Scribble Picnic this week with the theme tablecloth. You have so many lovely ones, and I wanted to show one hanging on a clothesline blowing in the wind. Your kind of scene. Sending love and hugs.