Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Tuesday Treasures!

Louis Dean decided to go with me to town today - allowing time for the ground to finish drying out enough for him to work tomorrow. He is building a storage room right next to the bathroom. This will be where he puts the water heater and washing machine. He's starting on the floor as soon as it's dry enough. He did set the toilet in place but I don't think it's going to be in working order this trip.
Let me just say, I have no clue how to build a room or do the plumbing or the electrical work. 
I understand we need the water heater situated before we could possibly think of having hot showers right here. But it does seem to me that it would be reasonable to at least get the sink and commode operational. He keeps saying, "That's not a problem."
 So.....what am I missing here? It must be a 'Guy Thing.'
It's a good thing we have the camper bathroom!

We stopped by the post office in Mart so I could mail off a few things.

From Mart we drove to Waco and two of the four Goodwills there.
Alas, Senior Discount Day has now moved to Monday!
Wonder if it's changed in Irving as well?
The music in the first Goodwill was getting on our last nerve.
It was popular music - not country and certainly not classical.
The song had about 4 or 5 words and they just kept singing them over and over and over.
We drove to the second Goodwill and - would you believe - that they were playing that same maddening song? We noticed it the second we walked in the door.

For lunch we ate at Long John Silvers.
The coleslaw was so good. Louis Dean jokes about eating there saying we needed to get our oil changed. The fish was greasy but sometimes you are hungry for that. I only ate one piece of the fish. Louis Dean ordered three pieces and he only ate one. He things we will feed the goats the remaining two. But the music in there was fun! It was 1950's and had us smiling and singing along and Louis Dean would tell me stories about what he was doing when each song was popular back then. He has lots and lots of good memories!

My next stop was HEB - my favorite store.
He dropped me off and went on to Home Depot.
He needed a wheel barrow!

I needed candles and these are made in the USA and smell delicious.
AND they are only $8!
Texas Thunderstorm is a new one and I bought it - along with two other candles - Surf and Sand and Evening Fireside Glow. All three made in the USA.

Here are my Tuesday Treasures!
Louis Dean got a big laugh over that Jesse James book.
He bought it without even opening it up. He assumed it was about the old west outlaw, Jesse James.
Nope! This Jesse James is the scoundrel who was married to Sandra Bullock!
We both decided to rest when we got home and he was so surprised!
I'm still reading  Coastliners and it is so good I'm having a hard time putting it down.
The patriotic purse was brand new.

I got five new tops!

All good brands and in good condition and fit me well.

I really like this fun one!

The sunset was pretty tonight.
We have sunny skies for the next four days!

Louis Dean played music while I worked on my book and wrote tonight's journal.
I haven't moved on with new chapters just yet but have gone back to clean up and add to the ones I've already written. So far I have 12 chapters. I have worked through the first 8 and hope to get through all of them and well into chapter 13 before we go home.
I think I better hunker down tomorrow and get some real work done.

But for tonight, I think I'm going to make us a light healthy snack and then read. 
Or maybe watch a Remington Steel. Or an original MacGyver!


jamarson1 said...

I love the funky junky shirt! The sunset is gorgeous:)

Linda said...

After lunch at Long John Silver’s I do believe a light healthy snack would be a good thing. I like their chicken strips.

Ginny Hartzler said...

so this is a book written by Sandra's Jesse James? Or a biography about him? I love this flag purse! The fish looks so good!! I like the looks of the Texas Thunderstorm candle. Do you have to go up to the big house to go to the bathroom? Beautiful sunset!

BeachGypsy said...

Hey there girlfriend how are you doing? Enjoyed your past two posts and oh my gosh, immediately seeing that Mcgyver dvd I am hearing that theme song now in my head over and over, ha ha LOL I like the cole slaw at LJS too, it's good! did it warm up any, after that big temperature drop the other night? Hope so. I, and Mr. Front Porch, so enjoy watching the skies as well. When our kids were little we would sit in the porch swing on the front porch and watch all the big thunderstorms move in. Now HE STILL likes thunderstorms, I am more nervous if there is anything dangerous like lightning or high winds. But in general we like to watch weather too! Have you seen them storm spotter people out chasing tornadoes....those people are crazy!! haha LOL Hope you are having a real good week and getting lots accomplished with the chapters! Keep on working at it!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I don't know what the little building is. But I will find out shortly. The next time I am there, I will try to go inside!

Bluebird49 said...

Hey, it's hard to get good food slaw outside homemade, huh! KFC has pretty good slaw here. That fish looked better than it was, I guess.
Sounds like you and Louis are so used to quiet days, loud, dumb music is even more annoying. I feel your pain. 😏

MadSnapper n Beau said...

still laughing at the guy thing remark. they make no sense to us and i am sure we make less sense to them. LOL.. i know it will be wonderful to have hot showers in your country home getaway.. ha ha on the Jesse James book, i know that was a surprise.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Even though it may not be healthy, sometimes a meal from Long John Silvers hits the spot for me. I like their hush puppies. Glad you were able to find all those nice shirts ! I need some new ones and hate to pay full price and always look for sales. You will be having all the comforts of home there once all gets done. I love candles and burn them often, especially in the winter. Hope you have another beautiful day!

Debbie said...

oh i got such a kick out of "getting your oil changed" i laughed out loud. i have never been to one, perhaps i will try it but order small!!

the funky junky shirt was made for you my friend, ld looks so cool and handsome with his guitar!! there is no way that man is in his 80's??

Tina said...

Sounds like a fun and successful shopping day! I loved the show Remington Steele, that was a find for sure! And you did so well with your tops...don't you love it when you can find good brands in good shape that you know cost much more than you're paying at Goodwill? I know I do! Have a wonderful day!

Susie said...

Linda, Almost every day is an adventure. Tis morning on the Today show, they were talking about A Woman Crush.. I told Teddy Bear, I had that on all my daughters, that I love and admire. Then he said I think you have a crush on Linda in Texas. LOL. He knows I think so much of you. :):)
Now about the new room attached to the new room...one day many, many years from now...archaeologist will dismantle a huge Texas home to find a camper inside. LOL. It is a guy thing girlfriend !!!
Yuck do not eat that greasy fish from "Lone John Chicken Hut"( that's what my grandgirl called it when she was little) So funny what LD said about changing the grease. I can tell in an instant when any place needs to change their fryer oils. :):)
Sign me up please for the first book off the presses , well after family. I want to read it .
Blessings to you, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Vee said...

I could listen to “That’s not a problem” every day as long as whatever it is wasn’t. Did you follow that? John’s comment was, “Leave it to me.” I liked that one, too. No doubt that Louis Dean has it all worked out!

Carole said...

Enjoy your film. I'm glued to the tennis in Australia at the moment being a bit of a tennis tragic... I used to play every day - badly! Cheers from Carole's chatter

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Great haul! Such cute shirts and I used to love watching Remington Steele!

Blondie's Journal said...

Love reading about your adventures! Every gal needs an LD in their lives!

Love the t shirts, and fish and chips just about anywhere, makes me a happy camper!
