Sunday, January 14, 2018

Our Quiet Weekend in the Country

Life is simple when we are here. It slows down and we relax.
Saturday was such a laid back day. We slept late and, after our coffee and reading, we decided to go to town. Louis Dean is always working on projects. It's been cold here. Too cold for some of the things he wants to do. So a trip to Waco seemed like a good idea. We ate lunch at Luby's before doing errands - which meant we had some things to pick up at Walmart and Home Depot.

I spent most of the driving time and waiting in the truck for Louis Dean reading my book.
Rosamund Pilcher is my all time favorite author. Right next to Gladys Taber.

I took no photos on Saturday and did very little other than read.
It was wonderful.

This morning we once again slept late.

Coffee and Bible reading and our out loud book - Let Trump Be Trump.
It's what Louis Dean wanted for Christmas and it is proving to be so interesting we are knocking out chapters at a time!

I started on a new book.
At least it's new to me and I love how books can transport me to a different time and place and it seems as vivid to me as if I were watching a movie.

While I read and did a few bits of housekeeping work, Louis Dean puttered around in the new room.

One of the things he did was to put casters on this big trunk I bought at a garage sale in Mart last year. This will make it easier to move around. He puts his nails and tools and various and sundry supplies in it.

I rode my bike up to the gate this afternoon so I could mail a few cards.

I visited with the cows across the road.

Doesn't that white one look magnificent?

I do so love my time in the country!

Last night we started the movie Gettysburg. 

We finished it this afternoon.
Very sobering.
Back in my homeschooling days, our missionary friend, Brother  Wright, recommended it to us.
Later we visited all the historical places used in filming the movie.
Sobering then and sobering now.

I have begun working on my book again.
The idea for writing a book came about on the first sibling trip Deanie and I went on in February 2015. It took a whole year of laying the groundwork and doing some background research and another year to collect our memories and then last year to get it all down on paper. The title of the book - at least so far - is 'Children in the Closet.' That may change.
I'm writing it in three parts. So far I have written Part I which spans the years of 1946 to 1968. Part II I hope to finish this year and will be the next 40 years. Part III will be the Happy Ending - from 2000 to present. That's the best part because as tough as the first two are to write - we do all have such a happy ending. All of us!
Since I've never written a book before this is a real adventure but one that has already brought a certain amount of healing and clarification for me and my siblings.

I'm writing and Louis Dean is singing and playing.
He would dearly love for me to sing duets with him but I simply cannot sing.
I can't play an instrument and I don't even tap my foot and clap on time.
Bless his heart. He so wanted to marry a musician.
Once I told him I wished I could sing. He looked so sad when he said, "I do, too!"

That's it from the Country for tonight!
It's going to be pretty tomorrow and then it's supposed to get really cold.
Perhaps ice and snow and temps in the teens.
I do so love weather!


Cranberry Morning said...

This was such a pleasant post to read! Comfortable days, no rush, good books. And what an ambitious project to write a book. But I bet it's very therapeutic. God bless you! Have a wonderful new week.

Debby said...

Love your stories. That little home is so sweet.

Bluebird49 said...

Best wishes on writing! I have many memories, but I can't think how I'd write without hurting someone in my family-- my nieces and nephews etc. I just don't know it would hurt them, so for now, it's my memories! I salute you, dear one!

jamarson1 said...

I’m glad your relaxing! Looks so peaceful out there

Linda said...

You spoke to my heart when you mentioned Gladys Taber. Sounds like it’s time to lay in the groceries with ice and snow on the way.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The author of Coastliners wrote "Chocolat". Chocolat was made into a movie, and was one of my very favorites of all time. So tell me, is the book good? I will look it up on Amazon. I suppose I cannot sing either. But I believe you have gifts that Louis Den loves so much better then being able to sing.

Arlene G said...

Linda I just finished a book that I think you would like, The Library at the End of the World. It is set in Ireland and it reminded me a bit of MS Pilcher, who is also one of my favorite authors. I love Gladys Tabor too. I have collected some of her books and every now and then I take them down and visit Stillmeadow again. I look forward to reading your book. I am sure it will be a good one!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I wondered about your book writing and give you loads of credit for giving it a try. From the way you write here in your blog, I'm sure it'll come from the heart. Glad you both have something to do even though it is cold. Having a place to slow down and take it easy is wonderful.

Beth said...

The book you are writing sounds very interesting but also quite personal. If you make this public, I'd love to buy a copy. You have a very interesting life. I enjoy reading your life journal, Linda.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love how sweet your life is. Sleeping late, coffee and spending time together!

Tina said...

Sounds like you've had a lot of great uninterrupted reading time lately, isn't it the best? Both books you posted about sound great and I'll be looking for them on my next trip to the library or thrift store! I'm reading "Winter Solstice" right now and loving it! Also I've never seen the movie "Gettysburg" but it looks good and like something my husband and I would enjoy watching together. Have a wonderful day!

Susie said...

Linda, So glad you are relaxing and enjoying your ranch time. LD just made himself a toolbox on wheels. LOL I really am anxious to read your book. :):) I am thrilled about the happy endings. Blessings to you , LD ,and all the families. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Debbie said...

i so enjoy your enthusiasm for reading and life!! you sleep late, enjoy reading and relaxing!! so nice to read about!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad to find you are still your busy bee self even when ranching it.... great idea on the casters. i am trying to remember if i saw Gettysburg. i like civil war movies. reading is my life... if someone said pick one, internet, tv, movies or books. books wins

Carole said...

Ok, I have never heard of Gladys Taber - after looking her up I see she wrote lots of books. I'm getting on to the library now. Thanks

Jill said...

I so love to read too! I don't think I've read any of her books before I will have to look them up. I'm currently reading Still Life With Bread Crumbs by Anna Quindlen. She has great books too. Gettysburg is a wonderful movie and I used to live right near the battlefields growing up. Always loved spending time there. Hope you are a having a good day.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Lovely chatty post.

I love to read too. I bought several of Rosalind Pilcher books at a used bookstore that was closing last year. 25 cents a book. Do you want them?

Brown said...

Dear Linda,
I so appreciate your honest, from the heart background. I, too, came from a childhood of contention and confusion. We, however, have been and continue to be estranged. I would love to read your book should you make it available. Thank you so much, Linda. I love reading your blog. Best regards, Jackie Brown

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a great time in the country. Good for you for writing a book and the healing it is giving you and family. That white one looks great. Bless you dear Linda!