Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Good Day in the Country!

Finally we have a string of pretty days and Louis Dean is back to working on his projects.

He's pretty happy about that!
Louis Dean is adding and 8 square foot room beside the bathroom.
Now we need a door so he cut out the wall and will go to town tomorrow and get one.
This is where we will put the water heater, washing machine and freezer. There will even be a window over the washing machine. 

So, while Louis Dean has been a happy camper, I have been doing my Susie Homemaker routine and writing, cooking and reading, of course!
Sherry and I walked on her lunch hour and it felt good.
I plan to walk with her every day we are here.

I went down early this evening, just as the sun was setting, with a big pail of scraps for the goats.
In cleaning out the pantry, I discovered a package of wheat hamburger buns from November.
Goats eat just about anything. So do the horses. I had just fed a good bit of what I had to goats when I looked up and the black and white horse was standing right beside me. He was just in time to get the broccoli. Then I saw the other two horses running towards me! I divided what was left between them. Nothing goes to waste down here!

After supper tonight we had a campfire.
I use all the paper wrappings and cardboard as starters and that keeps the fire going and the trash is taken care of.

Tonight we are watching the original MacGyver series from 1985.
Both Louis Dean and I watched it back then in our separate lives.
It's fun to be watching it again together.

In my writing today, I was back in 1962 as a 12 year old reading some of Dorothy Parker's books.

I plan on buying some of her books when I get home and revisit them.

I can relate to this!

In other news, Sabrina and Rayne arrived safely at home in Puerto Rico.

Rayne was happy to be back to the warmth of the island and wearing flip flops!!

It's been a good day to be in the country!
Hope you had a good day, where ever you are!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Louis Dean looks happy at the prospect of continued building! I think he is not happy unless he is building, making, or doing something. Isn't that wonderful! I never watched the first or the second McGyver. But I bet Louis Dean loves it! So my blog from wanted to now what the little house IS. I returned today and found out! It is on my blog now.

Vee said...

He does look happy! As does Rayne. Hope that things are much, much better in PR now. You watch out with the goodies. Sounded like a stampede.

BeachGypsy said...

That MacGuyver show was so good, I always loved it! Makes me think back to where I was in that era as well. I was taking care of my small children. Hey I just thought of something...wasn't MacGuyver named Richard DEAN Anderson?--and your man is Louis DEAN. ha ha LOL I always enjoy stopping in here to see what y'all have been up to. That campfire sure looks nice and inviting, so pretty!

Susie said...

Linda, I will say LD looks so very happy to be working . I like the Dorothy Parker quotes. I laughed about you and your animals. They know you so well now. I bet they miss you when you are gone back home.I would have to feed the horses first, as I love horses. I always liked the old MacGuyver series. Sweet little Rayne. She looks to be growing . Also very happy. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

NanaDiana said...

That room is going to be just wonderful, Linda. Lucky you! You have had so much fun with that camper and what a great getaway. Perfect that you will have a washer and dryer there. Does that go into a holding tank or septic tank or free flow out to an area back away from the trailer? We are looking at setting a trailer up semi-permanent on some property for summers so will have to figure all that out.

Hope you have a great Thursday- xo Diana

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the reflection and LD looks so darn cute sitting there on his creation. the new room will be wonderful. you are blessed to have a handyman in your life. glad Rayne and mom are back home safe and warm

Estelle's said...

That would be my dream, to live in the country with horses and goats...enjoy each day, as I know you do!

Tina said...

So nice that you finally got some nice weather! Louis Dean looks so happy to be working again and lucky you to have a window in your laundry room! I love the Dorothy Parker quote about the years being garments, that's one to remember! You are making me want to watch all the classic TV shows again, I'll have to be on the look out next time I go thrifting! Have a wonderful Thursday!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's great you got some nice weather. That extra room is going to make a lot of difference and you get an added bonus of a window! I can see the two of you spending more time there in the future.

Arlene G said...

LD reminds me of my grandad who built a house from scratch...he had some help but did the biggest part of it himself. He built it as he could afford it and it was fully his own when completed. Those men are Pioneers.:) I would love to wear some flip glad PR has electricity now.

Nancy Chan said...

Louise Dean looks a happy man when he can work on a project. You are blessed to have him! Life in the country is so much fun and healthier!

Bluebird49 said...

Y'all are a busy couple, going to bed with the chickens! ☺ Louis Dean keeps himself happily busy along with you---it makes for happy campers, doesn't it!!

Carole said...

Great Dorothy Parker quotes! Cheers

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

So glad you’re having such a good time on the ranch!